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小说: boyhood 字数: 每页4000字

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 never forgotten to say my prayers; either morning or evening。 Indeed; I can positively declare that it was during that hour in the store…room that I took the first step towards the religious doubt which afterwards assailed me during my youth (not that mere misfortune could arouse me to infidelity and murmuring; but that; at moments of utter contrition and solitude; the idea of the injustice of Providence took root in me as readily as bad seed takes root in land well soaked with rain)。 Also; I imagined that I was going to die there and then; and drew vivid pictures of St。 Jerome's astonishment when he entered the store…room and found a corpse there instead of myself! Likewise; recollecting what Natalia Savishna had told me of the forty days during which the souls of the departed must hover around their earthly home; I imagined myself flying through the rooms of Grandmamma's house; and seeing Lubotshka's bitter tears; and hearing Grandmamma's lamentations; and listening to Papa and St。 Jerome talking together。 〃He was a fine boy;〃 Papa would say with tears in his eyes。 〃Yes;〃 St。 Jerome would reply; 〃but a sad scapegrace and good…for…nothing。〃 〃But you should respect the dead;〃 would expostulate Papa。 〃YOU were the cause of his death; YOU frightened him until he could no longer bear the thought of the humiliation which you were about to inflict upon him。 Away from me; criminal!〃 Upon that St。 Jerome would fall upon his knees and implore forgiveness; and when the forty days were ended my soul would fly to Heaven; and see there something wonderfully beautiful; white; and transparent; and know that it was Mamma。

And that something would embrace and caress me。 Yet; all at once; I should feel troubled; and not know her。 〃If it be you;〃 I should say to her; 〃show yourself more distinctly; so that I may embrace you in return。〃 And her voice would answer me; 〃Do you not feel happy thus?〃 and I should reply; 〃Yes; I do; but you cannot REALLY caress me; and I cannot REALLY kiss your hand like this。〃 〃But it is not necessary;〃 she would say。 〃There can be happiness here without that;〃and I should feel that it was so; and we should ascend together; ever higher and higher; until

Suddenly I feel as though I am being thrown down again; and find myself sitting on the trunk in the dark store…room (my cheeks wet with tears and my thoughts in a mist); yet still repeating the words; 〃Let us ascend together; higher and higher。〃 Indeed; it was a long; long while before I could remember where I was; for at that moment my mind's eye saw only a dark; dreadful; illimitable void。 I tried to renew the happy; consoling dream which had been thus interrupted by the return to reality; but; to my surprise; I found that; as soon as ever I attempted to re…enter former dreams; their continuation became impossible; whilewhich astonished me even morethey no longer gave me pleasure。


I PASSED the night in the store…room; and nothing further happened; except that on the following morninga SundayI was removed to a small chamber adjoining the schoolroom; and once more shut up。 I began to hope that my punishment was going to be limited to confinement; and found my thoughts growing calmer under the influence of a sound; soft sleep; the clear sunlight playing upon the frost crystals of the windowpanes; and the familiar noises in the street。

Nevertheless; solitude gradually became intolerable。 I wanted to move about; and to communicate to some one all that was lying upon my heart; but not a living creature was near me。 The position was the more unpleasant because; willy…nilly; I could hear St。 Jerome walking about in his room; and softly whistling some hackneyed tune。 Somehow; I felt convinced that he was whistling not because he wanted to; but because he knew it annoyed me。

At two o'clock; he and Woloda departed downstairs; and Nicola brought me up some luncheon。 When I told him what I had done and what was awaiting me he said:

〃Pshaw; sir! Don't be alarmed。 'Keep on grinding; and you'll have flour。'〃

Although this expression (which also in later days has more than once helped me to preserve my firmness of mind) brought me a little comfort; the fact that I received; not bread and water only; but a whole luncheon; and even dessert; gave me much to think about。 If they had sent me no dessert; it would have meant that my punishment was to be limited to confinement; whereas it was now evident that I was looked upon as not yet punishedthat I was only being kept away from the others; as an evil…doer; until the due time of punishment。 While I was still debating the question; the key of my prison turned; and St。 Jerome entered with a severe; official air。

〃Come down and see your Grandmamma;〃 he said without looking at me。

I should have liked first to have brushed my jacket; since it was covered with dust; but St。 Jerome said that that was quite unnecessary; since I was in such a deplorable moral condition that my exterior was not worth considering。 As he led me through the salon; Katenka; Lubotshka; and Woloda looked at me with much the same expression as we were wont to look at the convicts who on certain days filed past my grandmother's house。 Likewise; when I approached Grandmamma's arm…chair to kiss her hand; she withdrew it; and thrust it under her mantilla。

〃Well; my dear;〃 she began after a long pause; during which she regarded me from head to foot with the kind of expression which makes one uncertain where to look or what to do; 〃I must say that you seem to value my love very highly; and afford me great consolation。〃 Then she went on; with an emphasis on each word; 〃Monsieur St。 Jerome; who; at my request; undertook your education; says that he can no longer remain in the house。 And why? Simply because of you。〃 Another pause ensued。 Presently she continued in a tone which clearly showed that her speech had been prepared beforehand; 〃I had hoped that you would be grateful for all his care; and for all the trouble that he has taken with you; that you would have appreciated his services; but youyou baby; you silly boy!you actually dare to raise your hand against him! Very well; very good。 I am beginning to think that you cannot understand kind treatment; but require to be treated in a very different and humiliating fashion。 Go now directly and beg his pardon;〃 she added in a stern and peremptory tone as she pointed to St。 Jerome; 〃Do you hear me?〃

I followed the direction of her finger with my eye; but on that member alighting upon St。 Jerome's coat; I turned my head away; and once more felt my heart beating violently as I remained where I was。

〃What? Did you not hear me when I told you what to do?〃

I was trembling all over; but I would not stir。

〃Koko;〃 went on my grandmother; probably divining my inward sufferings; 〃Koko;〃 she repeated in a voice tender rather than harsh; 〃is this you?〃

〃Grandmamma; I cannot beg his pardon for〃 and I stopped suddenly; for I felt the next word refuse to come for the tears that were choking me。

〃But I ordered you; I begged of you; to do so。 What is the matter with you?〃

〃I…I…I will notI cannot!〃 I gasped; and the tears; long pent up and accumulated in my breast; burst forth like a stream which breaks its dikes and goes flowing madly over the country。

〃C'est ainsi que vous obeissez a votre seconde mere; c'est ainsi que vous reconnaissez ses bontes!〃 remarked St。 Jerome quietly; 〃A genoux!〃

〃Good God! If SHE had seen this!〃 exclaimed Grandmamma; turning from me and wiping away her tears。 〃If she had seen this! It may be all for the best; yet she could never have survived such griefnever!〃 and Grandmamma wept more and more。 I too wept; but it never occurred to me to ask for pardon。

〃Tranquillisez…vous au nom du ciel; Madame la Comtesse;〃 said St。 Jerome; but Grandmamma heard him not。 She covered her face with her hands; and her sobs soon passed to hiccups and hysteria。 Mimi and Gasha came running in with frightened faces; salts and spirits were applied; and the whole house was soon in a ferment。

〃You may feel pleased at your work;〃 said St。 Jerome to me as he led me from the room。

〃Good God! What have I done?〃 I thought to myself。 〃Wha

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