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小说: boyhood 字数: 每页4000字

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osing near the bench on which his aged father was lying asleep; face downwards; and suddenly raise the implement in order to observe with unconscious curiosity how the blood would come spurting out upon the floor if he made a wound in the sleeper's neck。 It is under the same influencethe same absence of thought; the same instinctive curiositythat a man finds delight in standing on the brink of an abyss and thinking to himself; 〃How if I were to throw myself down?〃 or in holding to his brow a loaded pistol and wondering; 〃What if I were to pull the trigger?〃 or in feeling; when he catches sight of some universally respected personage; that he would like to go up to him; pull his nose hard; and say; 〃How do you do; old boy?〃

Under the spell; then; of this instinctive agitation and lack of reflection I was moved to put out my tongue; and to say that I would not move; when St。 Jerome came down and told me that I had behaved so badly that day; as well as done my lessons so ill; that I had no right to be where I was; and must go upstairs directly。

At first; from astonishment and anger; he could not utter a word。

〃C'est bien!〃 he exclaimed eventually as he darted towards me。 〃Several times have I promised to punish you; and you have been saved from it by your Grandmamma; but now I see that nothing but the cane will teach you obedience; and you shall therefore taste it。〃

This was said loud enough for every one to hear。 The blood rushed to my heart with such vehemence that I could feel that organ beating violentlycould feel the colour rising to my cheeks and my lips trembling。 Probably I looked horrible at that moment; for; avoiding my eye; St。 Jerome stepped forward and caught me by the hand。 Hardly feeling his touch; I pulled away my hand in blind fury; and with all my childish might struck him。

〃What are you doing?〃 said Woloda; who had seen my behaviour; and now approached me in alarm and astonishment。

〃Let me alone!〃 I exclaimed; the tears flowing fast。 〃Not a single one of you loves me or understands how miserable I am! You are all of you odious and disgusting!〃 I added bluntly; turning to the company at large。

At this moment St。 Jeromehis face pale; but determined approached me again; and; with a movement too quick to admit of any defence; seized my hands as with a pair of tongs; and dragged me away。 My head swam with excitement; and I can only remember that; so long as I had strength to do it; I fought with head and legs; that my nose several times collided with a pair of knees; that my teeth tore some one's coat; that all around me I could hear the shuffling of feet; and that I could smell dust and the scent of violets with which St。 Jerome used to perfume himself。

Five minutes later the door of the store…room closed behind me。

〃Basil;〃 said a triumphant but detestable voice; 〃bring me the cane。〃


Could I at that moment have supposed that I should ever live to survive the misfortunes of that day; or that there would ever come a time when I should be able to look back upon those misfortunes composedly?

As I sat there thinking over what I had done; I could not imagine what the matter had been with me。 I only felt with despair that I was for ever lost。

At first the most profound stillness reigned around meat least; so it appeared to me as compared with the violent internal emotion which I had been experiencing; but by and by I began to distinguish various sounds。 Basil brought something downstairs which he laid upon a chest outside。 It sounded like a broom… stick。 Below me I could hear St。 Jerome's grumbling voice (probably he was speaking of me); and then children's voices and laughter and footsteps; until in a few moments everything seemed to have regained its normal course in the house; as though nobody knew or cared to know that here was I sitting alone in the dark store…room!

I did not cry; but something lay heavy; like a stone; upon my heart。 Ideas and pictures passed with extraordinary rapidity before my troubled imagination; yet through their fantastic sequence broke continually the remembrance of the misfortune which had befallen me as I once again plunged into an interminable labyrinth of conjectures as to the punishment; the fate; and the despair that were awaiting me。 The thought occurred to me that there must be some reason for the general dislikeeven contemptwhich I fancied to be felt for me by others。 I was firmly convinced that every one; from Grandmamma down to the coachman Philip; despised me; and found pleasure in my sufferings。 Next an idea struck me that perhaps I was not the son of my father and mother at all; nor Woloda's brother; but only some unfortunate orphan who had been adopted by them out of compassion; and this absurd notion not only afforded me a certain melancholy consolation; but seemed to me quite probable。 I found it comforting to think that I was unhappy; not through my own fault; but because I was fated to be so from my birth; and conceived that my destiny was very much like poor Karl Ivanitch's。

〃Why conceal the secret any longer; now that I have discovered it?〃 I reflected。 〃To…morrow I will go to Papa and say to him; 'It is in vain for you to try and conceal from me the mystery of my birth。 I know it already。' And he will answer me; 'What else could I do; my good fellow? Sooner or later you would have had to know that you are not my son; but were adopted as such。 Nevertheless; so long as you remain worthy of my love; I will never cast you out。' Then I shall say; 'Papa; though I have no right to call you by that name; and am now doing so for the last time; I have always loved you; and shall always retain that love。 At the same time; while I can never forget that you have been my benefactor; I cannot remain longer in your house。 Nobody here loves me; and St。 Jerome has wrought my ruin。 Either he or I must go forth; since I cannot answer for myself。 I hate the man so that I could do anythingI could even kill him。' Papa will begin to entreat me; but I shall make a gesture; and say; 'No; no; my friend and benefactor! We cannot live together。 Let me go'and for the last time I shall embrace him; and say in French; 'O mon pere; O mon bienfaiteur; donne moi; pour la derniere fois; ta benediction; et que la volonte de Dieu soit faite!'〃

I sobbed bitterly at these thoughts as I sat on a trunk in that dark storeroom。 Then; suddenly recollecting the shameful punishment which was awaiting me; I would find myself back again in actuality; and the dreams had fled。 Soon; again; I began to fancy myself far away from the house and alone in the world。 I enter a hussar regiment and go to war。 Surrounded by the foe on every side; I wave my sword; and kill one of them and wound anotherthen a third;then a fourth。 At last; exhausted with loss of blood and fatigue; I fall to the ground and cry; 〃Victory!〃 The general comes to look for me; asking; 〃Where is our saviour?〃 whereupon I am pointed out to him。 He embraces me; and; in his turn; exclaims with tears of joy; 〃Victory!〃  I recover and; with my arm in a black sling; go to walk on the boulevards。 I am a general now。 I meet the Emperor; who asks; 〃Who is this young man who has been wounded?〃 He is told that it is the famous hero Nicolas; whereupon he approaches me and says; 〃My thanks to you! Whatsoever you may ask for; I will grant it。〃 To this I bow respectfully; and; leaning on my sword; reply; 〃I am happy; most august Emperor; that I have been able to shed my blood for my country。 I would gladly have died for it。 Yet; since you are so generous as to grant any wish of mine; I venture to ask of you permission to annihilate my enemy; the foreigner St。 Jerome〃 And then I step fiercely before St。 Jerome and say; 〃YOU were the cause of all my fortunes! Down now on your knees!〃

Unfortunately this recalled to my mind the fact that at any moment the REAL St。 Jerome might be entering with the cane; so that once more I saw myself; not a general and the saviour of my country; but an unhappy; pitiful creature。

Then the idea of God occurred to me; and I asked Him boldly why He had punished me thus; seeing that I had never forgotten to say my prayers; either morning or evening。 Indeed; I can positively declare that

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