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foreigners。 Hence they sought; by a system of restrictions;

privileges; and encouragements; to transplant on to their native

soil the wealth; the talents; and the spirit of enterprise of the

foreigners。 This policy was pursued with greater or lesser; with

speedier or more tardy success; just in proportion as the measures

adopted were more or less judiciously adapted to the object in

view; and applied and pursued with more or less energy and


    England; above all other nations; has adopted this policy。

Often interrupted in its execution from the want of intelligence

and self…restraint on the part of her rulers; or owing to internal

commotions and foreign wars; it first assumed the character of a

settled and practically efficient policy under Edward VI;

Elizabeth; and the revolutionary period。 For how could the measures

of Edward III work satisfactorily when it was not till under Henry

VI that the law permitted the carriage of corn from one English

county to another; or the shipment of it to foreign parts; when

still under Henry VII and Henry VIII all interest on money; even

discount on bills; was held to be usury; and when it was still

thought at the time that trade might be encouraged by fixing by law

at a low figure the price of woollen goods and the rate of wages;

and that the production of corn could be increased by prohibiting

sheep farming on a large scale?

    And how much sooner would England's woollen manufactures and

maritime trade have reached a high standard of prosperity had not

Henry VIII regarded a rise in the prices of corn as an evil; had

he; instead of driving foreign workmen by wholesale from the

kingdom; sought like his predecessors to augment their number by

encouraging their immigration; and had not Henry VII refused his

sanction to the Act of Navigation as proposed by Parliament?

    In France we see native manufactures; free internal

intercourse; foreign trade; fisheries; navigation; and naval power

 in a word; all the attributes of a great; mighty; and rich

nation (which it had cost England the persevering efforts of

centuries to acquire)  called into existence by a great genius

within the space of a few years; as it were by a magician's wand;

and afterwards all of them yet more speedily annihilated by the

iron hand of fanaticism and despotism。

    We see the principle of free trade contending in vain under

unfavourable conditions against restriction powerfully enforced;

the Hanseatic League is ruined; while Holland sinks under the blows

of England and France。

    That a restrictive commercial policy can be operative for good

only so far as it is supported by the progressive civilisation and

free institutions of a nation; we learn from the decay of Venice;

Spain; and Portugal; from the relapse of France in consequence of

the revocation of the Edict of Nantes; and from the history of

England; in which country liberty kept pace at all times with the

advance of industry; trade; and national wealth。

    That; on the contrary; a highly advanced state of civilisation;

with or without free institutions; unless supported by a suitable

system of commercial policy; will prove but a poor guarantee for a

nation's economic progress; may be learnt on the one hand from the

history of the North American free states; and on the other from

the experience of Germany。

    Modern Germany; lacking a system of vigorous and united

commercial policy; exposed in her home markets to competition with

a foreign manufacturing power in every way superior to her own;

while excluded at the same time from foreign markets by arbitrary

and often capricious restrictions; and very far indeed from making

that progress in industry to which her degree of culture entitles

her; cannot even maintain her previously acquired position; and is

made a convenience of (like a colony) by that very nation which

centuries ago was worked upon in like manner by the merchants of

Germany; until at last the German states have resolved to secure

their home markets for their own industry; by the adoption of a

united vigorous system of commercial policy。

    The North American free states; who; more than any other nation

before them; are in a position to benefit by freedom of trade; and

influenced even from the very cradle of their independence by the

doctrines of the cosmopolitan school; are striving more than any

other nation to act on that principle。 But owing to wars with Great

Britain; we find that nation twice compelled to manufacture at home

the goods which it previously purchased under free trade from other

countries; and twice; after the conclusion of peace; brought to the

brink of ruin by free competition with foreigners; and thereby

admonished of the fact that under the present conditions of the

world every great nation must seek the guarantees of its continued

prosperity and independence; before all other things; in the

independent and uniform development of its own powers and


    Thus history shows that restrictions are not so much the

inventions of mere speculative minds; as the natural consequences

of the diversity of interests; and of the strivings of nations

after independence or overpowering ascendency; and thus of national

emulation and wars; and therefore that they cannot be dispensed

with until this conflict of national interests shall cease; in

other words until all nations can be united under one and the same

system of law。 Thus the question as to whether; and how; the

various nations can be brought into one united federation; and how

the decisions of law can be invoked in the place of military force

to determine the differences which arise between independent

nations; has to be solved concurrently with the question how

universal free trade can be established in the place of separate

national commercial systems。

    The attempts which have been made by single nations to

introduce freedom of trade in face of a nation which is predominant

in industry; wealth; and power; no less than distinguished for an

exclusive tariff system  as Portugal did in 1703; France in 1786;

North America in 1786 and 1816; Russia from 1815 till 1821; and as

Germany has done for centuries  go to show us that in this way

the prosperity of individual nations is sacrificed; without benefit

to mankind in general; solely for the enrichment of the predominant

manufacturing and commercial nation。 Switzerland (as we hope to

show in the sequel) constitutes an exception; which proves just as

much as it proves little for or against one or the other system。

    Colbert appears to us not to have been the inventor of that

system which the Italians have named after him; for; as we have

seen; it was fully elaborated by the English long before his time。

Colbert only put in practice what France; if she wished to fulfil

her destinies; was bound to carry out sooner or later。 If Colbert

is to be blamed at all; it can only be charged against him that he

attempted to put into force under a despotic government a system

which could subsist only after a fundamental reform of the

political conditions。 But against this reproach to Colbert's memory

it may very well be argued that; had his system been continued by

wise princes and sagacious ministers; it would in all probability

have removed by means of reforms all those hindrances which stood

in the way of progress in manufactures; agriculture; and trade; as

well as of national freedom; and France would th

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