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nowhere else is a sense of self…reliance so indispensable。 Hence

history cannot point to a single example of an enslaved people

taking a prominent part in navigation。 The Hindoos; the Chinese;

and the Japanese have ever strictly confined their efforts to canal

and river navigation and the coasting trade。 In ancient Egypt

maritime navigation was held in abhorrence; probably because

priests and rulers dreaded lest by means of it the spirit of

freedom and independence should be encouraged。 The freest and most

enlightened states of ancient Greece were also the most powerful at

sea; their naval power ceased with their freedom; and however much

history may narrate of the victories of the kings of Macedonia on

land; she is silent as to their victories at sea。

    When were the Romans powerful at sea; and when is nothing more

heard of their fleets? When did Italy lay down the law in the

Mediterranean; and since when has her very coasting trade fallen

into the hands of foreigners? Upon the Spanish navy the Inquisition

had passed sentence of death long ere the English and the Dutch

fleets had executed the decree。 With the coming into power of the

mercantile oligarchies in the Hanse Towns; power and the spirit of

enterprise took leave of the Hanseatic League。

    Of the Spanish Netherlands only the maritime provinces achieved

their freedom; whereas those held in subjection by the Inquisition

had even to submit to the closing of their rivers。 The English

fleet; victorious over the Dutch in the Channel; now took

possession of the dominion of the seas; which the spirit of freedom

had assigned to England long before; and yet Holland; down to our

own days; has retained a large proportion of her mercantile marine;

whereas that of the Spaniards and the Portuguese is almost

annihilated。 In vain were the efforts of a great individual

minister now and then under the despotic kings of France to create

a fleet; for it invariably went again to ruin。

    But how is it that at the present day we witness the growing

strength of French navigation and naval power? Hardly had the

independence of the United States of North America come to life;

when we find the Americans contending with renown against the giant

fleets of the mother country。 But what is the position of the

Central and South American nations? So long as their flags wave not

over every sea; but little dependence can be placed upon the

effectiveness of their republican forms of government。 Contrast

these with Texas; a territory that has scarcely attained to

political life; and yet already claims its share in the realm of


    But navigation is merely one part of the industrial power of a

nation  a part which can flourish and attain to importance only

in conjunction with all the other complementary parts。 Everywhere

and at all times we see navigation; inland and foreign trade; and

even agriculture itself; flourish only where manufactures have

reached a high state of prosperity。 But if freedom be an

indispensable condition for the prosperity of navigation; how much

wore must it be so for the prosperity of the manufacturing power;

for the growth of the entire producing power of a nation? History

contains no record of a rich; commercial; and industrial community

that was not at the same time in the enjoyment of freedom。

    Manufactures everywhere first brought into operation improved

weans of transport; improved river navigation; improved highways;

steam navigation and railways; which constitute the fundamental

elements of improved systems of agriculture and of civilisation。

    History teaches that arts and trades migrated from city to

city; from one country to another。 Persecuted and oppressed at

home; they took refuge in cities and in countries where freedom;

protection; and support were assured to them。 In this way they

migrated from Greece and Asia to Italy; from Italy to Germany;

Flanders; and Brabant; and from thence to Holland and England。

Everywhere it was want of sense and despotism that drove them away;

and the spirit of freedom that attracted them。 But for the folly of

the Continental governments; England would have had difficulty in

attaining supremacy in industry。 But does it appear more consistent

with wisdom for us in Germany to wait patiently until other nations

are impolitic enough to drive out their industries and thus compel

them to seek a refuge with us; or that we should; without waiting

for such contingencies; invite them by proffered advantages to

settle down amongst us?

    It is true that experience teaches that the wind bears the seed

from one region to another; and that thus waste moorlands have been

transformed into dense forests; but would it on that account be

wise policy for the forester to wait until the wind in the course

of ages effects this transformation?

    Is it unwise on his part if by sowing and planting he seeks to

attain the same object within a few decades? History tells us that

whole nations have successfully accomplished that which we see the

forester do? Single free cities; or small republics and

confederations of such cities and states; limited in territorial

possessions; of small population and insignificant military power;

but fortified by the energy of youthful freedom and favoured by

geographical position as well as by fortunate circumstances and

opportunities; flourished by means of manufactures and commerce

long before the great monarchies; and by free commercial

intercourse with the latter; by which they exported to them

manufactured goods and imported raw produce in exchange; raised

themselves to a high degree of wealth and power。 Thus did Venice;

the Hanse Towns the Belgians and the Dutch。

    Nor was this system of free trade less profitable at first to

the great monarchies themselves; with whom these smaller

communities had commercial intercourse。 For; having regard to the

wealth of their natural resources and to their undeveloped social

condition the free importation of foreign manufactured goods and

the exportation of native produce presented the surest and most

effectual means of developing their own powers of production; of

instilling habits of industry into their subjects who were addicted

to idleness and turbulence; of inducing their landowners and nobles

to feel an interest in industry; of arousing the dormant spirit of

enterprise amongst their merchants; and especially of raising their

own civilisation; industry; and power。

    These effects were learned generally by Great Britain from the

trade and manufacturing industry of the Italians; the Hansards; the

Belgians; and the Dutch。 But having attained to a certain grade of

development by means of free trade; the great monarchies perceived

that the highest degree of civilisation; power; and wealth can only

be attained by a combination of manufactures and commerce with

agriculture。 They perceived that their newly established native

manufactures could never hope to succeed in free competition with

the old and long established manufactures of foreigners; that their

native fisheries and native mercantile marine; the foundations of

their naval power; could never make successful progress without

special privileges; and that the spirit of enterprise of their

native merchants would always be kept down by the overwhelming

reserves of capital; the greater experience and sagacity of the

foreigners。 Hence they sought; by a system of restrictions;

privileges; and encouragements; 

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