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with the coasts of the White Sea。

    But the great increase of her industry; and especially of her

civilisation; dates from the reign of Peter the Great。 The history

of Russia during the last hundred and forty years offers a most

striking proof of the great influence of national unity and

political circumstances on the economic welfare of a nation。

    To the imperial power which established and maintained this

union of innumerable Barbaric hordes; Russia owes the foundations

of her manufactures; her vast progress in agriculture and

population; the facilities offered to her interior traffic by the

construction of canals and roads; a very large foreign trade; and

her standing as a commercial power。

    Russia's independent system of trade dates; however; only from

the year 1821。

    Under Catherine II。 trade and manufactures had certainly made

some progress; on account of the privileges she offered to foreign

artisans and manufacturers; but the culture of the nation was still

too imperfect to allow of its getting beyond the first stages in

the manufacture of iron; glass; linen; &c。; and especially in those

branches of industry in which the country was specially favoured by

its agricultural and mineral wealth。

    Besides this; further progress in manufactures would not; at

that time; have been conducive to the economic interests of the

nation。 If foreign countries had taken in payment the provisions;

raw material; and rude manufactures which Russia was able to

furnish if; further; no wars and exterior events had intervened;

Russia by means of intercourse with nations more advanced than

herself would have been much more prosperous; and her culture in

general would in consequence of this intercourse have made greater

progress than under the manufacturing system。 But wars and the

Continental blockade; and the commercial regulations of foreign

nations; compelled her to seek prosperity in other ways than by the

export of raw materials and the import of manufactures。 In

consequence of these; the previous commercial relations of Russia

by sea were disturbed。 Her overland trade with the western

continent could not make up for these losses; and she found it

necessary; therefore; to work up her raw materials herself。 After

the establishiment of the general peace; a desire arose to return

to the old system。 The Government; and even the Emperor; were

inclined to favour free trade。 In Russia; the writings of Herr

Storch enjoyed as high a reputation as those of Mons Say in

Germany。 People were not alarmed by the first shocks which the home

manufactories; which had arisen during the Continental Blockade;

suffered owing to English competition。 The theorists maintained

that if these shocks could only be endured once for all; the

blessings of free trade would follow。 And indeed the circumstances

of the commercial world at the time were uncommonly favourable to

this transition。 The failure of crops in Western Europe caused a

great export of agricultural produce; by which Russia for a long

time gained ample means to balance her large importation of

manufactured goods。

    But when this extraordinary demand for Russian agricultural

produce had ceased; when; on the other hand; England had imposed

restrictions on the import of corn for the benefit of her

aristocracy; and on that of foreign timber for the benefit of

Canada; the ruin of Russia's home manufactories and the excessive

import of foreign manufactures made itself doubly felt。 Although

people had formerly; with Herr Storch; considered the balance of

trade as a chimera; to believe in the existence of which was; for

a reasonable and enlightened man; no less outrageous and ridiculous

than the belief in witchcraft in the seventeenth century had been;

it was now seen with alarm that there must be something of the

nature of a balance of trade as between independent nations。 The

most enlightened and discerning statesman of Russia; Count

Nesselrode; did not hesitate to confess to this belief。 He declared

in an official circular of 1821: 'Russia finds herself compelled by

circumstances to take up an independent system of trade; the

products of the empire have found no foreign market; the home

manufactures are ruined or on the point of being so; all the ready

money of the country flows towards foreign lands; and the most

substantial trading firms are nearly ruined。' The beneficial

effects of the Russian protective system contributed no less than

the injurious consequences of the re…establishment of free trade

had done to bring into discredit the principles and assertions of

the theorists。 Foreign capital; talent; and labour flowed into the

country from all civilised lands; especially from England and

Germany; in order to share in the advantages offered by the home


    The nobility imitated the policy of the Empire at large。 As

they could obtain no foreign market for their produce; they

attempted to solve the problem inversely by bringing the market

into proximity with the produce  they established manufactories

on their estates。 In consequence of the demand for fine wool

produced by the newly created woollen manufactories; the breed of

sheep was rapidly improved。 Foreign trade increased; instead of

declining; particularly that with China; Persia; and other

neighbouring countries of Asia。 The commercial crises entirely

ceased; and one need only read the latest reports of the Russian

Minister of Commerce to be convinced that Russia owes a large

measure of prosperity to this system; and that she is increasing

her national wealth and power by enormous strides。

    It is foolish for Germans to try to make little of this

progress and to complain of the injury which it has caused to the

north…eastern provinces of Germany。 Each nation; like each

individual; has its own interests nearest at heart。 Russia is not

called upon to care for the welfare of Germany; Germany must care

for Germany; and Russia for Russia。 It would be much better;

instead of complaining; instead of hoping and waiting and expecting

the Messiah of a future free trade; to throw the cosmopolitan

system into the fire and take a lesson from the example of Russia。

    That England should look with jealousy on this commercial

policy of Russia is very natural。 By its means Russia has

emancipated herself from England; and has qualified herself to

enter into competition with her in Asia。 Even if England

manufactures more cheaply; this advantage will in the trade with

Central Asia be outweighed by the proximity of the Russian Empire

and by its political influence。 Although Russia may still be; in

comparison with Europe; but a slightly civilised country; yet; as

compared with Asia; she is a civilised one。

    Meantime; it cannot be denied that the want of civilisation and

political institutions will greatly hinder Russia in her further

industrial and commercial progress; especially if the Imperial

Government does not succeed in harmonising her political conditions

with the requirements of industry; by the introduction of efficient

municipal and provincial constitutions; by the gradual limitation

and final abolition of serfdom; by the formation of an educated

middle class and a free peasant class; and by the completion of

means of internal transport and of communication with Central Asia。

These are the conquests to which Russia is called in the present

century; and on them depends her further progress in agriculture

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