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小说: reformers 字数: 每页4000字

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questions of social reform。  But the revolt against the spirit of

commerce; the spirit of aristocracy; and the inveterate abuses of

cities; did not appear possible to individuals; and to do battle

against numbers; they armed themselves with numbers; and against

concert; they relied on new concert。  Following; or advancing beyond

the ideas of St。  Simon; of Fourier; and of Owen; three communities

have already been formed in Massachusetts on kindred plans; and many

more in the country at large。  They aim to give every member a share

in the manual labor; to give an equal reward to labor and to talent;

and to unite a liberal culture with an education to labor。  The

scheme offers; by the economies of associated labor and expense; to

make every member rich; on the same amount of property; that; in

separate families; would leave every member poor。  These new

associations are composed of men and women of superior talents and

sentiments: yet it may easily be questioned; whether such a community

will draw; except in its beginnings; the able and the good; whether

those who have energy; will not prefer their chance of superiority

and power in the world; to the humble certainties of the association;

whether such a retreat does not promise to become an assylum to those

who have tried and failed; rather than a field to the strong; and

whether the members will not necessarily be fractions of men; because

each finds that he cannot enter it; without some compromise。

Friendship and association are very fine things; and a grand phalanx

of the best of the human race; banded for some catholic object: yes;

excellent; but remember that no society can ever be so large as one

man。  He in his friendship; in his natural and momentary

associations; doubles or multiplies himself; but in the hour in which

he mortgages himself to two or ten or twenty; he dwarfs himself below

the stature of one。  But the men of less faith could not thus

believe; and to such; concert appears the sole specific of strength。

I have failed; and you have failed; but perhaps together we shall not

fail。  Our housekeeping is not satisfactory to us; but perhaps a

phalanx; a community; might be。  Many of us have differed in opinion;

and we could find no man who could make the truth plain; but possibly

a college; or an ecclesiastical council might。  I have not been able

either to persuade my brother or to prevail on myself; to disuse the

traffic or the potation of brandy; but perhaps a pledge of total

abstinence might effectually restrain us。  The candidate my party

votes for is not to be trusted with a dollar; but he will be honest

in the Senate; for we can bring public opinion to bear on him。  Thus

concert was the specific in all cases。  But concert is neither better

nor worse; neither more nor less potent than individual force。  All

the men in the world cannot make a statue walk and speak; cannot make

a drop of blood; or a blade of grass; any more than one man can。  But

let there be one man; let there be truth in two men; in ten men; then

is concert for the first time possible; because the force which moves

the world is a new quality; and can never be furnished by adding

whatever quantities of a different kind。  What is the use of the

concert of the false and the disunited?  There can be no concert in

two; where there is no concert in one。  When the individual is not

_individual;_ but is dual; when his thoughts look one way; and his

actions another; when his faith is traversed by his habits; when his

will; enlightened by reason; is warped by his sense; when with one

hand he rows; and with the other backs water; what concert can be?  I

do not wonder at the interest these projects inspire。  The world is

awaking to the idea of union; and these experiments show what it is

thinking of。  It is and will be magic。  Men will live and

communicate; and plough; and reap; and govern; as by added ethereal

power; when once they are united; as in a celebrated experiment; by

expiration and respiration exactly together; four persons lift a

heavy man from the ground by the little finger only; and without

sense of weight。  But this union must be inward; and not one of

covenants; and is to be reached by a reverse of the methods they use。

The union is only perfect; when all the uniters are isolated。  It is

the union of friends who live in different streets or towns。  Each

man; if he attempts to join himself to others; is on all sides

cramped and diminished of his proportion; and the stricter the union;

the smaller and the more pitiful he is。  But leave him alone; to

recognize in every hour and place the secret soul; he will go up and

down doing the works of a true member; and; to the astonishment of

all; the work will be done with concert; though no man spoke。

Government will be adamantine without any governor。  The union must

be ideal in actual individualism。  I pass to the indication in some

particulars of that faith in man; which the heart is preaching to us

in these days; and which engages the more regard; from the

consideration; that the speculations of one generation are the

history of the next following。  In alluding just now to our system of

education; I spoke of the deadness of its details。  But it is open to

graver criticism than the palsy of its members: it is a system of

despair。  The disease with which the human mind now labors; is want

of faith。  Men do not believe in a power of education。  We do not

think we can speak to divine sentiments in man; and we do not try。

We renounce all high aims。  We believe that the defects of so many

perverse and so many frivolous people; who make up society; are

organic; and society is a hospital of incurables。  A man of good

sense but of little faith; whose compassion seemed to lead him to

church as often as he went there; said to me; 〃that he liked to have

concerts; and fairs; and churches; and other public amusements go

on。〃 I am afraid the remark is too honest; and comes from the same

origin as the maxim of the tyrant; 〃If you would rule the world

quietly; you must keep it amused。〃 I notice too; that the ground on

which eminent public servants urge the claims of popular education is

fear: ‘This country is filling up with thousands and millions of

voters; and you must educate them to keep them from our throats。' We

do not believe that any education; any system of philosophy; any

influence of genius; will ever give depth of insight to a superficial

mind。  Having settled ourselves into this infidelity; our skill is

expended to procure alleviations; diversion; opiates。  We adorn the

victim with manual skill; his tongue with languages; his body with

inoffensive and comely manners。  So have we cunningly hid the tragedy

of limitation and inner death we cannot avert。  Is it strange that

society should be devoured by a secret melancholy; which breaks

through all its smiles; and all its gayety and games?  But even one

step farther our infidelity has gone。  It appears that some doubt is

felt by good and wise men; whether really the happiness and probity

of men is increased by the culture of the mind in those disciplines

to which we give the name of education。  Unhappily; too; the doubt

comes from scholars; from persons who have tried these methods。  In

their experience; the scholar was not raised by the sacred thoughts

amongst which he dwelt; but used them to selfish ends。  He was a

profane person; and became a showman; turning his gifts to a

marketable use; and not to his own sustenance and growth。  It was

found that the intellect could be independently developed; that is;

in separation from the man; as any single organ can be invigorated;

and the result was monstrous。  A canine appetite for knowledge was

generated; which must still be fed; but was never satisfied; and this

knowledge not being directed on action; never took the character of

substantial; humane truth; blessing those whom it entered。  It gave

the scholar certa

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