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小说: reformers 字数: 每页4000字

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taxed with a want of truth and nature。  It was complained that an

education to things was not given。  We are students of words: we are

shut up in schools; and colleges; and recitation…rooms; for ten or

fifteen years; and come out at last with a bag of wind; a memory of

words; and do not know a thing。  We cannot use our hands; or our

legs; or our eyes; or our arms。  We do not know an edible root in the

woods; we cannot tell our course by the stars; nor the hour of the

day by the sun。  It is well if we can swim and skate。  We are afraid

of a horse; of a cow; of a dog; of a snake; of a spider。  The Roman

rule was; to teach a boy nothing that he could not learn standing。

The old English rule was; ‘All summer in the field; and all winter in

the study。' And it seems as if a man should learn to plant; or to

fish; or to hunt; that he might secure his subsistence at all events;

and not be painful to his friends and fellow men。  The lessons of

science should be experimental also。  The sight of the planet through

a telescope; is worth all the course on astronomy: the shock of the

electric spark in the elbow; out…values all the theories; the taste

of the nitrous oxide; the firing of an artificial volcano; are better

than volumes of chemistry。  One of the traits of the new spirit; is

the inquisition it fixed on our scholastic devotion to the dead

languages。  The ancient languages; with great beauty of structure;

contain wonderful remains of genius; which draw; and always will

draw; certain likeminded men;  Greek men; and Roman men; in all

countries; to their study; but by a wonderful drowsiness of usage;

they had exacted the study of _all_ men。  Once (say two centuries

ago); Latin and Greek had a strict relation to all the science and

culture there was in Europe; and the Mathematics had a momentary

importance at some era of activity in physical science。  These things

became stereotyped as _education;_ as the manner of men is。  But the

Good Spirit never cared for the colleges; and though all men and boys

were now drilled in Latin; Greek; and Mathematics; it had quite left

these shells high and dry on the beach; and was now creating and

feeding other matters at other ends of the world。  But in a hundred

high schools and colleges; this warfare against common sense still

goes on。  Four; or six; or ten years; the pupil is parsing Greek and

Latin; and as soon as he leaves the University; as it is ludicrously

called; he shuts those books for the last time。  Some thousands of

young men are graduated at our colleges in this country every year;

and the persons who; at forty years; still read Greek; can all be

counted on your hand。  I never met with ten。  Four or five persons I

have seen who read Plato。  But is not this absurd; that the whole

liberal talent of this country should be directed in its best years

on studies which lead to nothing?  What was the consequence?  Some

intelligent persons said or thought; ‘Is that Greek and Latin some

spell to conjure with; and not words of reason?  If the physician;

the lawyer; the divine; never use it to come at their ends; I need

never learn it to come at mine。  Conjuring is gone out of fashion;

and I will omit this conjugating; and go straight to affairs。' So

they jumped the Greek and Latin; and read law; medicine; or sermons;

without it。  To the astonishment of all; the self…made men took even

ground at once with the oldest of the regular graduates; and in a few

months the most conservative circles of Boston and New York had quite

forgotten who of their gownsmen was college…bred; and who was not。

One tendency appears alike in the philosophical speculation; and in

the rudest democratical movements; through all the petulance and all

the puerility; the wish; namely; to cast aside the superfluous; and

arrive at short methods; urged; as I suppose; by an intuition that

the human spirit is equal to all emergencies; alone; and that man is

more often injured than helped by the means he uses。  I conceive this

gradual casting off of material aids; and the indication of growing

trust in the private; self…supplied powers of the individual; to be

the affirmative principle of the recent philosophy: and that it is

feeling its own profound truth; and is reaching forward at this very

hour to the happiest conclusions。  I readily concede that in this; as

in every period of intellectual activity; there has been a noise of

denial and protest; much was to be resisted; much was to be got rid

of by those who were reared in the old; before they could begin to

affirm and to construct。  Many a reformer perishes in his removal of

rubbish;  and that makes the offensiveness of the class。  They are

partial; they are not equal to the work they pretend。  They lose

their way; in the assault on the kingdom of darkness; they expend all

their energy on some accidental evil; and lose their sanity and power

of benefit。  It is of little moment that one or two; or twenty errors

of our social system be corrected; but of much that the man be in his

senses。  The criticism and attack on institutions which we have

witnessed; has made one thing plain; that society gains nothing

whilst a man; not himself renovated; attempts to renovate things

around him: he has become tediously good in some particular; but

negligent or narrow in the rest; and hypocrisy and vanity are often

the disgusting result。  It is handsomer to remain in the

establishment better than the establishment; and conduct that in the

best manner; than to make a sally against evil by some single

improvement; without supporting it by a total regeneration。  Do not

be so vain of your one objection。  Do you think there is only one?

Alas! my good friend; there is no part of society or of life better

than any other part。  All our things are right and wrong together。

The wave of evil washes all our institutions alike。  Do you complain

of our Marriage?  Our marriage is no worse than our education; our

diet; our trade; our social customs。  Do you complain of the laws of

Property?  It is a pedantry to give such importance to them。  Can we

not play the game of life with these counters; as well as with those;

in the institution of property; as well as out of it。  Let into it

the new and renewing principle of love; and property will be

universality。  No one gives the impression of superiority to the

institution; which he must give who will reform it。  It makes no

difference what you say: you must make me feel that you are aloof

from it; by your natural and super…natural advantages; do easily see

to the end of it;  do see how man can do without it。  Now all men

are on one side。  No man deserves to be heard against property。  Only

Love; only an Idea; is against property; as we hold it。  I cannot

afford to be irritable and captious; nor to waste all my time in

attacks。  If I should go out of church whenever I hear a false

sentiment; I could never stay there five minutes。  But why come out?

the street is as false as the church; and when I get to my house; or

to my manners; or to my speech; I have not got away from the lie。

When we see an eager assailant of one of these wrongs; a special

reformer; we feel like asking him; What right have you; sir; to your

one virtue?  Is virtue piecemeal?  This is a jewel amidst the rags of

a beggar。  In another way the right will be vindicated。  In the midst

of abuses; in the heart of cities; in the aisles of false churches;

alike in one place and in another;  wherever; namely; a just and

heroic soul finds itself; there it will do what is next at hand; and

by the new quality of character it shall put forth; it shall abrogate

that old condition; law or school in which it stands; before the law

of its own mind。  If partiality was one fault of the movement party;

the other defect was their reliance on Association。  Doubts such as

those I have intimated; drove many good persons to agitate the

questions of social reform。  But the revolt again

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