barnaby rudge(巴纳比·卢杰)-第164章
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and struggled; you could not escape me or loosen my grasp to…
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
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Chapter 57
arnaby; armed as we have seen; continued to pace up and
Bdown before the stable…door; glad to be alone again; and
heartily rejoicing in the unaccustomed silence and
tranquillity。 After the whirl of noise and riot in which the last two
days had been passed; the pleasures of solitude and peace were
enhanced a thousandfold。 He felt quite happy; and as he leaned
upon his staff and mused; a bright smile overspread his face; and
none but cheerful visions floated into his brain。
Had he no thoughts of her; whose sole delight he was; and
whom he had unconsciously plunged in such bitter sorrow and
such deep affliction? Oh; yes。 She was at the heart of all his
cheerful hopes and proud reflections。 It was she whom all this
honour and distinction were to gladden; the joy and profit were for
her。 What delight it gave her to hear of the bravery of her poor
boy! Ah! He would have known that; without Hugh’s telling him。
And what a precious thing it was to know she lived so happily; and
heard with so much pride (he pictured to himself her look when
they told her) that he was in such high esteem: bold among the
boldest; and trusted before them all! And when these frays were
over; and the good lord had conquered his enemies; and they were
all at peace again; and he and she were rich; what happiness they
would have in talking of these troubled times when he was a great
soldier: and when they sat alone together in the tranquil twilight;
and she had no longer reason to be anxious for the morrow; what
pleasure would he have in the reflection that this was his doing—
his—poor foolish Barnaby’s; and in patting her on the cheek; and
saying with a merry laugh; ‘Am I silly now; mother—am I silly
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With a lighter heart and step; and eyes the brighter for the
happy tear that dimmed them for a moment; Barnaby resumed his
walk; and singing gaily to himself; kept guard upon his quiet post。
His comrade Grip; the partner of his watch; though fond of
basking in the sunshine; preferred to…day to walk about the stable;
having a great deal to do in the way of scattering the straw; hiding
under it such small articles as had been casually left about; and
haunting Hugh’s bed; to which he seemed to have taken a
particular attachment。 Sometimes Barnaby looked in and called
him; and then he came hopping out; but he merely did this as a
concession to his master’s weakness; and soon returned again to
his own grave pursuits: peering into the straw with his bill; and
rapidly covering up the place; as if; Midas…like; he were whispering
secrets to the earth and burying them; constantly busying himself
upon the sly; and affecting; whenever Barnaby came past; to look
up in the clouds and have nothing whatever on his mind: in short;
conducting himself; in many respects; in a more than usually
thoughtful; deep; and mysterious manner。
As the day crept on; Barnaby; who had no directions forbidding
him to eat and drink upon his post; but had been; on the contrary;
supplied with a bottle of beer and a basket of provisions;
determined to break his fast; which he had not done since
morning。 To this end; he sat down on the ground before the door;
and putting his staff across his knees in case of alarm or surprise;
summoned Grip to dinner。
This call; the bird obeyed with great alacrity; crying; as he
sidled up to his master; ‘I’m a devil; I’m a Polly; I’m a kettle; I’m a
Protestant; No Popery!’ Having learnt this latter sentiment from
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the gentry among whom he had lived of late; he delivered it with
uncommon emphasis。
‘Well said; Grip!’ cried his master; as he fed him with the
daintiest bits。 ‘Well said; old boy!’
‘Never say die; bow wow wow; keep up your spirits; Grip Grip
Grip; Holloa! We’ll all have tea; I’m a Protestant kettle; No
Popery!’ cried the raven。
‘Gordon for ever; Grip!’ cried Barnaby。
The raven; placing his head upon the ground; looked at his
master sideways; as though he would have said; ‘Say that again!’
Perfectly understanding his desire; Barnaby repeated the phrase a
great many times。 The bird listened with profound attention;
sometimes repeating the popular cry in a low voice; as if to
compare the two; and try if it would at all help him to this new
accomplishment; sometimes flapping his wings; or barking; and
sometimes in a kind of desperation drawing a multitude of corks;
with extraordinary viciousness。
Barnaby was so intent upon his favourite; that he was not at
first aware of the approach of two persons on horseback; who were
riding at a foot…pace; and coming straight towards his post。 When
he perceived them; however; which he did when they were within
some fifty yards of him; he jumped hastily up; and ordering Grip
within doors; stood with both hands on his staff; waiting until he
should know whether they were friends or foes。
He had hardly done so; when he observed that those who
advanced were a gentleman and his servant; almost at the same
moment he recognised Lord George Gordon; before whom he
stood uncovered; with his eyes turned towards the ground。
‘Good day!’ said Lord George; not reining in his horse until he
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was close beside him。 ‘Well!’
‘All quiet; sir; all safe!’ cried Barnaby。 ‘The rest are away—they
went by that path—that one。 A grand party!’
‘Ay?’ said Lord George; looking thoughtfully at him。 ‘And you?’
‘Oh! They left me here to watch—to mount guard—to keep
everything secure till they come back。 I’ll do it; sir; for your sake。
You’re a good gentleman; a kind gentleman—ay; you are。 There
are many against you; but we’ll be a match for them; never fear!’
‘What’s that?’ said Lord George—pointing to the raven who was
peeping out of the stable…door—but still looking thoughtfully; and
in some perplexity; it seemed; at Barnaby。
‘Why; don’t you know!’ retorted Barnaby; with a wondering
laugh。 ‘Not know what he is! A bird; to be sure。 My bird—my
‘A devil; a kettle; a Grip; a Polly; a Protestant; no Popery!’ cried