barnaby rudge(巴纳比·卢杰)-第107章
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in London; and turn the pens of Smithfield market into stakes and
cauldrons; when terrors and alarms which no man understood
were perpetually broached; both in and out of Parliament; by one
enthusiast who did not understand himself; and bygone bugbears
which had lain quietly in their graves for centuries; were raised
again to haunt the ignorant and credulous; when all this was done;
as it were; in the dark; and secret invitations to join the Great
Protestant Association in defence of religion; life; and liberty; were
dropped in the public ways; thrust under the house…doors; tossed
in at windows; and pressed into the hands of those who trod the
streets by night; when they glared from every wall; and shone on
every post and pillar; so that stocks and stones appeared infected
with the common fear; urging all men to join together blindfold in
resistance of they knew not what; they knew not why;—then the
mania spread indeed; and the body; still increasing every day;
grew forty thousand strong。
So said; at least; in this month of March; 1780; Lord George
Gordon; the Association’s president。 Whether it was the fact or
otherwise; few men knew or cared to ascertain。 It had never made
any public demonstration; had scarcely ever been heard of; save
through him; had never been seen; and was supposed by many to
be the mere creature of his disordered brain。 He was accustomed
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to talk largely about numbers of men—stimulated; as it was
inferred; by certain successful disturbances; arising out of the
same subject; which had occurred in Scotland in the previous
year; was looked upon as a cracked…brained member of the lower
house; who attacked all parties and sided with none; and was very
little regarded。 It was known that there was discontent abroad—
there always is; he had been accustomed to address the people by
placard; speech; and pamphlet; upon other questions; nothing had
come; in England; of his past exertions; and nothing was
apprehended from his present。 Just as he has come upon the
reader; he had come; from time to time; upon the public; and been
forgotten in a day; as suddenly as he appears in these pages; after
a blank of five long years; did he and his proceedings begin to
force themselves; about this period; upon the notice of thousands
of people; who had mingled in active life during the whole interval;
and who; without being deaf or blind to passing events; had
scarcely ever thought of him before。
‘My lord;’ said Gashford in his ear; as he drew the curtains of
his bed betimes; ‘my lord!’
‘Yes—who’s that? What is it?’
‘The clock has struck nine;’ returned the secretary; with meekly
folded hands。 ‘You have slept well? I hope you have slept well? If
my prayers are heard; you are refreshed indeed。’
‘To say the truth; I have slept so soundly;’ said Lord George;
rubbing his eyes and looking round the room; ‘that I don’t
remember quite—what place is this?’
‘My lord!’ cried Gashford; with a smile。
‘Oh!’ returned his superior。 ‘Yes。 You’re not a Jew then?’
‘A Jew!’ exclaimed the pious secretary; recoiling。
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‘I dreamed that we were Jews; Gashford。 You and I—both of
us—Jews with long beards。’
‘Heaven forbid; my lord! We might as well be Papists。’
‘I suppose we might;’ returned the other; very quickly。 ‘Eh? You
really think so; Gashford?’
‘Surely I do;’ the secretary cried; with looks of great surprise。
‘Humph!’ he muttered。 ‘Yes; that seems reasonable。’
‘I hope my lord—’ the secretary began。
‘Hope!’ he echoed; interrupting him。 ‘Why do you say; you
hope? There’s no harm in thinking of such things。’
‘Not in dreams;’ returned the Secretary。
‘In dreams! No; nor waking either。’
—‘“Called; and chosen; and faithful;”’ said Gashford; taking up
Lord George’s watch which lay upon a chair; and seeming to read
the inscription on the seal; abstractedly。
It was the slightest action possible; not obtruded on his notice;
and apparently the result of a moment’s absence of mind; not
worth remark。 But as the words were uttered; Lord George; who
had been going on impetuously; stopped short; reddened; and was
silent。 Apparently quite unconscious of this change in his
demeanour; the wily Secretary stepped a little apart; under
pretence of pulling up the window…blind; and returning when the
other had had time to recover; said:
‘The holy cause goes bravely on; my lord。 I was not idle; even
last night。 I dropped two of the handbills before I went to bed; and
both are gone this morning。 Nobody in the house has mentioned
the circumstance of finding them; though I have been downstairs
full half…an…hour。 One or two recruits will be their first fruit; I
predict; and who shall say how many more; with Heaven’s blessing
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on your inspired exertions!’
‘It was a famous device in the beginning;’ replied Lord George;
‘an excellent device; and did good service in Scotland。 It was quite
worthy of you。 You remind me not to be a sluggard; Gashford;
when the vineyard is menaced with destruction; and may be
trodden down by Papist feet。 Let the horses be saddled in half…an…
hour。 We must be up and doing!’
He said this with a heightened colour; and in a tone of such
enthusiasm; that the secretary deemed all further prompting
needless; and withdrew。
—‘Dreamed he was a Jew;’ he said thoughtfully; as he closed
the bedroom door。 ‘He may come to that before he dies。 It’s like
enough。 Well! After a time; and provided I lost nothing by it; I
don’t see why that religion shouldn’t suit me as well as any other。
There are rich men among the Jews; shaving is very
troublesome;—yes; it would suit me well enough。 For the present;
though; we must be Christian to the core。 Our prophetic motto will
suit all creeds in their turn; that’s a comfort。’ Reflecting on this
source of consolation; he reached the sitting…room; and rang the
bell for breakfast。
Lord George was quickly dressed (for his plain toilet was easily
made); and as he was no less frugal in his repasts than in his
Puritan attire; his share of the meal was soon dispatched。 The
secretary; however; more devoted to the good things of this world;
or more intent on sustaining his strength and spirits for the sake of
the Protestant cause; ate and drank to the last minute; and
required indeed some three or four reminders from