thoughts on man-第6章
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and would be made an efficient member of the commonwealth; so it were to be desired that; as early as a clear discrimination on the subject might be practicable; a competent decision should be given as to the future occupation and destiny of a child。
But this is a question attended with no common degree of difficulty。 To the resolving such a question with sufficient evidence; a very considerable series of observations would become necessary。 The child should be introduced into a variety of scenes; and a magazine; so to speak; of those things about which human industry and skill may be employed; should be successively set before him。 The censor who is to decide on the result of the whole; should be a person of great sagacity; and capable of pronouncing upon a given amount of the most imperfect and incidental indications。 He should be clear…sighted; and vigilant to observe the involuntary turns of an eye; expressions of a lip; and demonstrations of a limb。
The declarations of the child himself are often of very small use in the case。 He may be directed by an impulse; which occurs in the morning; and vanishes in the evening。 His preferences change as rapidly as the shapes we sometimes observe in the evening clouds; and are governed by whim or fantasy; and not by any of those indications which are parcel of his individual constitution。 He desires in many instances to be devoted to a particular occupation; because his playfellow has been assigned to it before him。
The parent is not qualified to judge in this fundamental question; because he is under the dominion of partiality; and wishes that his child may become a lord chancellor; an archbishop; or any thing else; the possessor of which condition shall be enabled to make a splendid figure in the world。 He is not qualified; because he is an interested party; and; either from an exaggerated estimate of his child's merits; or from a selfish shrinking from the cost it might require to mature them; is anxious to arrive at a conclusion not founded upon the intrinsic claims of the case to be considered。
Even supposing it to be sufficiently ascertained in what calling it is that the child will be most beneficially engaged; a thousand extrinsical circumstances will often prevent that from being the calling chosen。 Nature distributes her gifts without any reference to the distinctions of artificial society。 The genius that demanded the most careful and assiduous cultivation; that it might hereafter form the boast and ornament of the world; will be reared amidst the chill blasts of poverty; while he who was best adapted to make an exemplary carpenter or artisan; by being the son of a nobleman is thrown a thousand fathoms wide of his true destination。
Human creatures are born into the world with various dispositions。 According to the memorable saying of Themistocles; One man can play upon a psaltery or harp; and another can by political skill and ingenuity convert a town of small account; weak and insignificant; into a city noble; magnificent and great。
It is comparatively a very little way that we can penetrate into the mysteries of nature。
Music seems to be one of the faculties most clearly defined in early youth。 The child who has received that destination from the hands of nature; will even in infancy manifest a singular delight in musical sounds; and will in no long time imitate snatches of a tune。 The present professor of music in the university of Oxford contrived for himself; I believe at three years old; a way for playing on an instrument; the piano forte; unprompted by any of the persons about him。 This is called having an ear。
Instances nearly as precocious are related of persons; who afterwards distinguished themselves in the art of painting。
These two kinds of original destination appear to be placed beyond the reach of controversy。
Horace says; The poet is born a poet; and cannot be made so by the ingenuity of art: and this seems to be true。 He sees the objects about him with an eye peculiarly his own; the sounds that reach his ear; produce an effect upon him; and leave a memory behind; different from that which is experienced by his fellows。 His perceptions have a singular vividness。
The poet's eye; in a fine frenzy rolling; Doth glance from heaven to earth; from earth to heaven;
And his imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown;
It is not probable that any trainings of art can give these endowments to him who has not received them from the gift of nature。
The subtle network of the brain; or whatever else it is; that makes a man more fit for; and more qualified to succeed in; one occupation than another; can scarcely be followed up and detected either in the living subject or the dead one。 But; as in the infinite variety of human beings no two faces are so alike that they cannot be distinguished; nor even two leaves plucked from the same tree'2'; so it may reasonably be presumed; that there are varieties in the senses; the organs; and the internal structure of the human species; however delicate; and to the touch of the bystander evanescent; which may give to each individual a predisposition to rise to a supreme degree of excellence in some certain art or attainment; over a million of competitors。
'2' Papers between Clarke and Leibnitz; p。 95。
It has been said that all these distinctions and anticipations are idle; because man is born without innate ideas。 Whatever is the incomprehensible and inexplicable power; which we call nature; to which he is indebted for his formation; it is groundless to suppose; that that power is cognisant of; and guides itself in its operations by; the infinite divisibleness of human pursuits in civilised society。 A child is not designed by his original formation to be a manufacturer of shoes; for he may be born among a people by whom shoes are not worn; and still less is he destined by his structure to be a metaphysician; an astronomer; or a lawyer; a rope…dancer; a fortune…teller; or a juggler。
It is true that we cannot suppose nature to be guided in her operations by the infinite divisibleness of human pursuits in civilised society。 But it is not the less true that one man is by his structure best fitted to excel in some one in particular of these multifarious pursuits; however fortuitously his individual structure and that pursuit may be brought into contact。 Thus a certain calmness and steadiness of purpose; much flexibility; and a very accurate proportion of the various limbs of the body; are of great advantage in rope…dancing; while lightness of the fingers; and a readiness to direct our thoughts to the rapid execution of a purpose; joined with a steadiness of countenance adapted to what is figuratively called throwing dust in the eyes of the bystander; are of the utmost importance to the juggler: and so of the rest。
It is as much the temper of the individual; as any particular subtlety of organ or capacity; that prepares him to excel in one pursuit rather than a thousand others。 And he must have been a very inattentive observer of the indications of temper in an infant in the first months of his existence; who does not confess that there are various peculiarities in that respect which the child brings into the world with him。
There is excellent sense in the fable of Achilles in the island of Scyros。 He was placed there by his mother in female attire among the daughters of Lycomedes; that he might not be seduced to engage in the Trojan war。 Ulysses was commissioned to discover him; and; while he exhibited jewels and various woman's ornaments to the princesses; contrived to mix with his stores a suit of armour; the sight of which immediately awakened the spirit of the hero。
Every one has probably within him a string more susceptible than the rest; that demands only a kindred impression to be made; to call forth its latent character。 Like the war…horse described in the Book of Job: 〃He paweth in the valley; and rejoiceth in his strength; he goeth on to meet the armed men; he smelleth the battle afar off; the thunder of the captains; and the shouting。〃
Nothing can be more unlike than the same man to himself; when he i