贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the sorrows of young werther(少年维特的烦恼) >


the sorrows of young werther(少年维特的烦恼)-第6章

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circle; and; when the company had sat down in compliance with her
request; she forthwith proposed a round game。

I noticed some of the company prepare their mouths and draw
themselves up at the prospect of some agreeable forfeit。  〃Let us
play at counting;〃 said Charlotte。  〃Now; pay attention: I shall
go round the circle from right to left; and each person is to count;
one after the other; the number that comes to him; and must count
fast; whoever stops or mistakes is to have a box on the ear; and
so on; till we have counted a thousand。〃  It was delightful to see
the fun。  She went round the circle with upraised arm。  〃One;〃
said the first; 〃two;〃 the second; 〃three;〃 the third; and so on;
till Charlotte went faster and faster。  One made a mistake; instantly
a box on the ear; and; amid the laughter that ensued; came another
box; and so on; faster and faster。  I myself came in for two。  I
fancied they were harder than the rest; and felt quite delighted。
A general laughter and confusion put an end to the game long before
we had counted as far as a thousand。  The party broke up into
little separate knots: the storm had ceased; and I followed Charlotte
into the ballroom。  On the way she said; 〃The game banished their
fears of the storm。〃  I could make no reply。  〃I myself;〃 she
continued; 〃was as much frightened as any of them; but by affecting
courage; to keep up the spirits of the others; I forgot my
apprehensions。〃  We went to the window。  It was still thundering
at a distance: a soft rain was pouring down over the country;
and filled the air around us with delicious odours。  Charlotte
leaned forward on her arm; her eyes wandered over the scene; she
raised them to the sky; and then turned them upon me; they were
moistened with tears; she placed her hand on mine and said;
〃Klopstock!〃 at once I remembered the magnificent ode which was
in her thoughts: I felt oppressed with the weight of my sensations;
and sank under them。  It was more than I could bear。  I bent over
her hand; kissed it in a stream of delicious tears; and again
looked up to her eyes。  Divine Klopstock! why didst thou not see
thy apotheosis in those eyes?  And thy name so often profaned;
would that I never heard it repeated!

JUNE 19。

I no longer remember where I stopped in my narrative: I only know
it was two in the morning when I went to bed; and if you had been
with me; that I might have talked instead of writing to you; I
should; in all probability; have kept you up till daylight。

I think I have not yet related what happened as we rode home from
the ball; nor have I time to tell you now。  It was a most magnificent
sunrise: the whole country was refreshed; and the rain fell drop
by drop from the trees in the forest。  Our companions were asleep。
Charlotte asked me if I did not wish to sleep also; and begged of
me not to make any ceremony on her account。  Looking steadfastly
at her; I answered; 〃As long as I see those eyes open; there is
no fear of my falling asleep。〃  We both continued awake till we
reached her door。  The maid opened it softly; and assured her; in
answer to her inquiries; that her father and the children were
well; and still sleeping。  I left her asking permission to visit
her in the course of the day。  She consented; and I went; and;
since that time; sun; moon; and stars may pursue their course: I
know not whether it is day or night; the whole world is nothing
to me。
JUNE 21。

My days are as happy as those reserved by God for his elect; and;
whatever be my fate hereafter; I can never say that I have not
tasted joy;  the purest joy of life。  You know Walheim。  I am
now completely settled there。  In that spot I am only half a league
from Charlotte; and there I enjoy myself; and taste all the pleasure
which can fall to the lot of man。 

Little did I imagine; when I selected Walheim for my pedestrian
excursions; that all heaven lay so near it。  How often in my
wanderings from the hillside or from the meadows across the river;
have I beheld this hunting…lodge; which now contains within it all
the joy of my heart!

I have often; my dear Wilhelm; reflected on the eagerness men feel
to wander and make new discoveries; and upon that secret impulse
which afterward inclines them to return to their narrow circle;
conform to the laws of custom; and embarrass themselves no longer
with what passes around them。

It is so strange how; when I came here first; and gazed upon that
lovely valley from the hillside; I felt charmed with the entire
scene surrounding me。  The little wood opposite  how delightful
to sit under its shade!  How fine the view from that point of
rock!  Then; that delightful chain of hills; and the exquisite
valleys at their feet!  Could I but wander and lose myself amongst
them!  I went; and returned without finding what I wished。  Distance;
my friend; is like futurity。  A dim vastness is spread before our
souls: the perceptions of our mind are as obscure as those of our
vision; and we desire earnestly to surrender up our whole being;
that it may be filled with the complete and perfect bliss of one
glorious emotion。  But alas! when we have attained our object;
when the distant there becomes the present here; all is changed:
we are as poor and circumscribed as ever; and our souls still
languish for unattainable happiness。

So does the restless traveller pant for his native soil; and find
in his own cottage; in the arms of his wife; in the affections of
his children; and in the labour necessary for their support; that
happiness which he had sought in vain through the wide world。

When; in the morning at sunrise; I go out to Walheim; and with my
own hands gather in the garden the pease which are to serve for
my dinner; when I sit down to shell them; and read my Homer during
the intervals; and then; selecting a saucepan from the kitchen;
fetch my own butter; put my mess on the fire; cover it up; and sit
down to stir it as occasion requires; I figure to myself the
illustrious suitors of Penelope; killing; dressing; and preparing
their own oxen and swine。  Nothing fills me with a more pure and
genuine sense of happiness than those traits of patriarchal life
which; thank Heaven! I can imitate without affectation。  Happy is
it; indeed; for me that my heart is capable of feeling the same
simple and innocent pleasure as the peasant whose table is covered
with food of his own rearing; and who not only enjoys his meal; but
remembers with delight the happy days and sunny mornings when he
planted it; the soft evenings when he watered it; and the pleasure
he experienced in watching its daily growth。

JUNE 29。

The day before yesterday; the physician came from the town to pay
a visit to the judge。  He found me on the floor playing with
Charlotte's children。  Some of them were scrambling over me; and
others romped with me; and; as I caught and tickled them; they
made a great noise。  The doctor is a formal sort of personage: he
adjusts the plaits of his ruffles; and continually settles his
frill whilst he is talking to you; and he thought my conduct beneath
the dignity of a sensible man。  I could perceive this by his
countenance。  But I did not suffer myself to be disturbed。  I
allowed him to continue his wise conversation; whilst I rebuilt
the children's card houses for them as fast as they threw them
down。  He went about the town afterward; complaining that the
judge's children were spoiled enough before; but that now Werther
was completely ruining them。
Yes; my dear Wilhelm; nothing on this earth affects my heart so
much as children。  When I look on at their doings; when I mark in
the little creatures the seeds of all those virtues and qualities
which they will one day find so indispensable; when I behold in
the obstinate all the future firmness and constancy of a noble
character; in the capricious; that levity and gaiety of temper
which will carry them lightly over the dangers and troubles of
life; their whole nature simple and unpolluted;  then I call
to mind the golden words of the Great Teacher of mankind; 〃Unless
ye become like one of these!〃  And now; my friend; these children;
who are our equals; whom we ou

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