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worldly ways and byways(世俗之路)-第57章

小说: worldly ways and byways(世俗之路) 字数: 每页4000字

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difficulties   loomed       big   around   her   by   writing   down   all   her   cares   and 

worries;   making   a   list   of   the   subjects   that   harassed   her;   and   had   always 

found that; when reduced to material written words; the dimensions of her 

troubles were astonishingly diminished。 She recommended her procedure 

to   the   troubled   youth;   and   prophesied   that   his   anxieties   would   dwindle 

away in the clear atmosphere of pen and paper。 

     Introspection; the deliberate unlatching of closed wickets; has the same 

effect   of   stealing   away   the   bitterness   from   thoughts   that;   if   left   in   the 

gloom of semi…oblivion; will grow until they overshadow a whole life。 It is 

better to follow the example of England's pure Queen; visiting on certain 

anniversaries our secret places and holding communion with the past; for 


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                               Worldly Ways and Byways 

it is by such scrutiny only 

       THAT     MEN     MAY     RISE    ON    STEPPING…STONES           OF    THEIR 


       Those who have courage to perform thoroughly this task will come 

out from the silent chambers purified and chastened; more lenient to the 

faults and shortcomings of   others; and better fitted   to take up   cheerfully 

the burdens of a new year。 


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