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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第41章

小说: e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特 字数: 每页4000字

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rolling; blocks of stock parable to those we hold in Cap Cities and Salomon。 We have a special interest in purchasing convertible preferreds as a long…term investment; as we did at Salomon。 
And now a bit of deja vu。 Most of Berkshire's major stockholders received their shares at yearend 1969 in a liquidating distribution from Buffett Partnership; Ltd。 Some of these former partners will remember that in 1962 I encountered severe managerial problems at Dempster Mill Manufacturing Co。; a pump and farm implement manufacturing pany that BPL controlled。 
在当时我带着我无法解决的问题去找查理,就像是现在一样,查理建议我在加州他有一位朋友叫Harry Bottle非常脚踏实地,或许可以帮得上忙,我在当年四月去洛杉矶拜访他,一个礼拜后,他就被请到内布拉斯加州来管理Dempster,此后问题立刻获得解决,记得在1962年的年报中,我还特地将Harry封为年度风云人物。
At that time; like now; I went to Charlie with problems that were too tough for me to solve。 Charlie suggested the solution might lie in a California friend of his; Harry Bottle; whose special knack was never forgetting the fundamental。 I met Harry in Los Angeles on April 17; 1962; and on April 23 he was in Beatrice; Nebraska; running Dempster。 Our problems disappeared almost immediately。 In my 1962 annual letter to partners; I named Harry 〃Man of the Year。〃 
24年后,场景搬到Berkshire 另外一家子公司K & W公司,一家专门生产自动机具的小公司,过去这家公司做得还不错,不过到了1985…1986年却突然发生状况,盲目追求达不到的东西,却放弃现有可以做的产品,负责管理监督K & W的查理,知道可以不必知会我,直接找到现年68岁的Harry,任命他为CEO,然后就静待结果出来,事实上他没有等多久,到了1987年隔年, K & W的获利就创下新高,比1986年成长三倍,由于获利提升,该公司所需的资金也就跟着减少,该公司的应收及存货水准减少了20%。
Fade to 24 years later: The scene is K & W Products; a small Berkshire subsidiary that produces automotive pounds。 For years K & W did well; but in 1985…86 it stumbled badly; as it pursued the unattainable to the neglect of the achievable。 Charlie; who oversees K & W; knew there was no need to consult me。 Instead; he called Harry; now 68 years old; made him CEO; and sat back to await the inevitable。 He didn't wait long。 In 1987 K & W's profits set a record; up more than 300% from 1986。 And; as profits went up; capital employed went down: K & W's investment in accounts receivable and inventories has decreased 20%。 
If we run into another managerial problem ten or twenty years down the road; you know whose phone will ring。 About 97。2% of all eligible shares participated in Berkshire's 1987 shareholder…designated contributions program。 Contributions made through the program were 4。9 million; and 2;050 charities were recipients。 
A recent survey reported that about 50% of major American panies match charitable contributions made by directors (sometimes by a factor of three to one)。 In effect; these representatives of the owners direct funds to their favorite charities; and never consult the owners as to their charitable preferences。 (I wonder how they would feel if the process were reversed and shareholders could invade the directors' pockets for charities favored by the shareholders。) When A takes money from B to give to C and A is a legislator; the process is called taxation。 But when A is an officer or director of a corporation; it is called philanthropy。 We continue to believe that contributions; aside from those with quite clear direct benefits to the pany; should reflect the charitable preferences of owners rather than those of officers and directors。 
We urge new shareholders to read the description of our shareholder…designated contributions program that appears on pages 54 and 55。 If you wish to participate in future programs; we strongly urge that you immediately make sure your shares are registered in the name of the actual owner; not in 〃street〃 name or nominee name。 Shares not so registered on September 30; l988 will be ineligible for the 1988 program。 
Last year we again had about 450 shareholders at our annual meeting。 The 60 or so questions they asked were; as always; excellent。 At many panies; the annual meeting is a waste of time because exhibitionists turn it into a sideshow。 Ours; however; is different。 It is informative for shareholders and fun for us。 (At Berkshire's meetings; the exhibitionists are on the dais。) This year our meeting will be on May 23; 1988 in Omaha; and we hope that you e。 The meeting provides the forum for you to ask any owner…related questions you may have; and we will keep answering until all (except those dealing with portfolio activities or other proprietary information) have been dealt with。 
Last year we rented two buses … for 100 … to take shareholders interested in the trip to the Furniture Mart。 Your actions demonstrated your good judgment: You snapped up about 40;000 of bargains。 Mrs。 B regards this expense/sales ratio as on the high side and attributes it to my chronic inattention to costs and generally sloppy managerial practices。 But; gracious as always; she has offered me another chance and we will again have buses available following the meeting。 Mrs。 B says you must beat last year's sales figures; and I have told her she won't be disappointed。 
去年我们花了100元租两台巴士载着有兴趣的股东到家具广场,大家的行动展现了明智的抉择,总共买下了约4万美元的东西, B太太认为这样的营业费用比例太高,认为这都是我个人长久以来对于成本没有概念、管理松散的缘故,不过还是一样大方,今年她再次给我机会,在会后还是会有巴士等着各位,B太太希望我一定要打破去年的记录,而我也已经答应她不会让她失望。
Our gain in net worth during 1988 was 569 million; or 20。0%。 Over the last 24 years (that is; since present management took over); our per…share book value has grown from 19。46 to 2;974。52; or at a rate of 23。0% pounded annually。
We’ve emphasized in past reports that what counts; however; is intrinsic business value … the figure; necessarily an estimate; indicating what all of our constituent businesses are worth。 By our calculations; Berkshire intrinsic business value significantly exceeds its book value。 Over the 24 years; business value has grown somewhat faster than book value; in 1988; however; book value grew the faster; by a bit。

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