e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第39章
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o We had two other large holdings at yearend that do not fit precisely into any of our five categories。 One was various Texaco; Inc。 bonds with short maturities; all purchased after Texaco went into bankruptcy。 Were it not for the extraordinarily strong capital position of our insurance panies; it would be inappropriate for us to buy defaulted bonds。 At prices prevailing after Texaco's bankruptcy filing; however; we regarded these issues as by far the most attractive bond investment available to us。
On a worst…case basis with respect to the Pennzoil litigation; we felt the bonds were likely to be worth about what we paid for them。 Given a sensible settlement; which seemed likely; we expected the bonds to be worth considerably more。 At yearend our Texaco bonds were carried on our books at 104 million and had a market value of 119 million。
By far our largest … and most publicized … investment in 1987 was a 700 million purchase of Salomon Inc 9% preferred stock。 This preferred is convertible after three years into Salomon mon stock at 38 per share and; if not converted; will be redeemed ratably over five years beginning October 31; 1995。 From most standpoints; this mitment fits into the medium…term fixed…ine securities category。 In addition; we have an interesting conversion possibility。
We; of course; have no special insights regarding the direction or future profitability of investment banking。 By their nature; the economics of this industry are far less predictable than those of most other industries in which we have major mitments。 This unpredictability is one of the reasons why our participation is in the form of a convertible preferred。
当然我们对于所罗门公司的CEO …John Gutfreund的能力与品格有不错的印象,查理与我都很尊崇且信赖他,我们是在1976年开始认识他,当时他在协助GEICO汽车保险免于破产的命运时出了不少力,之后我们看到他好几次引导客户免于愚蠢的交易,虽然这使得所罗门因此损失许多顾问费收入,这种以客户服务至上的表现在华尔街并不多见。
What we do have a strong feeling about is the ability and integrity of John Gutfreund; CEO of Salomon Inc。 Charlie and I like; admire and trust John。 We first got to know him in 1976 when he played a key role in GEICO's escape from near…bankruptcy。 Several times since; we have seen John steer clients away from transactions that would have been unwise; but that the client clearly wanted to make … even though his advice provided no fee to Salomon and acquiescence would have delivered a large fee。 Such service…above…self behavior is far from automatic in Wall Street。
For the reasons Charlie outlines on page 50; at yearend we valued our Salomon investment at 98% of par; 14 million less than our cost。 However; we believe there is a reasonable likelihood that a leading; high…quality capital…raising and market…making operation can average good returns on equity。 If so; our conversion right will eventually prove to be valuable。
Two further ments about our investments in marketable securities are appropriate。 First; we give you our usual warning: Our holdings have changed since yearend and will continue to do so without notice。
这二点跟前面也有相关,跟前几年一样,在1987年媒体不时在猜测我们进出的投资标的,这些报导有时是真的,有时是半真半假,有时根本就不是事实,有趣的是,我发现媒体的规模与声誉和报导的真实性一点相关都没有,曾经有一家全美举足轻重的媒体杂志刊登一项完全错误的谣言,另外一家出版业者则将一桩短期的套利投资误当做是一项长期的投资, (之所以没有公布名字,是因为古有名训,遇到整桶整桶买墨水的人,最好不要跟他发生争吵)
The second ment is related: During 1987; as in some earlier years; there was speculation in the press from time to time about our purchase or sale of various securities。 These stories were sometimes true; sometimes partially true; and other times pletely untrue。 Interestingly; there has been no correlation between the size and prestige of the publication and the accuracy of the report。 One dead…wrong rumor was given considerable prominence by a major national magazine; and another leading publication misled its readers by writing about an arbitrage position as if it were a long…term investment mitment。 (In not naming names; I am observing the old warning that it's not wise to pick fights with people who buy ink by the barrel。) You should understand that we simply don't ment in any way on rumors; whether they are true or false。 If we were to deny the incorrect reports and refuse ment on the correct ones; we would in effect be menting on all。
In a world in which big investment ideas are both limited and valuable; we have no interest in telling potential petitors what we are doing except to the extent required by law。 We certainly don't expect others to tell us of their investment ideas。 Nor would we expect a media pany to disclose news of acquisitions it was privately pursuing or a journalist to tell his petitors about stories on which he is working or sources he is using。
I find it unfortable when friends or acquaintances mention that they are buying X because it has been reported … incorrectly … that Berkshire is a buyer。 However; I do not set them straight。 If they want to participate in whatever Berkshire actually is buying; they can always purchase Berkshire stock。 But perhaps that is too simple。 Usually; I suspect; they find it more exciting to buy what is being talked about。 Whether that strategy is more profitable is another question。
Shortly after yearend; Berkshire sold two issues of debentures; totaling 250 million。 Both issues mature in 2018 and will be retired at an even pace through sinking fund operations that begin in 1999。 Our overall interest cost; after allowing for expenses of issuance; is slightly over 10%。 Salomon was our investment banker; and its service was excellent。
Despite our pessimistic views about inflation; our taste for debt is quite limited。 To be sure; it is likely that Berkshire could improve its return on equity by moving to a much higher; though still conventional; debt…to…business…value ratio。 It's even more likely that we could handle such a ratio; without problems; under economic conditions far worse than any that have prevailed since the early 1930s。