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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第104章

小说: e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特 字数: 每页4000字

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In last year's report I told you that I hoped that our super…cat business would over time achieve a 10% profit margin。 But I also warned you that in any given year the line was likely to be 〃either enormously profitable or enormously unprofitable。〃 Instead; both 1991 and 1992 have e in close to a break…even level。 Nonetheless; I see these results as aberrations and stick with my prediction of huge annual swings in profitability from this business。
Let me remind you of some characteristics of our super…cat policies。 Generally; they are activated only when two things happen。 First; the direct insurer or reinsurer we protect must suffer losses of a given amount … that's the policyholder's 〃retention〃 … from a catastrophe; and second; industry…wide insured losses from the catastrophe must exceed some minimum level; which usually is 3 billion or more。 In most cases; the policies we issue cover only a specific geographical area; such as a portion of the U。S。; the entire U。S。; or everywhere other than the U。S。 Also; many policies are not activated by the first super…cat that meets the policy terms; but instead cover only a 〃second…event〃 or even a third… or fourth…event。 Finally; some policies are triggered only by a catastrophe of a specific type; such as an earthquake。 Our exposures are large: We have one policy that calls for us to pay 100 million to the policyholder if a specified catastrophe occurs。 (Now you know why I suffer eyestrain: from watching The Weather Channel。)
Currently; Berkshire is second in the U。S。 property…casualty industry in net worth (the leader being State Farm; which neither buys nor sells reinsurance)。 Therefore; we have the capacity to assume risk on a scale that interests virtually no other pany。 We have the appetite as well: As Berkshire's net worth and earnings grow; our willingness to write business increases also。 But let me add that means good business。 The saying; 〃a fool and his money are soon invited everywhere;〃 applies in spades in reinsurance; and we actually reject more than 98% of the business we are offered。 Our ability to choose between good and bad proposals reflects a management strength that matches our financial strength: Ajit Jain; who runs our reinsurance operation; is simply the best in this business。 In bination; these strengths guarantee that we will stay a major factor in the super…cat business so long as prices are appropriate。
现在Berkshire是全美国净值第二大的产业意外险公司(排名第一的是州农保险,不过他们并不从事再保业务),因此我们绝对有能力也有兴趣去承担别的保险公司无法承担的风险,随着Berkshire的净值与获利能力继续成长,我们接受保单的意愿也跟着增加,但是我必须强调只有好的生意我们才愿意接,有人说:笨的有钱人特别好骗,我想这句话也适用在再保险之上,事实上我们平均我们拒绝98%以上上门的保单请求,我们挑选客户的能力跟我们本身的财务实力相当, Ajit Jain负责经营我们的再保业务,堪称业界的翘楚,两者结合使得我们的竞争力确保我们可以在霹雳猫保险业界继续成为主要的参与者,只要保费价格合理的话。
What constitutes an appropriate price; of course; is difficult to determine。 Catastrophe insurers can't simply extrapolate past experience。 If there is truly 〃global warming;〃 for example; the odds would shift; since tiny changes in atmospheric conditions can produce momentous changes in weather patterns。 Furthermore; in recent years there has been a mushrooming of population and insured values in U。S。 coastal areas that are particularly vulnerable to hurricanes; the number one creator of super…cats。 A hurricane that caused x dollars of damage 20 years ago could easily cost 10x now。
Occasionally; also; the unthinkable happens。 Who would have guessed; for example; that a major earthquake could occur in Charleston; S。C。? (It struck in 1886; registered an estimated 6。6 on the Richter scale; and caused 60 deaths。) And who could have imagined that our country's most serious quake would occur at New Madrid; Missouri; which suffered an estimated 8。7 shocker in 1812。 By parison; the 1989 San Francisco quake was a 7。1 … and remember that each one…point Richter increase represents a ten…fold increase in strength。 Someday; a U。S。 earthquake occurring far from California will cause enormous losses for insurers。
When viewing our quarterly figures; you should understand that our accounting for super…cat premiums differs from our accounting for other insurance premiums。 Rather than recording our super…cat premiums on a pro…rata basis over the life of a given policy; we defer recognition of revenue until a loss occurs or until the policy expires。 We take this conservative approach because the likelihood of super…cats causing us losses is particularly great toward the end of the year。 It is then that weather tends to kick up: Of the ten largest insured losses in U。S。 history; nine occurred in the last half of the year。 In addition; policies that are not triggered by a first event are unlikely; by their very terms; to cause us losses until late in the year。
The bottom…line effect of our accounting procedure for super…cats is this: Large losses may be reported in any quarter of the year; but significant profits will only be reported in the fourth quarter。
As I've told you in each of the last few years; what counts in our insurance business is 〃the cost of funds developed from insurance;〃 or in the vernacular; 〃the cost of float。〃 Float … which we generate in exceptional amounts … is the total of loss reserves; loss adjustment expense reserves and unearned premium reserves minus agents' balances; prepaid acquisition costs and deferred charges applicable to assumed reinsurance。 The cost of float is measured by our underwriting loss。

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