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Zambia 赞比亚 260 14:00
Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 263 14:00
1。 指定木箱包装的材料及规格
Packing in strong wooden cases is essential。
Cases must be battened; nailed and secured with metal straps all over。
Overall measurements of each case must not exceed 4'(H) ×2'(w) ×2'(D)。
2。 要求包装的材料、重量及唛头
We require these articles to be wrapped up in corrugated paper and packed in wooden cases with excelsior。
Please limit the weight of any one of the wooden cases to 50kg and metalstrap all cases in stacks of three and mark all the cases with an A in the square。
3。 对包装箱长度、唛头的指示
Crates must not exceed an overall length of 10 meters。
All crates are to be marked as usual; but please number them consecutively from No。1 to No。 5。
All marks other than our own and the name of the country of origin are to be removed from the crates before shipment。
Please pack this machine in a strong wooden case and wrap and pad generously all polished parts of the machine to avoid scratches and knocks against the container。
Also please put the machine in a case of about 10 cubic meters covered with waterproof cloth and strapped vertically and horizontally with metal bands and cut ventholes in the case to minimize condensation。
5。 海运包装的详细指示
Please pay your best care to pack the goods so as to withstand the hazards of ocean transportation and waterproof it against the tropical climate。
Also please stencil our shipping marks five inches high and give gross and net weight; port of destination; country of origin and a B in the rectangle as the main mark of each case。
6。 请注意包装,减少费用
Taking into account the specialty of this article; we request you to pack this carto with your best care。
Please note that each cargo is requested to be wrapped up in oilpaper and packed in a zinc…lined case。
All cargoes are required to be marked and numbered on the outside。
Please minimize the packing expenses as we expect it to be heavy。
7。 免费再包装
According to your packing instructions; we have arranged to pack your ordered goods in five cases。
We have packed the goods according to your usual requirements and have dispatched them from our Taibei factory by airfreight。
They are to be repacked at Bangkok; as we have been informed; and the charges for special packing are excluded from our price。
Therefore please rest assured on the packing。
8。 告知对方包装无误, 要求以保费弥补损失
We have received information that your ordered goods were damaged during transportation。
On investigation we have found that the goods were in perfect condition when leaving our shipping department。
You will readily see it from the copy of our clean mates receipt enclosed。
Therefore we ask you to cover the loss against insurance。
9。 告知对方已按照指示包装并交付船运
We are pleased to inform you that your order has been packed as requested and shipped per M/S Wilson leaving here August 10。
We hope that the goods will reach you in perfect condition and give you full satisfaction。
outside glazing 外装玻璃法
patent glazing 专利装玻璃配件; 无油灰镶玻璃法
plate glazing 平板压光
plate glazing calender 平板抛光机; 平板砑光机
putty glazing 油灰镶玻璃法
puttyless glazing 无油灰镶玻璃法
rebate of glazing 镶嵌玻璃槽口
reflecting glazing 反射窗玻璃
salt glazing 盐釉
self…glazing 自动研光
spray glazing 喷釉法
spraying glazing 喷釉
anti…burglary glazing 防盗玻璃窗
attack resisting glazing 防盗窗玻璃
bead glazing 压条装配玻璃法
body wetting before glazing 补水
copper glazing 铜条嵌镶玻璃
copperlight glazing 铜条嵌镶玻璃
copperlite glazing 铜条装配玻璃
corrugated roof glazing 瓦楞玻璃屋面
direct glazing 无窗框安装法
double glazing unit 双层中空玻璃
double…glazing 双层玻璃
dry glazing 干法施釉
dry glazing dispenser 干法施釉器
electro…copper glazing 铜条嵌镶玻璃
fire…retarding glazing 耐火玻璃
flint glazing machine 磨光机
friction glazing 摩擦轧光
glazing 玻璃装配; 上釉; 釉化; 装配玻璃
glazing agent 上光剂
glazing bar 玻璃格条
glazing bead 玻璃压条; 镶玻璃条
glazing brad 玻璃钉
glazing by dipping 汤浸釉
glazing by imersion 汤蘸釉
glazing by rinsing 汤釉
glazing by splashing 泼釉
glazing by sufflation 吹釉
glazing calender 擦光机
glazing clip 玻璃卡子
glazing color 釉色
glazing pound 玻璃油灰
glazing felt 上毛毯
glazing gasket 玻璃镶嵌条
glazing industry 玻璃窗装配行业
glazing kiln 上釉窑
glazing machine 上光机; 研光机; 抛光机
glazing mill 电子管密封玻璃管制造机
glazing paint 发光漆; 上光 ;涂料
glazing plate glass 橱窗玻璃
glazing pottery 上釉陶器
glazing putty 玻璃油灰
glazing rebate 玻璃槽口
glazing spray gun 喷釉枪
glazing sprig 玻璃钉
glazing stage (种子) 光熟期
glazing tape 玻璃密封条
glazing wheel 研磨轮
glazing with putty 油灰镶玻璃法
glazing without frame 无窗框安装法
horizontal glazing bar 玻璃横格条
horizontal…bed glazing jack 水平式打光机
inside glazing 内镶玻璃
interspace of double glazing 双层玻璃空隙
lead glazing 铅条玻璃窗; 铅釉
machine glazing 单面光
The market advances/gains/rises。
The market declines/falls/loses。
The market booms。
The market is excited。
The market bees active。
The market bees brisk。
The market slumps。
The market bees dull。
The market breaks down。
The market is on the up grade。
The market is on an upward trend。
The market tends upward。
The market is on the down grade。
The market tends downward。
The market is on a downward trend。
The market takes downward。
The market declines/drops/sags。
The market jumps/advances/soars。
本文来自: 恒星英语学习网(Hxen) 详细出处参考:hxen/word/hangye/2007…10…31/17059。html
GB/T 14487…93 The terms of tea sensory tests
主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了一套评茶术语和定义。 本标准适用于我国各类茶叶的感官审评。
显毫 tippy 茸毛含量特别多。 同义词 茸毛显露
锋苗 tip 芽叶细嫩;紧卷而有尖锋。
身骨 body 茶身轻重。
重实 heavy body 身骨重;茶在手中有沉重感。
轻飘 light 身骨轻;茶在手中份量很轻。
匀整 evenly 上中下三段茶的粗细、长短、大小较一致;比例适当;无脱档现象。 同义词 匀齐;匀衬
脱档 unsymmetry 上下段茶多;中段茶少;三段茶比例不当。
匀净 neat 匀整;不含梗朴及其他夹杂物。
挺直 straight 光滑匀齐;不曲不弯。 同义词 平直
弯曲 bend 不直;呈钩状或弓状。 同义词 钩曲;(耳环)
平伏 flat and even 茶叶在盘中相互紧贴;无松起架空现象。
紧结 tightly 卷紧而结实。
紧直 tight and straight 卷紧而圆直。
紧实 tight and heavy 松紧适中;身骨较重实。
肥壮 fat and bold 芽叶肥嫩身骨重。 同义词 雄壮
壮实 sturdy 尚肥嫩;身骨较重实。
粗实 coarse and bold 嫩度较差;形粗大而尚重实。
粗松 coarse and loose 嫩度差;形状粗大而松散。
松条 loose 卷紧度较差。 同义词 松泡
松扁 loose and flat 不紧而呈平扁状。
扁块 flat and round 结成扁圆形或不规则圆形带扁的块。
圆浑 roundy 条索圆而紧结。
圆直 roundy and straight 条索圆浑而挺直。 同义词 浑直
扁条 flaty 条形扁;欠圆浑。
短钝 short and blunt 茶条折断;无锋苗。 同义词;短秃
短碎 short and broken 面张条短;下段茶多;欠匀整。
松碎 loose and broken 条松而短碎。
下脚重 heavy lower parts 下段中最小的筛号茶过多。
爆点 blister 干茶上的突起泡点。
破口 chop 折、切断口痕迹显露。
油润 bloom 干茶色泽鲜活;光泽好。
枯暗 dry dull 色泽枯燥;无光泽。
调匀 even colour 叶色均匀一致。
花杂 mixed 叶色不一;形状不一。此术语也适用于叶底。
清澈 cl