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a complete account of the settlement-第38章

小说: a complete account of the settlement 字数: 每页4000字

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e stomach; accompanied with lassitude and headache; attacked many; but they were removed generally in twenty…four hours by an emetic; followed by an anodyne。  During the time it lasted; we invariably found that the house was cooler than the open air; and that in proportion as the wind was excluded; was comfort augmented。

But even this heat was judged to be far exceeded in the latter end of the following February; when the north…west wind again set in; and blew with great violence for three days。  At Sydney; it fell short by one degree of what I have just recorded:  but at Rose Hill; it was allowed; by every person; to surpass all that they had before felt; either there or in any other part of the world。  Unluckily they had no thermometer to ascertain its precise height。  It must; however; have been intense; from the effects it produced。  An immense flight of bats driven before the wind; covered all the trees around the settlement; whence they every moment dropped dead or in a dying state; unable longer to endure the burning state of the atmosphere。  Nor did the 'perroquettes'; though tropical birds; bear it better。  The ground was strewn with them in the same condition as the bats。

Were I asked the cause of this intolerable heat; I should not hesitate to pronounce that it was occasioned by the wind blowing over immense deserts; which; I doubt not; exist in a north…west direction from Port Jackson; and not from fires kindled by the natives。  This remark I feel necessary; as there were methods used by some persons in the colony; both for estimating the degree of heat and for ascertaining the cause of its production; which I deem equally unfair and unphilosophical。  The thermometer; whence my observations were constantly made; was hung in the open air in a southern aspect; never reached by the rays of the sun; at the distance of several feet above the ground。

My other remarks on the climate will be short。  It is changeable beyond any other I ever heard of; but no phenomena sufficiently accurate to reckon upon; are found to indicate the approach of alteration。 Indeed; for the first eighteen months that we lived in the country; changes were supposed to take place more commonly at the quartering of the moon than at other times。  But lunar empire afterwards lost its credit。 For the last two years and a half of our residing at Port Jackson; its influence was unperceived。  Three days together seldom passed without a necessity occurring for lighting a fire in an evening。 A 'habit d'ete'; or a 'habit de demi saison'; would be in the highest degree absurd。  Clouds; storms and sunshine pass in rapid succession。  Of rain; we found in general not a sufficiency; but torrents of water sometimes fall。 Thunder storms; in summer; are common and very tremendous; but they have ceased to alarm; from rarely causing mischief。  Sometimes they happen in winter。  I have often seen large hailstones fall。 Frequent strong breezes from the westward purge the air。  These are almost invariably attended with a hard clear sky。  The easterly winds; by setting in from the sea; bring thick weather and rain; except in summer; when they become regular sea…breezes。  The 'aurora australis' is sometimes seen; but is not distinguished by superior brilliancy。

To sum up:  notwithstanding the inconveniences which I have enumerated; I will venture to assert in few words; that no climate hitherto known is more generally salubrious*; or affords more days on which those pleasures which depend on the state of the atmosphere can be enjoyed; than that of New South Wales。  The winter season is particularly delightful。

'*To this cause; I ascribe the great number of births which happened; considering the age and other circumstances; of many of the mothers。 Women who certainly would never have bred in any other climate here produced as fine children as ever were born。'

The leading animal production is well known to be the kangaroo。 The natural history of this animal will; probably; be written from observations made upon it in England; as several living ones of both sexes; have been brought home。  Until such an account shall appear; probably the following desultory observation may prove acceptable。

The genus in which the kangaroo is to be classed I leave to better naturalists than myself to determine。  How it copulates; those who pretend to have seen disagree in their accounts:  nor do we know how long the period of gestation lasts。  Prolific it cannot be termed; bringing forth only one at a birth; which the dam carries in her pouch wherever she goes until the young one be enabled to provide for itself; and even then; in the moment of alarm; she will stop to receive and protect it。 We have killed she…kangaroos whose pouches contained young ones completely covered with fur and of more than fifteen pounds weight; which had ceased to suck and afterwards were reared by us。  In what space of time it reaches such a growth as to be abandoned entirely by the mother; we are ignorant。  It is born blind; totally bald; the orifice of the ear closed and only just the centre of the mouth open; but a black score; denoting what is hereafter to form the dimension of the mouth; is marked very distinctly on each side of the opening。  At its birth; the kangaroo (notwithstanding it weighs when full grown 200 pounds) is not so large as a half…grown mouse。  I brought some with me to England even less; which I took from the pouches of the old ones。 This phenomenon is so striking and so contrary to the general laws of nature; that an opinion has been started that the animal is brought forth not by the pudenda; but descends from the belly into the pouch by one of the teats; which are there deposited。  On this difficulty as I can throw no light; I shall hazard no conjecture。  It may; however; be necessary to observe that the teats are several inches long and capable of great dilatation。  And here I beg leave to correct an error which crept into my former publication wherein I asserted that; 〃the teats of the kangaroo never exceed two in number。〃  They sometimes; though rarely; amount to four。  There is great reason to believe that they are slow of growth and live many years。  This animal has a clavicle; or collar…bone; similar to that of the human body。  The general colour of the kangaroo is very like that of the ass; but varieties exist。 Its shape and figure are well known by the plates which have been given of it。 The elegance of the ear is particularly deserving of admiration。 This far exceeds the ear of the hare in quickness of sense and is so flexible as to admit of being turned by the animal nearly quite round the head; doubtless for the purpose of informing the creature of the approach of its enemies; as it is of a timid nature; and poorly furnished with means of defence; though when compelled to resist; it tears furiously with its forepaws; and strikes forward very hard with its hind legs。 Notwithstanding its unfavourable conformation for such a purpose; its swims strongly; but never takes to the water unless so hard pressed by its pursuers as to be left without all other refuge。  The noise they make is a faint bleat; querulous; but not easy to describe。 They are sociable animals and unite in droves; sometimes to the number of fifty or sixty together; when they are seen playful and feeding on grass; which alone forms their food。  At such time they move gently about like all other quadrupeds; on all fours; but at the slightest noise they spring up on their hind legs and sit erect; listening to what it may proceed from; and if it increases they bound off on those legs only; the fore ones at the same time being carried close to the breast like the paws of a monkey; and the tail stretched out; acts as a rudder on a ship。  In drinking; the kangaroo laps。  It is remarkable that they are never found in a fat state; being invariably lean。 Of the flesh we always eat with avidity; but in Europe it would not be reckoned a delicacy。  A rank flavour forms the principal objection to it。 The tail is accounted the most delicious part; when stewed。

Hitherto I have spoken only of the large; or grey kangaroo; to which the natives give the name of 'patagaran'。*  But there are (besides the kangaroo…rat) two o

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