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a complete account of the settlement-第35章

小说: a complete account of the settlement 字数: 每页4000字

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nd made some mortifying observations on the soil of his present domain; compared with the banks of his native stream。  He assured me that (exclusive of the sacrifice of his salary) he has expended more than forty pounds in advancing his ground to the state in which I saw it。  Of the probability of success in his undertaking; he spoke with moderation and good sense。  Sometimes he said he had almost despaired; and had often balanced about relinquishing it; but had as often been checked by recollecting that hardly any difficulty can arise which vigour and perseverance will not overcome。  I asked him what was the tenure on which he held his estate。  He offered to show the written document; saying that it was exactly the same as Ruse's。 I therefore declined to trouble him; and took my leave with wishes for his success and prosperity。

Near Mr。 Scheffer's farm is a small patch of land cleared by Lieutenant Townson of the New South Wales corps; about two acres of which are in maize and wheat; both looking very bad。

Proceeded to the farm of Mr。 Arndell; one of the assistant surgeons。 This gentleman has six acres in cultivation as follows:  rather more than four in maize; one in wheat; and the remainder in oats and barley。  The wheat looks tolerably good; rather thin but of a good height; and the ears well filled。  His farming servant guesses the produce will be twelve bushels;* and I do not think he over…rates it。  The maize he guesses at thirty bushels; which from appearances it may yield; but not more。  The oats and barley are not contemptible。  This ground has been turned up but once  The aspect of it is nearly south; on a declivity of the river; or arm of the sea; on which Rose Hill stands。  It was cleared of wood about nine months ago; and sown this year for the first time。

'*I have received a letter from Port Jackson; dated in April 1792; which states that the crop of wheat turned out fifteen bushels; and the maize rather more than forty bushels。'

December 8th。  Went this morning to the farm of Christopher Magee; a convict settler; nearly opposite to that of Mr。 Scheffen。  The situation of this farm is very eligible; provided the river in floods does not inundate it; which I think doubtful。  This man was bred to husbandry; and lived eight years in America; he has no less than eight acres in cultivation; five and a half in maize; one in wheat; and one and a half in tobacco。  From the wheat he does not expect more than ten bushels; but he is extravagant enough to rate the produce of maize at 100 bushels (perhaps he may get fifty); on tobacco he means to go largely hereafter。 He began to clear this ground in April; but did not settle until last July。 I asked by what means he had been able to accomplish so much?  He answered; 〃By industry; and by hiring all the convicts I could get to work in their leisure hours; besides some little assistance which the governor has occasionally thrown in。〃  His greatest impediment is want of water; being obliged to fetch all he uses more than half a mile。  He sunk a well; and found water; but it was brackish and not fit to drink。  If this man shall continue in habits of industry and sobriety; I think him sure of succeeding。

Reached Ruse's farm;* and begged to look at his grant; the material part of which runs thus:  〃A lot of thirty acres; to be called Experiment Farm; the said lot to be holden; free of all taxes; quit…rents; &c。  for ten years; provided that the occupier; his heirs or assigns; shall reside within the same; and proceed to the improvement thereof; reserving; however; for the use of the crown; all timber now growing; or which hereafter shall grow; fit for naval purposes。  At the expiration of ten years; an annual quit…rent of one shilling shall be paid by the occupier in acknowledgment。〃

'*See the state of this farm in my former Rose Hill journal of November 1790; thirteen months before。'

Ruse now lives in a comfortable brick house; built for him by the governor。 He has eleven acres and a half in cultivation; and several more which have been cleared by convicts in their leisure hours; on condition of receiving the first year's crop。  He means to cultivate little besides maize; wheat is so much less productive。  Of the culture of vineyards and tobacco he is ignorant; and; with great good sense; he declared that he would not quit the path he knew; for an uncertainty。 His livestock consists of four breeding sows and thirty fowls。 He has been taken from the store (that is; has supplied himself with provisions) for some months past; and his wife is to be taken off at Christmas; at which time; if he deems himself able to maintain a convict labourer; one is to be given to him。

Crossed the river in a boat to Robert Webb's farm。  This man was one of the seamen of the 'Sirius'; and has taken; in conjunction with his brother (also a seaman of the same ship) a grant of sixty acres; on the same terms as Ruse; save that the annual quit…rent is to commence at the expiration of five years; instead of ten。  The brother is gone to England to receive the wages due to them both for their services; which money is to be expended by him in whatever he judges will be most conducive to the success of their plan。  Webb expects to do well; talks as a man should talk who has just set out on a doubtful enterprise which he is bound to pursue。 He is sanguine in hope; and looks only at the bright side of the prospect。 He has received great encouragement and assistance from the governor。 He has five acres cleared and planted with maize; which looks thriving; and promises to yield a decent crop。  His house and a small one adjoining for pigs and poultry were built for him by the governor; who also gave him two sows and seven fowls; to which he adds a little stock of his own acquiring。

Near Webb is placed William Read; another seaman of the 'Sirius'; on the same terms; and to whom equal encouragement has been granted。

My survey of Rose Hill is now closed。  I have inspected every piece of ground in cultivation here; both public and private; and have written from actual examination only。

But before I bade adieu to Rose Hill; in all probability for the last time of my life; it struck me that there yet remained one object of consideration not to be slighted:  Barrington had been in the settlement between two and three months; and I had not seen him。

I saw him with curiosity。  He is tall; approaching to six feet; slender; and his gait and manner; bespeak liveliness and activity。  Of that elegance and fashion; with which my imagination had decked him (I know not why); I could distinguish no trace。  Great allowance should; however; be made for depression and unavoidable deficiency of dress。  His face is thoughtful and intelligent; to a strong cast of countenance he adds a penetrating eye; and a prominent forehead。  His whole demeanour is humble; not servile。 Both on his passage from England; and since his arrival here; his conduct has been irreproachable。  He is appointed high…constable of the settlement of Rose Hill; a post of some respectability; and certainly one of importance to those who live here。  His knowledge of men; particularly of that part of them into whose morals; manners and behaviour he is ordered especially to inspect; eminently fit him for the office。

I cannot quit him without bearing my testimony that his talents promise to be directed in future to make reparation to society for the offences he has heretofore committed against it。

The number of persons of all descriptions at Rose Hill at this period will be seen in the following return。

A return of the number of persons at Rose Hill; 3rd of December 1791

 Quality。             |Men。|Women。|                Children                                          |    |      |  of 10 years  | of 2 years  | under 2 years  Convicts*             1336   133         0              9             17 Troops                  94     9         1              5              2 Civil Department         7     0         0              0              0 Seamen Settlers          3     0         0              0              0 Free Persons             0     7         2              1              2 Total number of persons               1440   149

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