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a complete account of the settlement-第23章

小说: a complete account of the settlement 字数: 每页4000字

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experienced。  We were immersed; nearly to the waist in mud; so thick and tenacious; that it was not without the most vigorous exertion of every muscle of the body; that the legs could be disengaged。  When we had reached the middle; our distress became not only more pressing; but serious; and each succeeding step; buried us deeper。  At length a sergeant of grenadiers stuck fast; and declared himself incapable of moving either forward or backward; and just after; Ensign Prentice and I felt ourselves in a similar predicament; close together。 'I find it impossible to move; I am sinking;' resounded on every side。 What to do I knew not:  every moment brought increase of perplexity; and augmented danger; as those who could not proceed kept gradually subsiding。 From our misfortunes; however; those in the rear profited。  Warned by what they saw and heard; they inclined to the right towards the head of the creek; and thereby contrived to pass over。

Our distress would have terminated fatally; had not a soldier cried out to those on shore to cut boughs of trees*; and throw them to usa lucky thought; which certainly saved many of us from perishing miserably; and even with this assistance; had we been burdened by our knapsacks; we could not have emerged; for it employed us near half an hour to disentangle some of our number。  The sergeant of grenadiers in particular; was sunk to his breast…bone; and so firmly fixed in that the efforts of many men were required to extricate him; which was effected in the moment after I had ordered one of the ropes; destined to bind the captive Indians; to be fastened under his arms。

'*I had often read of this contrivance to facilitate the passage of a morass。 But I confess; that in my confusion I had entirely forgotten it; and probably should have continued to do so until too late to be of use。'

Having congratulated each other on our escape from this 'Serbonian Bog;' and wiped our arms (half of which were rendered unserviceable by the mud) we once more pushed forward to our object; within a few hundred yards of which we found ourselves about half an hour before sunrise。  Here I formed the detachment into three divisions; and having enjoined the most perfect silence; in order; if possible; to deceive Indian vigilance; each division was directed to take a different route; so as to meet at the village at the same moment。

We rushed rapidly on; and nothing could succeed more exactly than the arrival of the several detachments。  To our astonishment; however; we found not a single native at the huts; nor was a canoe to be seen on any part of the bay。  I was at first inclined to attribute this to our arriving half an hour too late; from the numberless impediments we had encountered。 But on closer examination; there appeared room to believe; that many days had elapsed since an Indian had been on the spot; as no mark of fresh fires; or fish bones; was to be found。

Disappointed and fatigued; we would willingly have profited by the advantage of being near water; and have halted to refresh。  But on consultation; it was found; that unless we reached in an hour the rivers we had so lately passed; it would be impossible; on account of the tide; to cross to our baggage; in which case we should be without food until evening。  We therefore pushed back; and by dint of alternately running and walking; arrived at the fords; time enough to pass with ease and safety。  So excessive; however; had been our efforts; and so laborious our progress; that several of the soldiers; in the course of the last two miles; gave up; and confessed themselves unable to proceed farther。  All that I could do for these poor fellows; was to order their comrades to carry their muskets; and to leave with them a small party of those men who were least exhausted; to assist them and hurry them on。  In three quarters of an hour after we had crossed the water; they arrived at it; just time enough to effect a passage。

The necessity of repose; joined to the succeeding heat of the day; induced us to prolong our halt until four o'clock in the afternoon; when we recommenced our operations on the opposite side of the north arm to that we had acted upon in the morning。  Our march ended at sunset; without our seeing a single native。  We had passed through the country which the discoverers of Botany Bay extol as 'some of the finest meadows in the world*。'  These meadows; instead of grass; are covered with high coarse rushes; growing in a rotten spongy bog; into which we were plunged knee…deep at every step。

'*The words which are quoted may be found in Mr。 Cook's first voyage; and form part of his description of Botany Bay。  It has often fallen to my lot to traverse these fabled plains; and many a bitter execration have I heard poured on those travellers; who could so faithlessly relate what they saw。'

Our final effort was made at half past one o'clock next morning; and after four hours toil; ended as those preceding it had done; in disappointment and vexation。  At nine o'clock we returned to Sydney; to report our fruitless peregrination。

But if we could not retaliate on the murderer of M'Entire; we found no difficulty in punishing offences committed within our own observation。 Two natives; about this time; were detected in robbing a potato garden。 When seen; they ran away; and a sergeant and a party of soldiers were dispatched in pursuit of them。  Unluckily it was dark when they overtook them; with some women at a fire; and the ardour of the soldiers transported them so far that; instead of capturing the offenders; they fired in among them。 The women were taken; but the two men escaped。

On the following day; blood was traced from the fireplace to the sea…side; where it seemed probable that those who had lost it; had embarked。 The natives were observed to become immediately shy; but an exact knowledge of the mischief which had been committed; was not gained until the end of two days; when they said that a man of the name of Bangai (who was known to be one of the pilferers) was wounded and dead。  Imeerawanyee; however; whispered that though he was wounded; he was not dead。  A hope now existed that his life might be saved; and Mr。 White; taking Imeerawanyee; Nanbaree; and a woman with him; set out for the spot where he was reported to be。 But on their reaching it; they were told by some people who were there that the man was dead; and that the corpse was deposited in a bay about a mile off。  Thither they accordingly repaired; and found it as described; coveredexcept one leg; which seemed to be designedly left barewith green boughs and a fire burning near it。  Those who had performed the funeral obsequies seemed to have been particularly solicitous for the protection of the face; which was covered with a thick branch; interwoven with grass and fern so as to form a complete screen。  Around the neck was a strip of the bark of which they make fishing lines; and a young strait stick growing near was stripped of its bark and bent down so as to form an arch over the body; in which position it was confined by a forked branch stuck into the earth。

On examining the corpse; it was found to be warm。  Through the shoulder had passed a musquet ball; which had divided the subclavian artery and caused death by loss of blood。  No mark of any remedy having been applied could be discovered。  Possibly the nature of the wound; which even among us would baffle cure without amputation of the arm at the shoulder; was deemed so fatal; that they despaired of success; and therefore left it to itself。 Had Mr。 White found the man alive; there is little room to think that he could have been of any use to him; for that an Indian would submit to so formidable and alarming an operation seems hardly probable。

None of the natives who had come in the boat would touch the body; or even go near it; saying; the mawn would come; that is literally; 'the spirit of the deceased would seize them'。  Of the people who died among us; they had expressed no such apprehension。  But how far the difference of a natural death; and one effected by violence; may operate on their fears to induce superstition; and why those who had performed the rites of sepulture should not experience similar fears 

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