贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a complete account of the settlement >


a complete account of the settlement-第13章

小说: a complete account of the settlement 字数: 每页4000字

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; however; soon corrected their doubts。 He seemed quite friendly。  And soon after Colbee came up; pointing to his leg; to show that he had freed himself from the fetter which was upon him; when he had escaped from us。

When Baneelon was told that the governor was not far off; he expressed great joy; and declared that he would immediately go in search of him; and if he found him not; would follow him to Sydney。  〃Have you brought any hatchets with you?〃 cried he。  Unluckily they had not any which they chose to spare; but two or three shirts; some handkerchiefs; knives; and other trifles; were given to them; and seemed to satisfy。  Baneelon; willing to instruct his countrymen; tried to put on a shirt; but managed it so awkwardly; that a man of the name of M'Entire; the governor's gamekeeper; was directed by Mr。 White to assist him。  This man; who was well known to him; he positively forbade to approach; eyeing him ferociously; and with every mark of horror and resentment。  He was in consequence left to himself; and the conversation proceeded as before。  The length of his beard seemed to annoy him much; and he expressed eager wishes to be shaved; asking repeatedly for a razor。  A pair of scissors was given to him; and he shewed he had not forgotten how to use such an instrument; for he forthwith began to clip his hair with it。

During this time; the women and children; to the number of more than fifty; stood at a distance; and refused all invitations; which could be conveyed by signs and gestures; to approach nearer。  〃Which of them is your old favourite; Barangaroo; of whom you used to speak so often?〃

〃Oh;〃 said he; 〃she is become the wife of Colbee!  But I have got 'bulla muree deein' (two large women) to compensate for her loss。〃

It was observed that he had received two wounds; in addition to his former numerous ones; since he had left us; one of them from a spear; which had passed through the fleshy part of his arm; and the other displayed itself in a large scar above his left eye。  They were both healed; and probably were acquired in the conflict wherein he had asserted his pretensions to the two ladies。

Nanbaree; all this while; though he continued to interrogate his countrymen; and to interpret on both sides; shewed little desire to return to their society; and stuck very close to his new friends。  On being asked the cause of their present meeting; Baneelon pointed to the whale; which stunk immoderately; and Colbee made signals; that it was common among them to cat until the stomach was so overladen as to occasion sickness。

Their demand of hatchets being re…iterated; notwithstanding our refusal; they were asked why they had not brought with them some of their own? They excused themselves by saying; that on an occasion of the present sort; they always left them at home; and cut up the whale with the shell which is affixed to the end of the throwing…stick。

Our party now thought it time to proceed on their original expedition; and having taken leave of their sable friends; rowed to some distance; where they landed; and set out for Broken Bay; ordering the coxswain of the boat; in which they had come down; to go immediately and acquaint the governor of all that had passed。  When the natives saw that the boat was about to depart; they crowded around her; and brought down; by way of present; three or four great junks of the whale; and put them on board of her; the largest of which; Baneelon expressly requested might be offered; in his name; to the governor。

It happened that his excellency had this day gone to a landmark; which was building on the South…head; near the flag…staff; to serve as a direction to ships at sea; and the boat met him on his return to Sydney。 Immediately on receiving the intelligence; he hastened back to the South…head; and having procured all the fire…arms which could be mustered there; consisting of four muskets and a pistol; set out; attended by Mr。 Collins and Lieutenant Waterhouse of the navy。

When the boat reached Manly Cove; the natives were found still busily employed around the whale。  As they expressed not any consternation on seeing us row to the beach; governor Phillip stepped out unarmed; and attended by one seaman only; and called for Baneelon; who appeared; but; notwithstanding his former eagerness; would not suffer the other to approach him for several minutes。 Gradually; however; he warmed into friendship and frankness; and presently after Colbee came up。  They discoursed for some time; Baneelon expressing pleasure to see his old acquaintance; and inquiring by name for every person whom he could recollect at Sydney; and among others for a French cook; one of the governor's servants; whom he had constantly made the butt of his ridicule; by mimicking his voice; gait; and other peculiarities; all of which he again went through with his wonted exactness and drollery。 He asked also particularly for a lady from whom he had once ventured to snatch a kiss; and on being told that she was well; by way of proving that the token was fresh in his remembrance; he kissed Lieutenant Waterhouse; and laughed aloud。  On his wounds being noticed; he coldly said; that he had received them at Botany Bay; but went no farther into their history。

Hatchets still continued to be called for with redoubled eagerness; which rather surprised us; as formerly they had always been accepted with indifference。  But Baneelon had probably demonstrated to them their superiority over those of their own manufacturing。  To appease their importunity; the governor gave them a knife; some bread; pork; and other articles; and promised that in two days he would return hither; and bring with him hatchets to be distributed among them; which appeared to diffuse general satisfaction。

Baneelon's love of wine has been mentioned; and the governor; to try whether it still subsisted; uncorked a bottle; and poured out a glass of it; which the other drank off with his former marks of relish and good humour; giving for a toast; as he had been taught; 〃The King。〃

Our party now advanced from the beach but; perceiving many of the Indians filing off to the right and left; so as in some measure to surround them; they retreated gently to their old situation; which produced neither alarm or offence。  The others by degrees also resumed their former position。 A very fine barbed spear of uncommon size being seen by the governor; he asked for it。  But Baneelon; instead of complying with the request; took it away; and laid it at some distance; and brought back a throwing…stick; which he presented to his excellency。

Matters had proceeded in this friendly train for more than half an hour; when a native; with a spear in his hand; came forward; and stopped at the distance of between twenty and thirty yards from the place where the governor; Mr。 Collins; Lieutenant Waterhouse; and a seaman stood。 His excellency held out his hand; and called to him; advancing towards him at the same time; Mr。 Collins following close behind。  He appeared to be a man of middle age; short of stature; sturdy; and well set; seemingly a stranger; and but little acquainted with Baneelon and Colbee。  The nearer the governor approached; the greater became the terror and agitation of the Indian。  To remove his fear; governor Phillip threw down a dirk; which he wore at his side。  The other; alarmed at the rattle of the dirk; and probably misconstruing the action; instantly fixed his lance in his throwing…stick*。

'*Such preparation is equal to what cocking a gun; and directing it at its object; would be with us。  To launch the spear; or to touch the trigger; only remains。'

To retreat; his excellency now thought would be more dangerous than to advance。 He therefore cried out to the man; Weeeree; Weeree; (bad; you are doing wrong) displaying at the same time; every token of amity and confidence。 The words had; however; hardly gone forth; when the Indian; stepping back with one foot; aimed his lance with such force and dexterity; that striking* the governor's right shoulder; just above the collar…bone; the point glancing downward; came out at his back; having made a wound of many inches long。  The man was observed to keep his eye steadily fixed on the lance unti

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