贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > man of property >


man of property-第21章

小说: man of property 字数: 每页4000字

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h curves back from her forehead; was going grey; like his own; and this greyness made the sudden vivid colour in her cheeks painfully pathetic。

The look on her face; such as he had never seen there before; such as she had always hidden from him; was full of secret resentments; and longings; and fears。  Her eyes; under their twitching brows; stared painfully。  And she was silent。

Jolly alone sustained the conversation; he had many possessions; and was anxious that his unknown friend with extremely large moustaches; and hands all covered with blue veins; who sat with legs crossed like his own father (a habit he was himself trying to acquire); should know it; but being a Forsyte; though not yet quite eight years old; he made no mention of the thing at the moment dearest to his hearta camp of soldiers in a shop…window; which his father had promised to buy。  No doubt it seemed to him too precious; a tempting of Providence to mention it yet。

And the sunlight played through the leaves on that little party of the three generations grouped tranquilly under the pear…tree; which had long borne no fruit。

Old Jolyon's furrowed face was reddening patchily; as old men's faces redden in the sun。  He took one of Jolly's hands in his own; the boy climbed on to his knee; and little Holly; mesmerized by this sight; crept up to them; the sound of the dog Balthasar's scratching arose rhythmically。

Suddenly young Mrs。 Jolyon got up and hurried indoors。  A minute later her husband muttered an excuse; and followed。  Old Jolyon was left alone with his grandchildren。

And Nature with her quaint irony began working in him one of her strange revolutions; following her cyclic laws into the depths of his heart。  And that tenderness for little children; that passion for the beginnings of life which had once made him forsake his son and follow June; now worked in him to forsake June and follow these littler things。  Youth; like a flame; burned ever in his breast; and to youth he turned; to the round little limbs; so reckless; that wanted care; to the small round faces so unreasonably solemn or bright; to the treble tongues;  and the shrill; chuckling laughter; to the insistent tugging hands; and the feel of small bodies against his legs; to all that was young and young; and once more young。  And his eyes grew soft; his voice; and thin…veined hands soft; and soft his heart within him。 And to those small creatures he became at once a place of pleasure; a place where they were secure; and could talk and laugh and play; till; like sunshine; there radiated from old Jolyon's wicker chair the perfect gaiety of three hearts。

But with young Jolyon following to his wife's room it was different。

He found her seated on a chair before her dressing…glass; with her hands before her face。

Her shoulders were shaking with sobs。  This passion of hers for suffering was mysterious to him。  He had been through a hundred of these moods; how he had survived them he never knew; for he could never believe they were moods; and that the last hour of his partnership had not struck。

In the night she would be sure to throw her o arms round; his neck and say: 〃Oh! Jo; how I make you suffer!〃 as she had done a hundred times before。

He reached out his hand; and; unseen; slipped his razor…case into his pocket。 'I cannot stay here;' he thought; 'I must go down!'  Without a word he left the room; and went back to the lawn。

Old Jolyon had little Holly on his knee; she had taken possession of his watch; Jolly; very red in the face; was trying to show that he could stand on his head。  The dog Balthasar; as close as he might be to the tea…table; had fixed his eyes on the cake。

Young Jolyon felt a malicious desire to cut their enjoyment short。

What business had his father to come and upset his wife like this?  It was a shock; after all these years!  He ought to have known; he ought to have given them warning; but when did a Forsyte ever imagine that his conduct could upset anybody!  And in his thoughts he did old Jolyon wrong。

He spoke sharply to the children; and told them to go in to their tea。  Greatly surprised; for they had never heard their father speak sharply before; they went off; hand in hand; little Holly looking back over her shoulder。

Young Jolyon poured out the tea。

〃My wife's not the thing today;〃 he said; but he knew well enough that his father had penetrated the cause of that sudden withdrawal; and almost hated the old man for sitting there so calmly。

〃You've got a nice little house here;〃 said old Jolyon with a shrewd look; 〃I suppose you've taken a lease of it!〃

Young Jolyon nodded。

〃I don't like the neighbourhood;〃 said old Jolyon; 〃a ramshackle lot。〃

Young Jolyon replied: 〃Yes; we're a ramshackle lot。〃'

The silence was now only broken by the sound of the dog Balthasar's scratching。

Old Jolyon said simply: 〃I suppose I oughtn't to have come here; Jo; but I get so lonely!〃

At these words young Jolyon got up and put his hand on his father's shoulder。

In the next house someone was playing over and over again: 'La Donna  mobile' on an untuned piano; and the little garden had fallen into shade; the sun now only reached the wall at the end; whereon basked a crouching cat; her yellow eyes turned sleepily down on the dog Balthasar。  There was a drowsy hum of very distant traffic; the creepered trellis round the garden shut out everything but sky; and house; and pear…tree; with its top branches still gilded by the sun。

For some time they sat there; talking but little。  Then old Jolyon rose to go; and not a word was said about his coming again。

He walked away very sadly。  What a poor miserable place; and he thought of the great; empty house in Stanhope Gate; fit residence for a Forsyte; with its huge billiard…room and drawing…room that no one entered from one week's end to another。

That woman; whose face he had rather liked; was too thin…skinned by half; she gave Jo a bad time he knew!  And those sweet children!  Ah! what a piece of awful folly!

He walked towards the Edgware Road; between rows of little houses; all suggesting to him (erroneously no doubt; but the prejudices of a Forsyte are sacred) shady histories of some sort or kind。

Society; forsooth; the chattering hags and jackanapeshad set themselves up to pass judgment on his flesh and blood!  A parcel of old women!  He stumped his umbrella on the ground; as though to drive it into the heart of that unfortunate body; which had dared to ostracize his son and his son's son; in whom he could have lived again!

He stumped his umbrella fiercely; yet he himself had followed Society's behaviour for fifteen yearshad only today been false to it!

He thought of June; and her dead mother; and the whole story; with all his old bitterness。  A wretched business!

He was a long time reaching Stanhope Gate; for; with native perversity; being extremely tired; he walked the whole way。

After washing his hands in the lavatory downstairs; he went to the dining…room to wait for dinner; the only room he used when June was outit was less lonely so。  The evening paper had not yet come; he had finished the Times; there was therefore nothing to do。

The room faced the backwater of traffic; and was very silent。  He disliked dogs; but a dog even would have been company。  His gaze; travelling round the walls; rested on a 'picture entitled: 'Group of Dutch fishing boats at sunset; the chef d'oeuvre of his collection。  It gave him no pleasure。  He closed his eyes。  He was lonely!  He oughtn't to complain; he knew; but he couldn't help it: He was a poor thinghad always been a poor thingno pluck!  Such was his thought。

The butler came to lay the table for dinner; and seeing his master apparently asleep; exercised extreme caution in his movements。  This bearded man also wore a moustache; which had given rise to grave doubts in the minds of many membersof the family; especially those who; like Soames; had been to public schools; and were accustomed to niceness in such matters。  Could he really be considered a butler?  Playful spirits alluded to him as: 'Uncle Jolyon's Nonconformist'; George; the acknowledged wag; had named him: 'Sankey。'

He moved to and fro between the gre

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