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charlotte temple-第16章

小说: charlotte temple 字数: 每页4000字

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er; Mrs。 Beauchamp; in secret deplored the loss of her father's affection; and grieved that he should be so entirely swayed by an artful; and; she much feared; infamous woman。 Mrs。 Beauchamp was mild and engaging; she loved not the hurry and bustle of a city; and had prevailed on her husband to take a house a few miles from New…York。 Chance led her into the same neighbourhood with Charlotte; their houses stood within a short space of each other; and their gardens joined:  she had not been long in her new habitation before the figure of Charlotte struck her; she recollected her interesting features; she saw the melancholy so conspicuous in her countenance; and her heart bled at the reflection; that perhaps deprived of honour; friends; all that was valuable in life; she was doomed to linger out a wretched existence in a strange land; and sink broken…hearted into an untimely grave。 〃Would to heaven I could snatch her from so hard a fate;〃 said she; 〃but the merciless world has barred the doors of compassion against a poor weak girl; who; perhaps; had she one kind friend to raise and reassure her; would gladly return to peace and virtue; nay; even the woman who dares to pity; and endeavour to recall a wandering sister; incurs the sneer of contempt and ridicule; for an action in which even angels are said to rejoice。〃 The longer Mrs。 Beauchamp was a witness to the solitary life Charlotte led; the more she wished to speak to her; and often as she saw her cheeks wet with the tears of anguish; she would say〃Dear sufferer; how gladly would I pour into your heart the balm of consolation; were it not for the fear of derision。〃 But an accident soon happened which made her resolve to brave even the scoffs of the world; rather than not enjoy the heavenly satisfaction of comforting a desponding fellow…creature。 Mrs。 Beauchamp was an early riser。  She was one morning walking in the garden; leaning on her husband's arm; when the sound of a harp attracted their notice:  they listened attentively; and heard a soft melodious voice distinctly sing the following stanzas:                Thou glorious orb; supremely bright;                    Just rising from the sea;                To chear all nature with thy light;                    What are thy beams to me?                In vain thy glories bid me rise;                    To hail the new…born day;                Alas! my morning sacrifice                    Is still to weep and pray。                For what are nature's charms combin'd;                    To one; whose weary breast                Can neither peace nor comfort find;                    Nor friend whereon to rest?                Oh! never! never! whilst I live                    Can my heart's anguish cease:                Come; friendly death; thy mandate give;                    And let me be at peace。 〃'Tis poor Charlotte!〃 said Mrs。 Beauchamp; the pellucid drop of humanity stealing down her cheek。 Captain Beauchamp was alarmed at her emotion。  〃What Charlotte?〃 said he; 〃do you know her?〃 In the accent of a pitying angel did she disclose to her husband Charlotte's unhappy situation; and the frequent wish she had formed of being serviceable to her。  〃I fear;〃 continued she; 〃the poor girl has been basely betrayed; and if I thought you would not blame me; I would pay her a visit; offer her my friendship; and endeavour to restore to her heart that peace she seems to have lost; and so pathetically laments。  Who knows; my dear;〃 laying her hand affectionately on his arm; 〃who knows but she has left some kind; affectionate parents to lament her errors; and would she return; they might with rapture receive the poor penitent; and wash away her faults in tears of joy。  Oh! what a glorious reflexion would it be for me could I be the happy instrument of restoring her。 Her heart may not be depraved; Beauchamp。〃 〃Exalted woman!〃 cried Beauchamp; embracing her; 〃how dost thou rise every moment in my esteem。  Follow the impulse of thy generous heart; my Emily。  Let prudes and fools censure if they dare; and blame a sensibility they never felt; I will exultingly tell them that the heart that is truly virtuous is ever inclined to pity and forgive the errors of its fellow…creatures。〃 A beam of exulting joy played round the animated countenance of Mrs。 Beauchamp; at these encomiums bestowed on her by a beloved husband; the most delightful sensations pervaded her heart; and; having breakfasted; she prepared to visit Charlotte。 CHAPTER XXI。                  Teach me to feel another's woe;                     To hide the fault I see;                  That mercy I to others show;                     That mercy show to me。       POPE。 WHEN Mrs。 Beauchamp was dressed; she began to feel embarrassed at the thought of beginning an acquaintance with Charlotte; and was distressed how to make the first visit。  〃I cannot go without some introduction;〃 said she; 〃it will look so like impertinent curiosity。〃 At length recollecting herself; she stepped into the garden; and gathering a few fine cucumbers; took them in her hand by way of apology for her visit。 A glow of conscious shame vermillioned Charlotte's face as Mrs。 Beauchamp entered。 〃You will pardon me; Madam;〃 said she; 〃for not having before paid my respects to so amiable a neighbour; but we English people always keep up that reserve which is the characteristic of our nation wherever we go。 I have taken the liberty to bring you a few cucumbers; for I observed you had none in your garden。〃 Charlotte; though naturally polite and well…bred; was so confused she could hardly speak。  Her kind visitor endeavoured to relieve her by not noticing her embarrassment。  〃I am come; Madam;〃 continued she; 〃to request you will spend the day with me。 I shall be alone; and; as we are both strangers in this country; we may hereafter be extremely happy in each other's friendship。〃 〃Your friendship; Madam;〃 said Charlotte blushing; 〃is an honour to all who are favoured with it。  Little as I have seen of this part of the world; I am no stranger to Mrs。 Beauchamp's goodness of heart and known humanity:  but my friendship〃 She paused; glanced her eye upon her own visible situation; and; spite of her endeavours to suppress them; burst into tears。 Mrs。 Beauchamp guessed the source from whence those tears flowed。 〃You seem unhappy; Madam;〃 said she:  〃shall I be thought worthy your confidence? will you entrust me with the cause of your sorrow; and rest on my assurances to exert my utmost power to serve you。〃 Charlotte returned a look of gratitude; but could not speak; and Mrs。 Beauchamp continued〃My heart was interested in your behalf the first moment I saw you; and I only lament I had not made earlier overtures towards an acquaintance; but I flatter myself you will henceforth consider me as your friend。〃 〃Oh Madam!〃 cried Charlotte; 〃I have forfeited the good opinion of all my friends; I have forsaken them; and undone myself。〃 〃Come; come; my dear;〃 said Mrs。 Beauchamp; 〃you must not indulge these gloomy thoughts:  you are not I hope so miserable as you imagine yourself: endeavour to be composed; and let me be favoured with your company at dinner; when; if you can bring yourself to think me your friend; and repose a confidence in me; I am ready to convince you it shall not be abused。〃  She then arose; and bade her good morning。 At the dining hour Charlotte repaired to Mrs。 Beauchamp's; and during dinner assumed as composed an aspect as possible; but when the cloth was removed; she summoned all her resolution and determined to make Mrs。 Beauchamp acquainted with every circumstance preceding her unfortunate elopement; and the earnest desire she had to quit a way of life so repugnant to her feelings。 With the benignant aspect of an angel of mercy did Mrs。 Beauchamp listen to the artless tale:  she was shocked to the soul to find how large a share La Rue had in the seduction of this amiable girl; and a tear fell; when she reflected so vile a woman was now the wife of her father。 When Charlotte had finished; she gave her a little time to collect her scattered spirits; and then asked her if she had never written to her friends。 〃Oh yes; Madam;〃 said she; 〃frequently:  but I have broke their hearts: they are either dead or have cast me off fo

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