the monster men(魔鬼一样的人)-第42章
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had found Muda Saffirthen the fellow expired without having an
opportunity to divulge the secret hiding place of the treasure; over the top
of which his body lay。
Now Bulan had been an interested witness of all that transpired。 At
first he had been inclined to come out of his hiding place and follow von
Horn; but so much had already occurred beneath the branches of the great
tree where the chest lay hidden that he decided to wait until morning at
least; for he was sure that he had by no means seen the last of the drama
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which surrounded the heavy box。 This belief was strengthened by the
haste displayed by both Ninaka and von Horn to escape the neighborhood
as quickly as possible; as though they feared that they might be
apprehended should they delay even for a moment。
Number Three and Number Twelve still slept; not having been aroused
even by the shots fired by von Horn。 Bulan himself had dozed after the
departure of the doctor; but the advent of Barunda's uncle with his
followers had awakened him; and now he lay wide eyed and alert as the
second party; under Muda Saffir; came into view when they left the jungle
trail and entered the clearing。
His interest in either party was but passive until he saw the khaki
blouse; short skirt and trim leggins of the captive walking between two of
the Dyaks of Muda Saffir's company。 At the same instant he recognized
the evil features of the rajah as those of the man who had directed the
abduction of Virginia Maxon from the wrecked Ithaca。
Like a great cat Bulan drew himself cautiously to all fours every
nerve and muscle taut with the excitement of the moment。 Before him he
saw a hundred and fifty ferocious Borneo head hunters; armed with
parangs; spears and sumpitans。 At his back slept two almost brainless
creatureshis sole support against the awful odds he must face before he
could hope to succor the divinity whose image was enshrined in his brave
and simple heart。
The muscles stood out upon his giant forearm as he gripped the stock
of his bull whip。 He believed that he was going to his death; for mighty
as were his thews he knew that in the face of the horde they would avail
him little; yet he saw no other way than to sit supinely by while the girl
went to her doom; and that he could not do。 He nudged Number Twelve。
〃Silence!〃 he whispered; and 〃Come! The girl is here。 We must save her。
Kill the men;〃 and the same to the hairy and terrible Number Three。
Both the creatures awoke and rose to their hands and knees without
noise that could be heard above the chattering of the natives; who had
crowded forward to view the dead bodies of von Horn's victims。 Silently
Bulan came to his feet; the two monsters at his back rising and pressing
close behind him。 Along the denser shadows the three crept to a position in
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the rear of the natives。 The girl's guards had stepped forward with the
others to join in the discussion that followed the dying statement of the
murdered warrior; leaving her upon the outer fringe of the crowd。
For an instant a sudden hope of escape sprang to Virginia Maxon's
mindthere was none between her and the jungle through which they had
just passed。 Though unknown dangers lurked in the black and uncanny
depths of the dismal forest; would not death in any form be far preferable
to the hideous fate which awaited her in the person of the bestial Malay
She had turned to take the first step toward freedom when three figures
emerged from the wall of darkness behind her。 She saw the war…caps;
shields; and war… coats; and her heart sank。 Here were others of the
rajah's partystragglers who had come just in time to thwart her plans。
How large these men wereshe never had seen a native of such giant
proportions; and now they had come quite close to her; and as the
foremost stooped to speak to her she shrank back in fear。 Then; to her
surprise; she heard in whispered English; 〃Come quietly; while they are
not looking。〃
She thought the voice familiar; but could not place it; though her heart
whispered that it might belong to the young stranger of her dreams。 He
reached out and took her hand and together they turned and walked
quickly toward the jungle; followed by the two who had accompanied
Scarcely had they covered half the distance before one of the Dyaks
whose duty it had been to guard the girl discovered that she was gone。
With a cry he alarmed his fellows; and in another instant a sharp pair of
eyes caught the movement of the four who had now broken into a run。
With savage shouts the entire force of head hunters sprang in pursuit。
Bulan lifted Virginia in his arms and dashed on ahead of Number Twelve
and Number Three。 A shower of poisoned darts blown from half a hundred
sumpitans fell about them; and then Muda Saffir called to his warriors to
cease using their deadly blow…pipes lest they kill the girl。
Into the jungle dashed the four while close behind them came the
howling pack of enraged savages。 Now one closed upon Number Three
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only to fall back dead with a broken neck as the giant fingers released their
hold upon him。 A parang swung close to Number Twelve; but his own;
which he had now learned to wield with fearful effect; clove through the
pursuing warrior's skull splitting him wide to the breast bone。
Thus they fought the while they forced their way deeper and deeper
into the dark mazes of the entangled vegetation。 The brunt of the running
battle was borne by the two monsters; for Bulan was carrying Virginia;
and keeping a little ahead of his companions to insure the girl's greater
Now and then patches of moonlight filtering through occasional
openings in the leafy roofing revealed to Virginia the battle that was being
waged for possession of her; and once; when Number Three turned toward
her after disposing of a new assailant; she was horrified to see the
grotesque and terrible face of the creature。 A moment later she caught
sight of Number Twelve's hideous face。 She was appalled。
Could it be that she had been rescued from the Malay to fall into the
hands of creatures equally heartless and entirely without souls? She
glanced up at the face of him who carried her。 In the darkness of the
night she had not yet had an opportunity to see the features of the man; but
after a glimpse at those of his two companions she trembled to think of the
hideous thing that might be revealed to her。
Could it be that she had at last fallen into the hands of the dreaded and
terrible Number Thirteen! Instinctively she s