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hard times(艰难时世)-第93章

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disgraceful grotesqueness; biting straw: his hands; with the black 

party worn away inside; looking like the hands of a monkey。 The 

evening was fast closing in; and from time to time; he turned the 

whites   of   his   eyes   restlessly   and   impatiently   towards   his   father。 

They     were    the   only   parts   of  his  face   that   showed     any    life  or 

expression; the pigment upon it was so thick。 

    “You must be got to Liverpool; and sent abroad。” 

    “I   suppose     I  must。    I  can’t   be   more     miserable     anywhere;” 

whimpered   the   whelp;   “than   I   have   been   here;   ever   since   I   can 

remember。 That’s one thing。” 

    Mr   Gradgrind   went   to   the   door;   and   returned   with   Sleary;   to 

whom       he  submitted      the   question;    How     to  get   this  deplorable 

object away? 

    “Why; I’ve been thinking of it; Thquire。 There’th not muth time 

to loathe; tho you muth thay yeth or no。 Ith over twenty mileth to 

the   rail。   Thereth   a   coath   in   half   an   hour;   that   goeth  to   the   rail; 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

… Page 359…

                                  Hard Times                                   359 

‘purpothe to cath the mail train。 That train will take him right to 


    “But look at him;” groaned Mr Gradgrind。 “Will any coach—” 

    “I  don’t   mean     that  he  thould    go  in  the   comic   livery;”   said 

Sleary。 “Thay the word; and I’ll make a Jothkin of him; out of the 

wardrobe; in five minutes。” 

    “I don’t understand;” said Mr Gradgrind。 

    “A   Jothkin—a      Carter。    Make    up   your   mind    quick;   Thquire; 

There’ll be beer to feth。 I’ve never met with nothing but beer ath’ll 

ever clean a comic blackamoor。” 

   Mr   Gradgrind   rapidly   assented;   Mr   Sleary   rapidly   turned   out 

from   a   box;   a   smock   frock;   a   felt   hat;   and   other   essentials;   the 

whelp rapidly changed clothes behind a screen of baize; Mr Sleary 

rapidly brought beer; and washed him white again。 

    “Now;”   said   Sleary;   “come   along   to   the   coath;   and   jump    up 

behind; I’ll go with you there; and they’ll thuppothe you one of my 

people。 Thay farewell to your family; and tharp’th the word。” With 

which he delicately retired。 

    “Here is your letter;” said Mr Gradgrind。 “All necessary means 

will be provided for you。 Atone; by repentance and better conduct; 

for   the  shocking   action     you  have    committed;     and   the  dreadful 

consequences   to   which   it   has   led。   Give   me   your   hand;   my   poor 

boy; and may God forgive you as I do!” 

   The culprit was moved to a few abject tears by these words and 

their    pathetic    tone。  But;    when    Louisa    opened     her   arms;    he 

repulsed her afresh。 

    “Not you。 I don’t want to have anything to say to you!” 

    “O Tom; Tom; do we end so; after all my love!” 

    “After    all  your  love!”   he  returned;    obdurately。     “Pretty   love! 

Charles Dickens                                                  ElecBook Classics 

… Page 360…

                                    Hard Times                                      360 

Leaving old Bounderby to himself; and packing my best friend Mr 

Harthouse   off;   and   going   home   just   when   I   was   in   the   greatest 

danger。   Pretty  love   that!   Coming   out   with   every   word   about   our 

having   gone   to   that   place;   when   you   saw   the   net   was   gathering 

round me。 Pretty love that! You have regularly given me up。 You 

never cared for me。” 

    “Tharp’th the word!” said Sleary at the door。 

    They   all   confusedly   went   out:   Louisa   crying   to   him   that   she 

forgave   him;   and   loved   him   still;   and   that   he   would   one   day   be 

sorry to have left her so; and glad to think of these her last words; 

far   away:   when   some   one   ran   against   them。   Mr   Gradgrind   and 

Sissy; who were both before him while his sister  yet  clung  to  his 

shoulder; stopped and recoiled。 

    For; there was Bitzer; out of breath; his thin lips parted; his thin 

nostrils   distended;   his   white   eyelashes   quivering;   his   colourless 

face   more   colourless   than   ever;   as   if   he   ran   himself   into   a   white 

heat;   when   other   people   ran   themselves   into   a   glow。        There   he 

stood; panting and heaving;   as   if   he  had   never  stopped   since  the 

night; now long ago; when he had run them down before。 

    “I’m sorry to interfere with your plans;” said Bitzer; shaking his 

head; “but I can’t allow myself to be done by horse…riders。 I must 

have young Mr Tom; he mustn’t be got away by horse…riders; here 

he is in a smock frock; and I must have him!” 

    By the collar; too; it seemed。 For; so he took possession of him。 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

… Page 361…

                                 Hard Times                                   361 

                                 Chapter 8 


          hey went back into the booth; Sleary shutting the door to 

          keep    intruders    out。  Bitzer;   still  holding   the   paralysed 


          culprit by the collar; stood in the Ring; blinking at his old 

patron through the darkness of the twilight。 

   “Bitzer;”     said   Mr   Gradgrind;     broken     down;    and   miserably 

submissive to him; “have you a heart?” 

   “The   circulation   sir;”   returned   Bitzer; smiling  at  the   oddity   of 

the   question;   “couldn’t   be   carried   on   without   one。   No   man;   sir; 

acquainted   with   the   facts   established   by   Harvey   relating   to   the 

circulation of the blood; can doubt that I have a heart。” 

   “Is   it   accessible;”   cried   Mr   Gradgrind;   “to   any   compassionate 


   “It   is   accessible   to   Reason;   sir;”   returned   the   excellent   young 

man。 “And to nothing else。” 

   They stood looking at each other; Mr Gradgrind’s face as white 

as the pursuer’s。 

   “What motive—even what motive in reason—can you  have   for 

preventing the escape of this wretched youth;” said Mr Gradgrind; 

“and crushing his miserable father? See his sister here。 Pity us!” 

   “Sir;”    returned     Bitzer;   in  a  very   business…like     and   logical 

manner;      “since   you   ask  me   what   motive    I  have  in  reason;   for 

taking young Mr Tom back   to  Coketown; it  is   only  reasonable   to 

let   you   know。    I  have   suspected    young    Mr   Tom     of  this  bank 

robbery   from   the   first。   I   had   had   my   eye   upon   him   before   that 

Charles Dickens                                                 ElecBook Classics 

… Page 362…

                                   Hard Times                                     362 

time; for I knew his ways。 I have kept my observations to myself; 

but  I   have   made   them; and   I   have   got   ample   proofs   against   him 

now; besides his running away; and besides   his   own   confessions; 

which     I  was    just  in  time    to  overhear。     I  had   the   pleasure    of 

watching your house yesterday morning; and following you here。 I 

am   going   to   take   young   Mr   Tom   back   to   Coketown;   in   order   to 

deliver him over to Mr Bounderby。 Sir; I have no doubt whatever 

that   Mr   Bounderby   will   then       promote     me   to  young     Mr   Tom’s 

situation。 And I wish to have his situation; sir; for it will be a rise to 

me; and will do me good。” 

    “If   this  is  solely  a  question     of  self…interest    with   you—” 

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