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hard times(艰难时世)-第78章

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me in a state of distraction。 Of course; she has remained here ever 

since。   Let  me   entreat  you;   for  your  own   sake  and   for  hers;   to   be 

more quiet。” 

   Mr Bounderby silently gazed about him for some moments; in 

every direction except Mrs Sparsit’s direction; and then; abruptly 

turning   upon   the   niece   of   Lady   Scadgers;   said   to   that   wretched 


   “Now; ma’am! We shall be happy to hear any little apology you 

may think proper to offer; for going about the country at express 

pace; with no other luggage than a Cock…and…a…Bull; ma’am!” 

   “Sir;”   whispered   Mrs   Sparsit;   “my   nerves   are   at   present   too 

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much shaken; and my health is at present too much impaired; in 

your   service;   to   admit   of   my   doing   more   than   taking   refuge   in 


    (Which      she   did。)  “Well;    ma’am;”     said   Bounderby;       “without 

making      any    observation      to  you   that   may    not   be   made     with 

propriety   to   a   woman   of   good   family;   what   I   have   got   to   add   to 

that; is; that there’s something else in which it appears to me you 

may take refuge; namely a coach。 And the coach in which we came 

here; being at the door; you’ll allow me to hand you down to it; and 

pack   you   home   to   the   Bank:   where   the   best   course   for   you     to 

pursue; will be to put your feet into the hottest water you can bear; 

and take a glass of scalding rum and butter after you get into bed。” 

With these words;   Mr  Bounderby  extended  his   right  hand   to  the 

weeping   lady   and      escorted     her  to  the   conveyance      in  question; 

shedding   many   plaintive   sneezes   by   the   way。   He   soon   returned 


    “Now; as you showed me in your face; Tom Gradgrind; that you 

wanted to speak to me;” he resumed; “here I am。 But; I am not in a 

very agreeable state; I tell you plainly; not relishing this business 

even as it is; and not considering that I am at any time as dutifully 

and submissively treated by your daughter; as Josiah  Bounderby 

of   Coketown       ought   to  be   treated    by   his  wife。   You   have    your 

opinion; I dare say; and I have mine; I   know。   If   you   mean   to  say 

anything to me tonight; that goes against this candid remark; you 

had better let it alone。” 

    Mr   Gradgrind;   it   will   be   observed;   being   much   softened;   Mr 

Bounderby took particular pains to harden himself at all points。 It 

was his amiable nature。 

    “My dear Bounderby;” Mr Gradgrind began in reply。 

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    “Now; you’ll excuse me;” said Bounderby; “but I don’t want to 

be too dear。 That; to start with。 When I begin to be dear to a man; I 

generally   find   that   his   intention   is   to   come    over   me。    I   am  not 

speaking to you politely; but; as you are aware; I am not polite。 If 

you    like   politeness;    you   know     where    to  get   it。  You   have    your 

gentleman…friends you know; and they’ll serve you with as much of 

the article as you want。 I don’t keep it myself。” 

    “Bounderby;”         urged     Mr    Gradgrind;      “we     are   all  liable   to 


    “I thought you couldn’t make ’em;” interrupted Bounderby。 

    “Perhaps I thought so。 But; I say we are all liable to mistakes; 

and   I   should   feel   sensible   of   your   delicacy;   and   grateful   for   it;   if 

you   would   spare   me   these   references   to   Harthouse。   I   shall   not 

associate      him    in   our    conversation       with    your    intimacy      and 

encouragement; pray do not persist in connecting him with mine。” 

    “I never mentioned his name!” said Bounderby。 

    “Well;   well!”   returned   Mr   Gradgrind;         with   a   patient;   even   a 

submissive;        air。  And     he    sat   for    a   little  while     pondering。 

“Bounderby;   I   see   reason   to   doubt   whether   we   have   ever   quite 

understood Louisa。” 

    “Who do you mean by We?” 

    “Let   me   say   I;   then;”   he   returned;   in   answer   to   the   coarsely 

blurted   question;   “I   doubt   whether   I   have   understood   Louisa。   I 

doubt     whether      I  have   been    quite   right   in   the  manner      of  her 


    “There   you   hit   it;”   returned   Bounderby。   “There   I   agree   with 

you。   You   have   found   it   out   at   last;   have   you?   Education!   I’ll   tell 

you   what   education   is—To   be         tumbled     out   of   doors;   neck   and 

crop;   and   put   upon   the   shortest   allowance   of   everything   except 

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blows。 That’s what I call education。” 

    “I   think    your     good    sense    will   perceive;”      Mr    Gradgrind 

remonstrated in all humility; “that whatever the merits of such  a 

system may be; it would be difficult of general application to girls。 

    “I   don’t   see   it   at   all;   sir;”   returned   the   obstinate   Bounderby。 

“Well;” sighed Mr Gradgrind; “we will not enter into the question。 

I assure you I have no desire to be controversial。 I seek to repair 

what is amiss; if I possibly can; and I hope you will assist me in a 

good spirit; Bounderby; for I have been very much distressed。” 

    “I don’t understand you; yet;” said Bounderby; with determined 

obstinacy; “and therefore I won’t make any promises。” 

    “In    the  course     of  a  few    hours;    my   dear    Bounderby;”       Mr 

Gradgrind       proceeded;      in  the   same    depressed     and    propitiatory 

manner; “I appear to myself to have become better informed as to 

Louisa’s character; than in previous years。 The enlightenment has 

been forced upon me; and the discovery is not mine。 I think there 

are—Bounderby;          you    will  be  surprised     to  hear   me    say  this—I 

think     there   are   qualities   in   Louisa;    which—which         have    been 

harshly neglected; and—and a little perverted。 And—and I would 

suggest to you; that—that if you would kindly meet me in a timely 

endeavour   to   leave   her   to   her   better   nature   for   a   while—and   to 

encourage   it   to   develop   itself  by   tenderness   and   consideration— 

it—it  would   be  the   better  for  the   happiness   of  all   of   us。   Louisa;” 

said   Mr   Gradgrind;   shading   his   face   with   his   hand;   “has   always 

been my favourite child。” 

    The   blustrous   Bounderby   crimsoned   and   swelled   to   such   an 

extent on hearing these words; that he seemed to be; and probably 

was; on the brink of a fit。 With his very ears a bright purple shot 

with crimson; he pent up his indignation; however; and said: 

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    “You’d like to keep her here for a time?” 

    “I—I   had   intended   to   recommend;   my   dear   Bounderby;   that 

you should allow Louisa to remain here on a visit; and be attended 

by   Sissy   (I   mean   of   course   Cecilia   Jupe);   who   understands   her; 

and in whom she trusts。” 

    “I   gather    from    all  this;  Tom     Gradgrind;”      s

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