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hard times(艰难时世)-第38章

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of the day? Anything?” 

    “Well; ma’am; I can’t say that I have heard anything particular。 

Our     people     are   a   bad    lot;  ma’am;      but   that    is  no    news; 

unfortunately。 “ 

    “What      are   the   restless   wretches     doing     now?”     asked    Mrs 


    “Merely going on in the old way; ma’am。 Uniting; and leaguing; 

and engaging to stand by one another。” 

    “It is much to be regretted;” said Mrs Sparsit; making her nose 

more Roman and her eyebrows more Coriolanian in the strength 

of  her  severity;   “that  the   united   masters allow  of  any  such   class… 


    “Yes; ma’am;” said Bitzer。 

    “Being   united   themselves;   they   ought   one   and   all   to   set   their 

faces   against   employing   any   man   who   is   united   with   any   other 

man;” said Mrs Sparsit。 

    “They have done that; ma’am;” returned Bitzer;   “but  it  rather 

fell through; ma’am。” 

    “I do not pretend to understand these things;” said Mrs Sparsit; 

with    dignity;   “my    lot  having    been    originally    cast  in  a   widely 

different sphere; and Mr Sparsit; as a Powler; being also quite out 

of the pale of any such dissensions。 I only know that these people 

must be conquered; and   that  it’s   high  time   it  was done;  once   for 


    “Yes;   ma’am;”   returned   Bitzer;   with   a   demonstration   of   great 

respect  for  Mrs   Sparsit’s   oracular authority。   “You  couldn’t put  it 

clearer; I am sure; ma’am。” 

   As this   was   his  usual   hour  for  having  a little   confidential chat 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

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with Mrs Sparsit; and as he had already caught her eye and seen 

that she was going to ask him   something;   he made  a pretence   of 

arranging the rulers; inkstands; and so forth; while that lady went 

on with her tea; glancing through the open window down into the 


    “Has it been a busy day; Bitzer?” asked Mrs Sparsit。 

    “Not a very busy day; my lady。 About an average day。” He now 

and then slided into my lady; instead of ma’am; as an involuntary 

acknowledgement of Mrs Sparsit’s personal dignity and claims to 


    “The      clerks;”     said    Mrs    Sparsit;     carefully     brushing       an 

imperceptible        crumb     of  bread     and   butter    from    her   left…hand 

mitten; “are trustworthy; punctual; and industrious; of course?” 

    “Yes; ma’am; pretty fair; ma’am。 With the usual exception。” 

    He   held   the   respectable   office   of   general   spy   and   informer   in 

the    establishment;       for  which     volunteer     service    he   received    a 

present   at   Christmas;   over   and   above   his   weekly   wage。   He   had 

grown   into   an   extremely   clear…headed;   cautious;   prudent   young 

man; who  was   safe   to  rise   in   the   world。   His mind  was  so  exactly 

regulated;       that   he    had    no    affections     or   passions。     All   his 

proceedings were the result of the nicest and   coldest  calculation; 

and it was not without cause that Mrs Sparsit habitually observed 

of him; that he was a young man of the steadiest principle she had 

ever   known。   Having   satisfied   himself;   on   his   father’s   death;   that 

his   mother   had   a   right   of   settlement   in   Coketown;   this   excellent 

young      economist     had    asserted    that   right   for  her   with   such    a 

steadfast adherence to the principle of the case; that she had been 

shut up in the workhouse ever since。 It must be admitted that he 

allowed   her   half  a   pound   of   tea   a   year;   which   was   weak   in   him: 

Charles Dickens                                                     ElecBook Classics 

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first; because all gifts have an inevitable tendency to pauperise the 

recipient; and secondly; because his only reasonable transaction in 

that commodity would have been to buy it for as little as he could 

possibly  give;   and   sell   it   for   as   much   as   he   could   possibly   get;   it 

having   been      clearly   ascertained   by   philosophers       that   in   this  is 

comprised the whole duty  of  man—not  a   part  of  man’s duty;   but 

the whole。 

    “Pretty     fair;   ma’am。      With    the   usual     exception;     ma’am;” 

repeated Bitzer。 

    “Ah—h!”   said   Mrs Sparsit;   shaking  her  head   over   her   teacup; 

and taking a long gulp。 

    “Mr Thomas; ma’am; I doubt Mr Thomas very much; ma’am; I 

don’t like his ways at all。” 

    “Bitzer;”   said   Mrs   Sparsit;   in   a   very   impressive   manner;   “do 

you recollect my having said anything to you respecting names?” 

    “I beg your pardon; ma’am。 It’s quite true that you did object to 

names being used; and they’re always best avoided。” 

    “Please     to  remember       that  I  have    a  charge    here;”   said   Mrs 

Sparsit; with her air of state。 “I hold a trust here; Bitzer; under Mr 

Bounderby。 However improbable both Mr Bounderby and myself 

might  have   deemed   it  years ago;   that   he   would   ever   become   my 

patron;   making   me   an   annual   compliment;   I   cannot   but   regard 

him     in  that  light。  From     Mr   Bounderby       I  have   received     every 

acknowledgement   of   my   social   station;   and   every   recognition   of 

my   family   descent;   that   I   could   possibly   expect。   More;   far   more。 

Therefore; to my patron I will be scrupulously true。 And I do not 

consider; I will not consider; I cannot consider;” said Mrs Sparsit; 

with a most extensive stock on hand of honour and morality; “that 

I should be scrupulously true; if I allowed names to be mentioned 

Charles Dickens                                                    ElecBook Classics 

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under   this   roof;   that   are   unfortunately—most   unfortunately—no 

doubt of that connected with his。” 

    Bitzer knuckled his forehead again; and again begged pardon。 

    “No;   Bitzer;” continued   Mrs Sparsit;   “say  an   individual;   and   I 

will hear you; say Mr Thomas; and you must excuse me。” 

    “With the usual exception; ma’am;” said Bitzer; trying back; “of 

an individual。” 

    “Ah—h!” Mrs Sparsit repeated the ejaculation; the shake of the 

head     over    her   teacup;    and   the   long    gulp;   as   taking   up    the 

conversation again at the point where it had been interrupted。 

    “An individual;  ma’am;”   said   Bitzer;   “has never  been  what   he 

ought   to   have   been;   since   he   first   came   into   the   place。   He   is   a 

dissipated; extravagant idler。 He is not worth his salt; ma’am。 He 

wouldn’t  get  it  either;   if  he   hadn’t a   friend   and   relation   at   court; 


    “Ah—h!”   said   Mrs   Sparsit;   with   another   melancholy   shake   of 

her head。 

    “I   only   hope;   ma’am;”     pursued     Bitzer;   “that   his   friend   and 

relation     may    not   supply    him   with    the  means     of  carrying     on。 

Otherwise;      ma’am;     we    know    out   of  whose    pocket    that   money 

comes 。 “ 

    “Ah—h!”   sighed   Mrs   Sparsit   again;   with   another   melancholy 

shake of her head。 

    “He is to be pitied; ma’am。 The last party I have alluded to; is to 

be pitied; ma’am”; said Bitzer。 

    “Yes;    Bitzer;”    said   Mrs    Sparsit。   “I  have    always     pitied   the 

delusion; always。” 


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