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the love affairs of a bibliomaniac-第12章

小说: the love affairs of a bibliomaniac 字数: 每页4000字

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w to credit the author with his work; for this is a utilitarian age; and all things are by the pound or the piece; and for so much money。

‘‘So when a song is printed it is printed in small type; and the name of him who wrote it is appended thereunto in big type。  If the song be meritorious it goes to the corners of the earth through the medium of the art preservative of arts; but the longer and the farther it travels the bigger does the type of the song become and the smaller becomes the type wherein the author's name is set。

‘‘Then; finally; some inconsiderate hand; wielding the pen or shears; blots out or snips off the poet's name; and henceforth the song is anonymous。  A great iconoclasta royal old iconoclastis Time: but he hath no terrors for those precious things which are embalmed in words; and the only fellow that shall surely escape him till the crack of doom is he whom men know by the name of Anonymous!''

‘‘Doubtless you speak truly;'' said the  Judge; ‘‘yet it would be different if I but had the ordering of things。  I would let the poets live forever and I would kill off most of their poetry。''

I do not wonder that Ritson and Percy quarrelled。  It was his misfortune that Ritson quarrelled with everybody。  Yet Ritson was a scrupulously honest man; he was so vulgarly sturdy in his honesty that he would make all folk tell the truth even though the truth were of such a character as to bring the blush of shame to the devil's hardened cheek。

On the other hand; Percy believed that there were certain true things which should not be opened out in the broad light of day; it was this deep…seated conviction which kept him from publishing the manuscript folio; a priceless treasure; which Ritson never saw and which; had it fallen in Ritson's way instead of Percy's; would have been clapped at once into the hands of the printer。

How fortunate it is for us that we have in our time so great a scholar as Francis James Child; so enamored of balladry and so learned in it; to complete and finish the work of his predecessors。  I count myself happy that I  have heard from the lips of this enthusiast several of the rarest and noblest of the old British and old Scottish ballads; and I recall with pride that he complimented me upon my spirited vocal rendering of ‘‘Burd Isabel and Sir Patrick;'' ‘‘Lang Johnny More;'' ‘‘The Duke o' Gordon's Daughter;'' and two or three other famous songs which I had learned while sojourning among the humbler classes in the North of England。

After paying our compliments to the Robin Hood garlands; to Scott; to Kirkpatrick Sharpe; to Ritson; to Buchan; to Motherwell; to Laing; to Christie; to Jamieson; and to the other famous lovers and compilers of balladry; we fell to discoursing of French song and of the service that Francis Mahony performed for English…speaking humanity when he exploited in his inimitable style those lyrics of the French and the Italian people which are now ours as much as they are anybody else's。

Dear old Beranger! what wonder that Prout loved him; and what wonder that we all love him?  I have thirty odd editions of his works; and I would walk farther to  pick up a volume of his lyrics than I would walk to secure any other book; excepting of course a Horace。  Beranger and I are old cronies。  I have for the great master a particularly tender feeling; and all on account of Fanchonette。

But thereyou know nothing of Fanchonette; because I have not told you of her。  She; too; should have been a book instead of the dainty; coquettish Gallic maiden that she was。 



Judge Methuen tells me that he fears what I have said about my bookseller will create the impression that I am unkindly disposed toward the bookselling craft。  For the last fifty years I have had uninterrupted dealings with booksellers; and none knows better than the booksellers themselves that I particularly admire them as a class。  Visitors to my home have noticed that upon my walls are hung noble portraits of Caxton; Wynkin de Worde; Richard Pynson; John Wygthe; Rayne Wolfe; John Daye; Jacob Tonson; Richard Johnes; John Dunton; and other famous old printers and booksellers。

I have; too; a large collection of portraits of modern booksellers; including a pen…and… ink sketch of Quaritch; a line engraving of Rimell; and a very excellent etching of my  dear friend; the late Henry Stevens。  One of the portraits is a unique; for I had it painted myself; and I have never permitted any copy to be made of it; it is of my bookseller; and it represents him in the garb of a fisherman; holding his rod and reel in one hand and the copy of the ‘‘Compleat Angler'' in the other。

Mr。 Curwen speaks of booksellers as being ‘‘singularly thrifty; able; industrious; and perseveringin some few cases singularly venturesome; liberal; and kind…hearted。''  My own observation and experience have taught me that as a class booksellers are exceptionally intelligent; ranking with printers in respect to the variety and extent of their learning。

They have; however; this distinct advantage over the printersthey are not brought in contact with the manifold temptations to intemperance and profligacy which environ the votaries of the art preservative of arts。  Horace Smith has said that ‘‘were there no readers there certainly would be no writers; clearly; therefore; the existence of writers depends upon the existence of readers: and;  of course; since the cause must be antecedent to the effect; readers existed before writers。  Yet; on the other hand; if there were no writers there could be no readers; so it would appear that writers must be antecedent to readers。''

It amazes me that a reasoner so shrewd; so clear; and so exacting as Horace Smith did not pursue the proposition further; for without booksellers there would have been no market for booksthe author would not have been able to sell; and the reader would not have been able to buy。

The further we proceed with the investigation the more satisfied we become that the original man was three of number; one of him being the bookseller; who established friendly relations between the other two of him; saying:  ‘‘I will serve you both by inciting both a demand and a supply。''  So then the author did his part; and the reader his; which I take to be a much more dignified scheme than that suggested by Darwin and his school of investigators。

By the very nature of their occupation booksellers are broad…minded; their association with every class of humanity and their constant companionship with books give them a liberality that enables them to view with singular clearness and dispassionateness every phase of life and every dispensation of Providence。  They are not always practical; for the development of the spiritual and intellectual natures in man does not at the same time promote dexterity in the use of the baser organs of the body; I have known philosophers who could not harness a horse or even shoo chickens。

Ralph Waldo Emerson once consumed several hours' time trying to determine whether he should trundle a wheelbarrow by pushing it or by pulling it。  A。 Bronson Alcott once tried to construct a chicken coop; and he had boarded himself up inside the structure before he discovered that he had not provided for a door or for windows。  We have all heard the story of Isaac Newton how he cut two holes in his study…door; a large one for his cat to enter by; and a small one for the kitten。

This unworldlinessthis impossibility; if you pleaseis characteristic of intellectual  progression。  Judge Methuen's second son is named Grolier; and the fact that he doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain has inspired both the Judge and myself with the conviction that in due time Grolier will become a great philosopher。

The mention of this revered name reminds me that my bookseller told me the other day that just before I entered his shop a wealthy patron of the arts and muses called with a volume which he wished to have rebound。

‘‘I can send it to Paris or to London;'' said my bookseller。  ‘‘If you have no choice of binder; I will entrust it to Zaehnsdorf with instructions to lavish his choicest art upon it。''

‘‘But indeed I HAVE a choi

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