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arms and the man-第12章

小说: arms and the man 字数: 每页4000字

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    tower of colored pottery; rises nearly to the
    ceiling and guarantees plenty of warmth。 The
    ottoman in the middle is a circular bank of
    decorated cushions; and the window seats are well
    upholstered divans。 Little Turkish tables; one of
    them with an elaborate hookah on it; and a screen
    to match them; complete the handsome effect of the
    furnishing。 There is one object; however; which is
    hopelessly out of keeping with its surroundings。
    This is a small kitchen table; much the worse for
    wear; fitted as a writing table with an old
    canister full of pens; an eggcup filled with ink;
    and a deplorable scrap of severely used pink
    blotting paper。

    At the side of this table; which stands on the
    right; Bluntschli is hard at work; with a couple
    of maps before him; writing orders。 At the head of
    it sits Sergius; who is also supposed to be at
    work; but who is actually gnawing the feather of a
    pen; and contemplating Bluntschli's quick; sure;
    businesslike progress with a mixture of envious
    irritation at his own incapacity; and awestruck
    wonder at an ability which seems to him almost
    miraculous; though its prosaic character forbids
    him to esteem it。 The major is comfortably
    established on the ottoman; with a newspaper in
    his hand and the tube of the hookah within his
    reach。 Catherine sits at the stove; with her back
    to them; embroidering。 Raina; reclining on the
    divan under the left hand window; is gazing in a
    daydream out at the Balkan landscape; with a
    neglected novel in her lap。

    The door is on the left。 The button of the
    electric bell is between the door and the

PETKOFF (looking up from his paper to watch how they are
getting on at the table)。 Are you sure I can't help you in any
way; Bluntschli?

BLUNTSCHLI (without interrupting his writing or looking up)。
Quite sure; thank you。 Saranoff and I will manage it。

SERGIUS (grimly)。 Yes: we'll manage it。 He finds out what to
do; draws up the orders; and I sign 'em。 Division of labour;
Major。 (Bluntschli passes him a paper。) Another one? Thank you。
(He plants the papers squarely before him; sets his chair
carefully parallel to them; and signs with the air of a man
resolutely performing a difficult and dangerous feat。) This hand
is more accustomed to the sword than to the pen。

PETKOFF。 It's very good of you; Bluntschli; it is indeed; to let
yourself be put upon in this way。 Now are you quite sure I can
do nothing?

CATHERINE (in a low; warning tone)。 You can stop interrupting;

PETKOFF (starting and looking round at her)。 Eh? Oh! Quite
right; my love; quite right。 (He takes his newspaper up; but
lets it drop again。) Ah; you haven't been campaigning;
Catherine: you don't know how pleasant it is for us to sit here;
after a good lunch; with nothing to do but enjoy ourselves。
There's only one thing I want to make me thoroughly comfortable。

CATHERINE。 What is that?

PETKOFF。 My old coat。 I'm not at home in this one: I feel as if
I were on parade。

CATHERINE。 My dear Paul; how absurd you are about that old coat!
It must be hanging in the blue closet where you left it。

PETKOFF。 My dear Catherine; I tell you I've looked there。 Am I
to believe my own eyes or not? (Catherine quietly rises and
presses the button of the electric bell by the fireplace。) What
are you shewing off that bell for? (She looks at him majestically; 
and silently resumes her chair and her needlework。) My dear: if
you think the obstinacy of your sex can make a coat out of two
old dressing gowns of Raina's; your waterproof; and my
mackintosh; you're mistaken。 That's exactly what the blue closet
contains at present。 (Nicola presents himself。)

CATHERINE (unmoved by Petkoff's sally)。 Nicola: go to the blue
closet and bring your master's old coat herethe braided one he
usually wears in the house。

NICOLA。 Yes; madam。 (Nicola goes out。)

PETKOFF。 Catherine。


PETKOFF。 I bet you any piece of jewellery you like to order from
Sophia against a week's housekeeping money; that the coat isn't

CATHERINE。 Done; Paul。

PETKOFF (excited by the prospect of a gamble)。 Come: here's an
opportunity for some sport。 Who'll bet on it? Bluntschli: I'll
give you six to one。

BLUNTSCHLI (imperturbably)。 It would be robbing you; Major。
Madame is sure to be right。 (Without looking up; he passes
another batch of papers to Sergius。)

SERCIUS (also excited)。 Bravo; Switzerland! Major: I bet my
best charger against an Arab mare for Raina that Nicola finds
the coat in the blue closet。

PETKOFF (eagerly)。 Your best char

CATHERINE (hastily interrupting him)。 Don't be foolish; Paul。
An Arabian mare will cost you 50;000 levas。

RAINA (suddenly coming out of her picturesque revery)。 Really;
mother; if you are going to take the jewellery; I don't see why
you should grudge me my Arab。

   (Nicola comer back with the coat and brings it 
    to Petkoff; who can hardly believe his eyes。)

CATHERINE。 Where was it; Nicola?

NICOLA。 Hanging in the blue closet; madam。

PETKOFF。 Well; I am d

CATHERINE (stopping him)。 Paul!

PETKOFF。 I could have sworn it wasn't there。 Age is beginning to
tell on me。 I'm getting hallucinations。 (To Nicola。) Here: help
me to change。 Excuse me; Bluntschli。 (He begins changing coats;
Nicola acting as valet。) Remember: I didn't take that bet of
yours; Sergius。 You'd better give Raina that Arab steed
yourself; since you've roused her expectations。 Eh; Raina? (He
looks round at her; but she is again rapt in the landscape。 With
a little gush of paternal affection and pride; he points her out
to them and says) She's dreaming; as usual。

SERGIUS。 Assuredly she shall not be the loser。

PETKOFF。 So much the better for her。 I shan't come off so cheap;
I expect。 (The change is now complete。 Nicola goes out with the
discarded coat。) Ah; now I feel at home at last。 (He sits down
and takes his newspaper with a grunt of relief。)

BLUNTSCHLI (to Sergius; handing a paper)。 That's the last

PETKOFF (jumping up)。 What! finished?

BLUNTSCHLI。 Finished。 (Petkoff goes beside Sergius; looks
curiously over his left shoulder as he signs; and says with
childlike envy) Haven't you anything for me to sign?

BLUNTSCHLI。 Not necessary。 His signature will do。

PETKOFF。 Ah; well; I think we've done a thundering good day's
work。 (He goes away from the table。) Can I do anything more?

BLUNTSCHLI。 You had better both see the fellows that are to take
these。 (To Sergius。) Pack them off at once; and shew them that
I've marked on the orders the time they should hand them in by。
Tell them that if they stop to drink or tell storiesif they're
five minutes late; they'll have the skin taken off their backs。

SERGIUS (rising indignantly)。 I'll say so。 And if one of them
is man enough to spit in my face for insulting him; I'll buy his
discharge and give him a pension。 (He strides out; his humanity
deeply outraged。)

BLUNTSCHLI (confidentially)。 Just see that he talks to them
properly; Major; will you?

PETKOFF (officiously)。 Quite right; Bluntschli; quite right。
I'll see to it。 (He goes to the door importantly; but hesitates
on the threshold。) By the bye; Catherine; you may as well come;
too。 They'll be far more frightened of you than of me。

CATHERINE (putting down her embroidery)。 I daresay I had
better。 You will only splutter at them。 (She goes out; Petkoff
holding the door for her and following her。)

BLUNTSCHLI。 What a country! They make cannons out of cherry
trees; and the officers send for their wives to keep discipline!
(He begins to fold and docket the papers。 Raina; who has risen
from the divan; strolls down the room with her hands clasped
behind her; and looks mischievously at him。)

RAINA。 You look ever so much nicer than when we last met。 (He
looks up; surprised。) What have you done to yourself?

BLUNTSCHLI。 Washed; brushed; good night's sleep and breakfast。
That's all。

RAINA。 Did you get back safely that morning?

BLUNTSCHLI。 Quite; thanks。

RAINA。 Were they angry with you for running away from Sergi

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