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vera, the medium-第8章

小说: vera, the medium 字数: 每页4000字

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put the handcuffs on me;〃 she begged。

Winthrop found her impudence amusing; and; with the charm of her
novelty; he was conscious of a growing conviction that;
somewhere; they had met before; that already at a crisis she had
come into his life。

〃I won't arrest you;〃 he said with a puzzled smile; 〃on one

〃Ah!〃 mocked Vera; 〃he is generous。〃

〃And the condition is;〃 Winthrop went on seriously; 〃that you
tell me where we met before?〃

The girl's expression became instantly mask…like。 To learn if he
suspected where it was that they had met; she searched his face
quickly。 She was reassured that of the event he had no real

〃That's rather difficult; isn't it;〃 she continued lightly;
〃when you consider I've been giving exhibitions of mind readings
for the last six weeks on Broadway; and in the homes of people
you probably know?〃

〃No;〃 Winthrop exclaimed eagerly; 〃it wasn't in a theatre; and
it wasn't in a private house。 It was  〃 he shook his head
helplessly; and looked at her for assistance。 〃You don't know;
do you?〃

The girl regarded him steadily。 〃How should I?〃 she said。 And
then; as though decided upon a course of action of the wisdom of
which she was uncertain; she laughed uneasily。

〃But the spirits would know;〃 she said。 〃I might ask them。〃

〃Do!〃 cried Winthrop; delightedly。 〃How much would that be?〃

As though to reprove his flippancy; the girl frowned。 With a
nervous tremor; which this time seemed genuine enough; she threw
back her head; closed her eyes; and laid her arm across her

Winthrop; unobserved; watched her with a smile; partly of
amusement; partly on account of her beauty; of admiration。

〃I see  a court room;〃 said the girl。 〃It is very mean and
bare。 It is somewhere up the State; in a small town。 Outside;
there are trees; and the sun is shining; and people are walking
in a public park。 Inside; in the prisoner's dock; there is a
girl。 She has been arrested  for theft。 She has pleaded
guilty! And I see  that she has been very ill  that she is
faint from shame  and fear  and lack of food。 And there is a
young lawyer。 He is defending her; he is asking the judge to be
merciful; because this is her first offence; because she stole
the cloak to get money to take her where she had been promised
work。 Because this is his first case。〃

Winthrop gave a gasp of disbelief。

〃You don't mean to tell me  〃 he cried。

〃Hush!〃 commanded the girl。 〃And he persuades the judge to let
her go;〃 she continued quickly; her voice shaking; 〃and he and
the girl walk out of the court house together。 And he talks to
her kindly; and gives her money to pay her way to the people who
have promised her work。〃

Vera dropped her arm; and stepping back; faced Winthrop。 Through
her tears her eyes were flashing proudly; gratefully; the
feeling that shook her made her voice vibrate。 The girl seemed
proud of her tears; proud of her debt of gratitude。

〃And I've never forgotten you;〃 she said; her voice eager and
trembling; 〃and what you did for me。 And I've watched you come
to this city; and fight it; and fight it; until you made them
put you where you are。〃 She stopped to control her voice; and
smiled at him。 〃And that's why I knew you were District
Attorney;〃 she said; 〃and please  〃 she fumbled in the mesh
purse at her waist and taking a bill from it; threw it upon the
table。 〃And please; there's the money I owe you; and  and  I
thank you  and goodbye。〃 She turned and almost ran from him
toward the door to the hall。

〃Stop!〃 cried Winthrop。

Poised for flight; the girl halted; and looked back。

〃When can I see you again?〃 said the man。 The tone made it less
a question than a command。

In a manner as determined as his own; the girl shook her head。

〃No!〃 she said。

〃I must!〃 returned the man。

Again the girl shook her head; definitely; finally。

〃It won't help you in your work;〃 she pleaded; 〃to come to see

〃I must!〃 repeated Winthrop simply。

The eyes of the girl met his; appealingly; defiantly。

〃You'll be sorry;〃 said the girl。

Winthrop laughed an eager; boyish laugh。 When he spoke the
tenseness in his voice had gone。 His tone was confident;

〃Then I will not come to see you;〃 he said。

Uncertain; puzzled; Vera looked at him in distress。 She thought
he was mocking her。

〃No?〃 she questioned。

〃I'll come to see Vera; the medium;〃 he explained。

Vera frowned; and then; in happy embarrassment; smiled

〃Oh; well;〃 she stammered; 〃of course; if you're coming to
consult me professionally  my hours are from four to six。〃

〃I'll be there;〃 cried the District Attorney。

Vera leaned forward eagerly。

〃What day will you come?〃 she demanded。

〃What day!〃 exclaimed the young man indignantly。 〃Why; this

Vera gave a guilty; frightened laugh。

〃Oh; will you?〃 she exclaimed delightedly。 She clasped her
fingers in a gesture of dismay。 〃Oh; I hope you won't be sorry!〃
she cried。

For some moments the District Attorney of New York stood looking
at the door through which she had disappeared。

Part II

The home of the Vances was in Thirty…fifth Street; nearly
opposite the Garrick Theatre。 It was one of a row of old…
fashioned brick houses with high steps。 As the seeker after
truth entered the front hall; he saw before him the stairs to
the second story; on his right; the folding doors of the 〃front
parlor;〃 and at the far end of the hall; a single door that led
to what was; in the old days; before this row of houses had been
converted into offices; the family dining room。 To Vera the
Vances had given the use of this room as a 〃reception parlor。〃
The visitor first entered the room on his right; from it passed
through another pair of folding doors to the reception parlor;
and then; when his audience was at an end; departed by the
single door to the hall; and so; to the street。

The reception parlor bore but little likeness to a cave of
mystery。 There were no shaded lights; no stuffed alligator; no
Indian draperies; no black cat。 On a table; in the centre; under
a heavy and hideous chandelier with bronze gas jets; was a green
velvet cushion。 On this nestled an innocent ball of crystal。
Beside it lay the ivory knitting needle with which Vera pointed
out; in the hand of the visitor; those lines that showed he
would be twice married; was of an ambitious temperament; and
would make a success upon the stage。 In a corner stood a wooden
cabinet that resembled a sentry box on wheels。 It was from this;
on certain evenings; before a select circle of spiritualists;
that Vera projected the ghosts of the departed。 Hanging inside
the cabinet was a silver…gilt crown and a cloak of black velvet;
lined with purple silk and covered in gold thread with signs of
the zodiac。

Save that these stage properties illustrated the taste of Mabel
Vance; the room was of no interest。 It held a rubber plant; a
red velvet rocking chair; across the back of which Mrs。 Vance
had draped a Neapolitan scarf; an upright piano; upon which
Emmanuel Day; or; as he was known to the cross…roads of Broadway
and Forty…second street; 〃Mannie〃 Day; provoked the most
marvelous rag…time; an enlarged photograph in crayon; of
Professor Vance; in a frock coat and lawn tie; a china bull dog;
coquettishly decorated with a blue bow; and; on the mantel
piece; two tall beer steins and a hand telephone。 From the long
windows one obtained a view of the iron shutters of the new
department store in Thirty…fourth Street; and of a garden; just
large enough to contain a sumach tree; a refrigerator; and the
packing…case in which the piano had arrived。

After leaving Winthrop; without waiting for Vance; Vera had
returned directly to the house in Thirty…fifth Street; and
locked herself in her room。 And although 〃Mannie〃 Day had
already ushered two visitors into the front room; Vera had not
yet come downstairs。 In consequence; Mabel Vance was in
possession of the reception parlor。

Mrs。 Vance was plump; pink…and…blonde; credulous and vulgar; but
at all times of the utmost good humor。 Her admiration for Vera
was equaled only by her awe of her。 On this particular
afternoon; alt

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