贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > vera, the medium >


vera, the medium-第21章

小说: vera, the medium 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Gentlemen;〃 explained Vance; 〃you will use these ropes and
scarfs to tie the medium。 Also; as a further precaution against
the least suspicion of fraud; we will subject her to the most
severe test known。 In one hand she will hold this flour; the
other will be filled with shot。 This will make it impossible for
her to tamper with the ropes。

He gave the two cups to Gaylor; and turned to Vera。

〃Are you ready?〃 he asked。 After a pause; the girl slightly
inclined her head。 Lee; with one of the scarfs in his hand;
approached her diffidently。 He looked unhappily at the slight;
girlish figure; at the fair white arms。 In his embarrassment he
appealed to Vance。

〃How would you suggest?〃 he asked。

Vance; apparently shocked; hastily drew away。 〃That would be
most irregular;〃 he protested。

Apologetically Lee turned to the girl。

〃Would you mind putting your arms behind you?〃 he asked。 He
laced the scarf around her arms; and drew it tightly to her

〃Tell me if I hurt you;〃 he murmured; but the girl made no
answer。 To what was going forward she appeared as unmindful as
though she were an artist's manikin。

〃Will you take these now?〃 asked Gaylor; and into her open palms
he poured the flour and shot。 〃And; now;〃 continued Lee; 〃will
you go into the cabinet?〃 As she seated herself; he knelt in
front of her and bound her ankles。 From behind her Strombergk
deftly wound the ropes about her body and through the rungs and
back of the chair。

〃Would you mind seeing if you can withdraw your arms?〃 Lee
asked。 The girl raised her shoulders; struggled to free her
hands; and tried to rise。 But the efforts were futile。

〃Are the gentlemen satisfied?〃 demanded Vance。 The three men;
who had shown but little heart in the work; and who were now red
and embarrassed; hastily answered in the affirmative。

〃If you are satisfied the ropes are securely fastened;〃 Vance
continued; 〃you will take your seats。〃 Professor Strombergk; as
he moved to his chair; announced in devout; solemn tones;
〃Nothing but spirit hands can move those ropes now。〃

From the organ rose softly the prelude to a Moody and Sankey
hymn; and; in keeping with the music; the voice of Vance sank to
a low tone。

〃We will now;〃 he said; 〃establish the magnetic chain。 Each
person will take with his right hand the left wrist of the
person on his or her right。〃 He paused while this order was
being carried into effect。

〃Before I turn out the lights;〃 he continued; 〃I wish to say a
last word to any skeptic who may be present。  I warn him that
any attempt to lay violent hands upon the apparition; or spirit;
may cost the medium her life。  From the cabinet the medium
projects the spirit into the circle。  An attack upon the spirit;
is an attack upon the medium。  There are three or four
well…authenticated cases where the disembodied spirit was cut
off from the cabinet; and the medium died。〃

He drew the velvet curtains across the cabinet; and shut Vera
from view。 〃Are you ready; Mr。 Hallowell?〃 he asked。 Mr。
Hallowell; his eyes staring; his lips parted; nodded his head。
The music grew louder。 Vance switched off the lights。

For some minutes; except for the creaking of the pedals of the
organ and the low throb of the music; there was no sound。 Then;
from his position at the open door; the voice of Vance commanded
sternly: 〃No whispering; please。 The medium is susceptible to
the least sound。〃 There was another longer pause; until in
hushed expectant tones Vance spoke again。 〃The air is very
heavily charged with electricity tonight;〃 he said; 〃you; Mrs。
Marsh; should feel that?〃

〃I do; Professor;〃 murmured the medium; 〃I do。 We shall have
some wonderful results!〃

Vance agreed with her solemnly。 〃I feel influences all about
me;〃 he murmured。

There came suddenly from the cabinet three sharp raps。 These
were instantly answered by other quick rappings upon the library
table。 〃They are beginning!〃 chanted the voice of Vance。 The
music of the organ ceased。 It was at once followed by the notes
of a guitar that seemed to float in space; the strings
vibrating; not as though touched by human hands; but in fitful;
meaningless chords like those of an Aeolian harp。

〃That is Kiowa; your control; Mrs。 Marsh;〃 announced Vance
eagerly。 〃Do you desire to speak to him?〃

〃Not tonight;〃 Mrs。 Marsh answered。 She raised her voice。 〃Not
tonight; Kiowa;〃 she repeated。 〃Thank you for coming。 Good

In deep; guttural accents; a man's voice came from the ceiling。
〃Good night;〃 it called。 With a final; ringing wail; the music
of the guitar suddenly ceased。

Again rose the swelling low notes of the organ。 Above it came
the quick pattering of footsteps。

The voice of Rainey; filled with alarm; cried; 〃some one touched

〃Are you sure your hands are held?〃 demanded Vance reprovingly。

〃Yes;〃 panted Rainey; 〃both of them。 But something put its hand
on my forehead。 It was cold。〃

In an excited whisper; a voice in the circle cried; 〃Look;
look!〃 and before the eyes of all; a star rose in the darkness。
For a moment it wavered over the cabinet and then fluttered
swiftly across the room and remained stationary above the head
of the German Professor。

〃There is your star; Professor;〃 cried Vance。 〃When the
Professor is in the circle;〃 he announced proudly; 〃that star
always appears。〃

He was interrupted by a startled exclamation from Lee。

〃Something touched my face;〃 explained the young man
apologetically; 〃and spoke to me。〃

The music sank to a murmur; and the room became alive with
swift; rushing sounds and soft whisperings。

The voice of Mrs。 Marsh; low and eager; could be heard appealing
to an invisible presence。

〃The results are marvelous;〃 chanted Vance; 〃marvelous! The
medium is showing wonderful power。 If any one desires to ask a
question; he should do so now。 The conditions will never be
better。〃 He paused expectantly。 〃Mr。 Hallowell;〃 he prompted;
〃is it your wish to communicate with any one in the spirit

There was a long pause; and then the voice of Mr。 Hallowell;
harsh and shaken; answered; 〃Yes。〃

〃With whom?〃 demanded Vance。

There was again another longer pause; and then; above the
confusion of soft whisperings; the voice of the old man rose in
sharp staccato; 〃My sister; Catherine Coates。〃 His tone
hardened; became obdurate; final。 〃But; I must see her; and hear
her speak!〃

Not for an instant did Vance hesitate。 In tense; sepulchral
tones; he demanded of the darkness; 〃Is the spirit of Catherine
Coates present?〃

The whisperings and murmurs ceased。 The silence of the room was
broken sharply by three quick raps。 〃Yes;〃 intoned Vance; 〃she
is present。〃

The voice of Hallowell protested fiercely。 〃I won't have that! I
want to see her!〃

In the tone of an incantation; Vance spoke again。 〃Will the
spirit show herself to her brother?〃 The raps came quickly;

〃She answers she will appear before you。〃

There was a moment that seemed to stretch interminably; and
then; the eyes of all; straining in the darkness; saw against
the black velvet curtain a splash of white。

Above the sobbing of the organ; the voice of Mr。 Hallowell rang
out in a sharp exclamation of terror。 〃Who is that!〃 he
demanded。 He spoke as though he dreaded the answer。 He threw
himself forward in his chair; peering into the darkness。

〃Is that you; Kate?; he whispered。 His voice was both
incredulous and pleading。

The answer came in feeble; trembling tones。 〃Yes。〃

The voice of Hallowell shook with eagerness。 〃Do you know me;
your brother; Stephen?〃


With a cry the old man fell back; groping blindly。 He found
Gaylor's arm and clutched it with both hands。

〃My God! It's Kate!〃 he gasped。 〃I tell you; Henry; it is Kate!〃

The voice of Vance; deep and hollow like a bell; sounded a note
of warning。 〃Speak quickly;〃 he commanded。 〃Her time on earth is
brief。〃 Mr。 Hallowell's hold upon the arm of his friend relaxed。
Fearfully and slowly; he bent forward。

〃Kate!〃 he pleaded; 〃I must ask you a question。 No one else can
tell me。〃 As though gathering courage; he paused; and; with a
frightened sigh; again began。 〃I am an old man;〃 he mu

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