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vera, the medium-第15章

小说: vera, the medium 字数: 每页4000字

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〃No;〃 contradicted Winthrop cheerfully; 〃this time you are going
to win。 You'll have back of you; If I do say it; two of the best
women God ever made。 Only; now; you must do as I say。〃 There was
a pause。 〃Will you?〃 he begged。

Vera raised her head slowly; holding her hand across her eyes。
There was a longer silence; and then she looked up at him and
smiled pathetically; gratefully; and nodded。 〃Good!〃 cried
Winthrop。 〃No more spooks;〃 he laughed; 〃no more spirit

Through her tears Vera smiled up at him a wan; broken smile。 She
gave a shudder of distaste。 〃Never!〃 she whispered。 〃I promise。〃
Their eyes met; the girl's looking into his shyly; gratefully;
the man's searching hers eagerly。 And suddenly they saw each
other with a new and wonderful sympathy and understanding。
Winthrop felt himself bending toward her。 He was conscious that
the room had grown dark; and that he could see only her eyes。
〃You must be just yourself;〃 he commanded; but so gently; so
tenderly; that; though he did not know it; each word carried
with it the touch of a caress; 〃just your sweet; fine; noble

Something he read in the girl's uplifted eyes made him draw back
with a shock of wonder; of delight; with an upbraiding
conscience。 To pull himself together; he glanced quickly about
him。 The day had really grown dark。 He felt a sudden desire to
get away; to go where he could ask himself what had happened;
what it was that had filled this unknown; tawdry room with
beauty and given it the happiness of a home。

〃By Jove!〃 he exclaimed nervously; 〃I had no idea I'd stayed so
long。 You'll not let me come again。 Goodbye  until tomorrow。〃
He turned; holding out his hand; and found that again the girl
had dropped her face upon her arm; and was sobbing quietly;

〃Oh; what is it?〃 cried Winthrop。 〃What have I said?〃 The catch
in the girl's voice as she tried to check the sobs wrenched his
heart。 〃Oh; please;〃 he begged; 〃I've said something wrong? I've
hurt you?〃 With her face still hidden in her arms; the girl
shook her head。

〃No; no!〃 she sobbed。 Her voice; soft with tears; was a melody
of sweet and tender tones。 〃It's only  that I've been so
lonely  and you've made me happy; happy!〃

The sobs broke out afresh; but Winthrop; now knowing that they
brought to the girl peace; was no longer filled with dismay。

Her head was bent upon her left arm; her right hand lightly
clasped the edge of the table。 With the intention of saying
farewell; Winthrop took her hand in his。 The girl did not move。
To his presence she seemed utterly oblivious。 In the gathering
dusk he could see the bent figure; could hear the soft;
irregular breathing as the girl wept gently; happily; like a
child sobbing itself to sleep。 The hand he held in his neither
repelled nor invited; and for an instant he stood motionless;
holding it uncertainly。 It was so delicate; so helpless; so
appealing; so altogether lovable。 It seemed to reach up; and;
with warm; clinging fingers; clutch the tendrils of his heart。

Winthrop bent his head suddenly; and lifting the hand; kissed
it; and then; without again speaking; walked quickly into the
hall and shut the door。 In the room the dusk deepened。 Through
the open windows came the roar of the Sixth Avenue Elevated; the
insistent clamor of an electric hansom; the murmur of Broadway
at night。 The tears had suddenly ceased; but the girl had not
moved。 At last; slowly; stiffly; she raised her head。 Her eyes;
filled with wonder; with amazement; were fixed upon her hand。
She glanced cautiously about her。 Assured she was alone; with
her other hand she lifted the one Winthrop had kissed and held
it pressed against her lips。

The folding doors were thrown open; letting in a flood of light;
and Mabel Vance; entering swiftly; knelt at the table and bent
her head close to Vera。

〃That woman's in the hall;〃 she whispered; 〃that niece of
Hallowell's。 Paul and Mannie can't get rid of her。 Now she's got
hold of Winthrop。 She says she will see you。 Be careful!〃

Vera rose。 That Mabel might not see she had been weeping; she
walked to the piano; covertly drying her eyes。

〃What;〃 she asked dully; 〃does she want with me?〃

〃About tonight;〃 answered Mabel。 She exclaimed fiercely; 〃I told
them there'd be trouble!〃

With Vance upon her heels; Helen Coates came in quickly from the
hall。 Her face was flushed; her eyes lit with indignation and
excitement。 In her hand she held an open letter。

As though to protect Vera; both Vance and his wife moved between
her and their visitor; but; disregarding them; Miss Coates at
once singled out the girl as her opponent。

〃You are the young woman they call Vera; I believe;〃 she said。
〃I have a note here from Mr。 Hallowell telling me you are giving
a seance tonight at his house。 That you propose to exhibit the
spirit of my mother。 That is an insult to the memory of my
mother and to me。 And I warn you; if you attempt such a thing; I
will prevent it。〃

There was a pause。 When Vera spoke it was in the tone of every…
day politeness。 Her voice was even and steady。

〃You have been misinformed;〃 she said; 〃there will be no seance

Vance turned to Vera; and; in a voice lower than her own; but
sufficiently loud to include Miss Coates; said: 〃I don't think
we told you that Mr。 Hallowell himself insists that this lady
and her friends be present。〃

〃Her presence makes no difference;〃 said Vera quietly。 〃There
will be no seance tonight。 I will tell you about it later;
Paul;〃 she added。 She started toward the door; but Miss Coates
moved as though to intercept her。

〃If you think;〃 she cried eagerly; 〃you can give a seance to Mr。
Hallowell without my knowing it; you are mistaken。〃

Vera paused; and made a slight inclination of her head。

〃That was not my idea;〃 she said。 She looked appealingly to
Vance。 〃Is that not enough; Paul?〃 she asked。

〃Quite enough!〃 exclaimed the man。 He turned to the visitor and
made a curt movement of the hand toward the open door。

〃There will be a seance tonight;〃 he declared。 〃At Mr。
Hallowell's。 If you wish to protest against it; you can do so
there。 This is my house。 If you have finished  〃 He repeated
the gesture toward the open door。

〃I have not finished;〃 said Miss Coates sharply; 〃and if you
take my advice; you will follow her example。〃 With a nod of the
head she signified Vera。 〃When she sees she's in danger; she
knows enough to stop。 This is not a question of a few medium's
tricks;〃 she cried; contemptuously。 〃I know all that you planned
to do; and I intend that tomorrow every one in New York shall
know it too。〃

Like a cloak Vera's self…possession fell from her。 In alarm she
moved forward。

〃What do you mean?〃 she demanded。

〃I have had you people followed pretty closely;〃 said Miss
Coates。 Her tone was assured。 She was confident that of those
before her she was the master; and that of that fact they were

〃I know;〃 she went on; 〃just how you tried to impose upon my
uncle  how you tried to rob me; and tonight I have invited the
reporters to my house to give them the facts。〃

With a cry Vera ran to her。

〃No!〃 she begged; 〃you won't do that。 You must not do that!〃

〃Let her talk!〃 growled Vance。 〃Let her talk! She's funny。〃

〃No!〃 commanded Vera。 Her voice rang with the distress。 〃She
cannot do that!〃 She turned to Miss Coates。 〃We haven't hurt
you;〃 she pleaded; 〃we haven't taken your money。 I promise you;〃
she cried;〃 we will never see Mr。 Hallowell again。 I beg of you

Vance indignantly caught her by the arm and drew her back。 〃You
don't beg nothing of her!〃 he cried。

〃I do;〃 Vera answered wildly。 She caught Vance's hand in both of
hers。 〃I have a chance; Paul;〃 she entreated; 〃don't force me
through it again。 I can't stand the shame of it again。〃 Once
more she appealed to the visitor。 〃Don't!〃 she begged。 〃Don't
shame me。〃

But the eyes of the older girl; blind to everything save what;
as she saw it; was her duty; showed no consideration。

Vera's hands; trembling on his arm; drove Vance to deeper anger。
He turned savagely upon Miss Coates。

〃You haven't lost anything yet; have you?〃 he deman

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