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first visit to new england-第7章

小说: first visit to new england 字数: 每页4000字

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trouble I had in finding him; and I could not help dragging in something
about Heine's search for Borne; when he went to see him in Frankfort; but
I felt at once this was a false start; for Lowell was such an impassioned
lover of Cambridge; which was truly his patria; in the Italian sense;
that it must have hurt him to be unknown to any one in it; he said;
a little dryly; that he should not have thought I would have so much
difficulty; but he added; forgivingly; that this was not his own house;
which he was out of for the time。  Then he spoke to me of Heine; and when
I showed my ardor for him; he sought to temper it with some judicious
criticisms; and told me that he had kept the first poem I sent him; for
the long time it had been unacknowledged; to make sure that it was not a
translation。  He asked me about myself; and my name; and its Welsh
origin; and seemed to find the vanity I had in this harmless enough。
When I said I had tried hard to believe that I was at least the literary
descendant of Sir James Howels; he corrected me gently with 〃James
Howel;〃 and took down a volume of the 'Familiar Letters' from the shelves
behind him to prove me wrong。  This was always his habit; as I found
afterwards when he quoted anything from a book he liked to get it and
read the passage over; as if he tasted a kind of hoarded sweetness in the
words。  It visibly vexed him if they showed him in the least mistaken;

               〃The love he bore to learning was at fault〃

for this foible; and that other of setting people right if he thought
them wrong。  I could not assert myself against his version of Howels's
name; for my edition of his letters was far away in Ohio; and I was
obliged to own that the name was spelt in several different ways in it。
He perceived; no doubt; why I had chosen the form liked my own; with the
title which the pleasant old turncoat ought to have had from the many
masters he served according to their many minds; but never had except
from that erring edition。  He did not afflict me for it; though; probably
it amused him too much; he asked me about the West; and when he found
that I was as proud of the West as I was of Wales; he seemed even better
pleased; and said he had always fancied that human nature was laid out on
rather a larger scale there than in the East; but he had seen very little
of the West。  In my heart I did not think this then; and I do not think
it now; human nature has had more ground to spread over in the West; that
is all; but 〃it was not for me to bandy words with my sovereign。〃  He
said he liked to hear of the differences between the different sections;
for what we had most to fear in our country was a wearisome sameness of

He did not say now; or at any other time during the many years I knew
him; any of those slighting things of the West which I had so often to
suffer from Eastern people; but suffered me to praise it all I would。  He
asked me what way I had taken in coming to New England; and when I told
him; and began to rave of the beauty and quaintness of French Canada;
and to pour out my joy in Quebec; he said; with a smile that had now lost
all its frost; Yes; Quebec was a bit of the seventeenth century; it was
in many ways more French than France; and its people spoke the language
of Voltaire; with the accent of Voltaire's time。

I do not remember what else he talked of; though once I remembered it
with what I believed an ineffaceable distinctness。  I set nothing of it
down at the time; I was too busy with the letters I was writing for a
Cincinnati paper; and I was severely bent upon keeping all personalities
out of them。  This was very well; but I could wish now that I had
transgressed at least so far as to report some of the things that Lowell
said; for the paper did not print my letters; and it would have been
perfectly safe; and very useful for the present purpose。  But perhaps he
did not say anything very memorable; to do that you must have something
positive in your listener; and I was the mere response; the hollow echo;
that youth must be in like circumstances。  I was all the time afraid of
wearing my welcome out; and I hurried to go when I would so gladly have
staid。  I do not remember where I meant to go; or why he should have
undertaken to show me the way across…lots; but this was what he did; and
when we came to a fence; which I clambered gracelessly over; he put his
hands on the top; and tried to take it at a bound。  He tried twice; and
then laughed at his failure; but not with any great pleasure; and he was
not content till a third trial carried him across。  Then he said;
〃I commonly do that the first time;〃 as if it were a frequent habit with
him; while I remained discreetly silent; and for that moment at least
felt myself the elder of the man who had so much of the boy in him。  He
had; indeed; much of the boy in him to the last; and he parted with each
hour of his youth reluctantly; pathetically。


We walked across what must have been Jarvis Field to what must have been
North Avenue; and there he left me。  But before he let me go he held my
hand while he could say that he wished me to dine with him; only; he was
not in his own house; and he would ask me to dine with him at the Parker
House in Boston; and would send me word of the time later。

I suppose I may have spent part of the intervening time in viewing the
wonders of Boston; and visiting the historic scenes and places in it and
about it。  I certainly went over to Charleston; and ascended Bunker Hill
monument; and explored the navy…yard; where the immemorial man…of…war
begun in Jackson's time was then silently stretching itself under its
long shed in a poetic arrest; as if the failure of the appropriation for
its completion had been some kind of enchantment。  In Boston; I early
presented my letter of credit to the publisher it was drawn upon; not
that I needed money at the moment; but from a young eagerness to see if
it would be honored; and a literary attache of the house kindly went
about with me; and showed me the life of the city。  A great city it
seemed to me then; and a seething vortex of business as well as a whirl
of gaiety; as I saw it in Washington Street; and in a promenade concert
at Copeland's restaurant in Tremont Row。  Probably I brought some
idealizing force to bear upon it; for I was not all so strange to the
world as I must seem; perhaps I accounted for quality as well as quantity
in my impressions of the New England metropolis; and aggrandized it in
the ratio of its literary importance。  It seemed to me old; even after
Quebec; and very likely I credited the actual town with all the dead and
gone Bostonians in my sentimental census。  If I did not; it was no fault
of my cicerone; who thought even more of the city he showed me than I
did。  I do not know now who he was; and I never saw him after I came to
live there; with any certainty that it was he; though I was often
tormented with the vision of a spectacled face like his; but not like
enough to warrant me in addressing him。

He became part of that ghostly Boston of my first visit; which would
sometimes return and possess again the city I came to know so familiarly
in later years; and to be so passionately interested in。  Some color of
my prime impressions has tinged the fictitious experiences of people in
my books; but I find very little of it in my memory。  This is like a web
of frayed old lace; which I have to take carefully into my hold for fear
of its fragility; and make out as best I can the figure once so distinct
in it。  There are the narrow streets; stretching saltworks to the docks;
which I haunted for their quaintness; and there is Faunal Hall; which I
cared to see so much more because Wendell Phillips had spoken in it than
because Otis and Adams had。  There is the old Colonial House; and there
is the State House; which I dare say I explored; with the Common sloping
before it。  There is Beacon Street; with the Hancock House where it is
incredibly no more; and there are the beginnings of Commonwealth Avenue;
and the other streets of the Back Bay; laid out with their basements left
hollowed in the made l

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