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first visit to new england-第13章

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shadow) of Europe had not fallen。  I told him I thought the West must
finally be characterized by the Germans; whom we had in great numbers;
and; purely from my zeal for German poetry; I tried to allege some proofs
of their present influence; though I could think of none outside of
politics; which I thought they affected wholesomely。  I knew Hawthorne
was a Democrat; and I felt it well to touch politics lightly; but he had
no more to say about the fateful election then pending than Holmes or
Lowell had。

With the abrupt transition of his talk throughout; he began somehow to
speak of women; and said he had never seen a woman whom he thought quite
beautiful。  In the same way he spoke of the New England temperament; and
suggested that the apparent coldness in it was also real; and that the
suppression of emotion for generations would extinguish it at last。  Then
he questioned me as to my knowledge of Concord; and whether I had seen
any of the notable people。  I answered that I had met no one but himself;
as yet; but I very much wished to see Emerson and Thoreau。  I did not
think it needful to say that I wished to see Thoreau quite as much
because he had suffered in the cause of John Brown as because he had
written the books which had taken me; and when he said that Thoreau
prided himself on coming nearer the heart of a pine…tree than any other
human being; I could say honestly enough that I would rather come near
the heart of a man。  This visibly pleased him; and I saw that it did not
displease him; when he asked whether I was not going to see his next
neighbor; Mr。 Alcott; and I confessed that I had never heard of him。
That surprised as well as pleased him; be remarked; with whatever
intention; that there was nothing like recognition to make a man modest;
and he entered into some account of the philosopher; whom I suppose I
need not be much ashamed of not knowing then; since his influence was of
the immediate sort that makes a man important to his townsmen while he is
still strange to his countrymen。

Hawthorne descanted a little upon the landscape; and said certain of the
pleasant fields below us be longed to him; but he preferred his hill…top;
and if he could have his way those arable fields should be grown up to
pines too。  He smoked fitfully; and slowly; and in the hour that we spent
together; his whiffs were of the desultory and unfinal character of his
words。  When we went down; he asked me into his house again; and would
have me stay to tea; for which we found the table laid。  But there was a
great deal of silence in it all; and at times; in spite of his shadowy
kindness; I felt my spirits sink。  After tea; he showed me a book case;
where there were a few books toppling about on the half…filled shelves;
and said; coldly; 〃This is my library。〃  I knew that men were his books;
and though I myself cared for books so much; I found it fit and fine that
he should care so little; or seem to care so little。  Some of his own
romances were among the volumes on these shelves; and when I put my
finger on the 'Blithedale Romance' and said that I preferred that to the
others; his face lighted up; and he said that he believed the Germans
liked that best too。

Upon the whole we parted such good friends that when I offered to take
leave he asked me how long I was to be in Concord; and not only bade me
come to see him again; but said he would give me a card to Emerson; if I
liked。  I answered; of course; that I should like it beyond all things;
and he wrote on the back of his card something which I found; when I got
away; to be; 〃I find this young man worthy。〃  The quaintness; the little
stiffness of it; if one pleases to call it so; was amusing to one who was
not without his sense of humor; but the kindness filled me to the throat
with joy。  In fact; I entirely liked Hawthorne。  He had been as cordial
as so shy a man could show himself; and I perceived; with the repose
that nothing else can give; the entire sincerity of his soul。

Nothing could have been further from the behavior of this very great man
than any sort of posing; apparently; or a wish to affect me with a sense
of his greatness。  I saw that he was as much abashed by our encounter as
I was; he was visibly shy to the point of discomfort; but in no ignoble
sense was he conscious; and as nearly as he could with one so much his
younger he made an absolute equality between us。  My memory of him is
without alloy one of the finest pleasures of my life:  In my heart I paid
him the same glad homage that I paid Lowell and Holmes; and he did
nothing to make me think that I had overpaid him。  This seems perhaps
very little to say in his praise; but to my mind it is saying everything;
for I have known but few great men; especially of those I met in early
life; when I wished to lavish my admiration upon them; whom I have not
the impression of having left in my debt。  Then; a defect of the Puritan
quality; which I have found in many New…Englanders; is that; wittingly or
unwittingly; they propose themselves to you as an example; or if not
quite this; that they surround themselves with a subtle ether of
potential disapprobation; in which; at the first sign of unworthiness in
you; they helplessly suffer you to gasp and perish; they have good
hearts; and they would probably come to your succor out of humanity; if
they knew how; but they do not know how。  Hawthorne had nothing of this
about him; he was no more tacitly than he was explicitly didactic。
I thought him as thoroughly in keeping with his romances as Doctor Holmes
had seemed with his essays and poems; and I met him as I had met the
Autocrat in the supreme hour of his fame。  He had just given the world
the last of those incomparable works which it was to have finished from
his hand; the 'Marble Faun' had worthily followed; at a somewhat longer
interval than usual; the 'Blithedale Romance'; and the 'House of Seven
Gables'; and the 'Scarlet Letter'; and had; perhaps carried his name
higher than all the rest; and certainly farther。  Everybody was reading
it; and more or less bewailing its indefinite close; but yielding him
that full honor and praise which a writer can hope for but once in his
life。  Nobody dreamed that thereafter only precious fragments; sketches
more or less faltering; though all with the divine touch in them; were
further to enrich a legacy which in its kind is the finest the race has
received from any mind。  As I have said; we are always finding new
Hawthornes; but the illusion soon wears away; and then we perceive that
they were not Hawthornes at all; that he had some peculiar difference
from them; which; by and…by; we shall no doubt consent must be his
difference from all men evermore。

I am painfully aware that I have not summoned before the reader the image
of the man as it has always stood in my memory; and I feel a sort of
shame for my failure。  He was so altogether simple that it seems as if it
would be easy to do so; but perhaps a spirit from the other world would
be simple too; and yet would no more stand at parle; or consent to be
sketched; than Hawthorne。  In fact; he was always more or less merging
into the shadow; which was in a few years wholly to close over him; there
was nothing uncanny in his presence; there was nothing even unwilling;
but he had that apparitional quality of some great minds which kept
Shakespeare largely unknown to those who thought themselves his
intimates; and has at last left him a sort of doubt。  There was nothing
teasing or wilfully elusive in Hawthorne's impalpability; such as I
afterwards felt in Thoreau; if he was not there to your touch; it was no
fault of his; it was because your touch was dull; and wanted the use of
contact with such natures。  The hand passes through the veridical phantom
without a sense of its presence; but the phantom is none the less
veridical for all that。


I kept the evening of the day I met Hawthorne wholly for the thoughts of
him; or rather for that reverberation which continues in the young
sensibilities after some important encounter。  It must have been the next
morning that I went to find Thoreau; and I am dimly aware of ma

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