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sons of the soil-第67章

小说: sons of the soil 字数: 每页4000字

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looking at Lupin and at Madame Soudry。

〃Let us return to the salon;〃 replied the queen。

〃What has the Shopman done now?〃 asked Soudry; sitting down beside his

wife and putting his arm about her waist。

Madame Soudry; like other old women; forgave a great deal in return

for such public marks of tenderness。

〃Why;〃 said Rigou; in a low voice; to set an example of caution; 〃he

has gone to the Prefecture to demand the enforcement of the penalties;

he wants the help of the authorities。〃

〃Then he's lost;〃 said Lupin; rubbing his hands; 〃the peasants will


〃Fight!〃 cried Soudry; 〃that depends。 If the prefect and the general;

who are friends; send a squadron of cavalry the peasants can't fight。

They might at a pinch get the better of the gendarmes; but as for

resisting a charge of cavalry!〃

〃Sibilet heard him say something much more dangerous than that;〃 said

Rigou; 〃and that's what brings me here。〃

〃Oh; my poor Sophie!〃 cried Madame Soudry; sentimentally; alluding to

her FRIEND; Mademoiselle Laguerre; 〃into what hands Les Aigues has

fallen! This is what we have gained by the Revolution!a parcel of

swaggering epaulets! We might have foreseen that whenever the bottle

was turned upside down the dregs would spoil the wine!〃

〃He means to go to Paris and cabal with the Keeper of the Seals and

others to get the whole judiciary changed down here;〃 said Rigou。

〃Ha!〃 cried Lupin; 〃then he sees his danger。〃

〃If they appoint my son…in…law attorney…general we can't help

ourselves; the general will get him replaced by some Parisian devoted

to his interests;〃 continued Rigou。 〃If he gets a place in Paris for

Gendrin and makes Guerbet chief…justice of the court at Auxerre; he'll

knock down our skittles! The gendarmerie is on his side now; and if he

gets the courts as well; and keeps such advisers as the abbe and

Michaud we sha'n't dance at the wedding; he'll play us some scurvy

trick or other。〃

〃How is it that in all these five years you have never managed to get

rid of that abbe?〃 said Lupin。

〃You don't know him; he's as suspicious as a blackbird;〃 replied

Rigou。 〃He is not a man at all; that priest; he doesn't care for

women; I can't find out that he has any passion; there's no point at

which one can attack him。 The general lays himself open by his temper。

A man with a vice is the servant of his enemies if they know how to

pull its string。 There are no strong men but those who lead their

vices instead of being led by them。 The peasants are all right; their

hatred against the abbe keeps up; but we can do nothing as yet。 He's

like Michaud; in his way; such men are too good for this world;God

ought to call them to himself。〃

〃It would be a good plan to find some pretty servant…girl to scrub his

staircase;〃 remarked Madame Soudry。 The words caused Rigou to give the

little jump with which crafty natures recognize the craft of others。

〃The Shopman has another vice;〃 he said; 〃he loves his wife; we might

get hold of him that way。〃

〃We ought to find out how far she really influences him;〃 said Madame


〃There's the rub!〃 said Lupin。

〃As for you; Lupin;〃 said Rigou; in a tone of authority; 〃be off to

the Prefecture and see the beautiful Madame Sarcus at once! You must

get her to tell you all the Shopman says and does at the Prefecture。〃

〃Then I shall have to stay all night;〃 replied Lupin。

〃So much the better for Sarcus the rich; he'll be the gainer;〃 said

Rigou。 〃She is not yet out of date; Madame Sarcus〃

〃Oh! Monsieur Rigou;〃 said Madame Soudry; in a mincing tone; 〃are

women ever out of date?〃

〃You may be right about Madame Sarcus; she doesn't paint before the

glass;〃 retorted Rigou; who was always disgusted by the exhibition of

the Cochet's ancient charms。

Madame Soudry; who thought she used only a 〃suspicion〃 of rouge; did

not perceive the sarcasm and hastened to say:

〃Is it possible that women paint?〃

〃Now; Lupin;〃 said Rigou; without replying to this naivete; 〃go over

to Gaubertin's to…morrow morning。 Tell him that my fellow…mayor and I〃

(striking Soudry on the thigh) 〃will break bread with him at breakfast

somewhere about midday。 Tell him everything; so that we may all have

thought it over before we meet; for now's the time to make an end of

that damned Shopman。 As I drove over here I came to the conclusion it

would be best to get up a quarrel between the courts and him; so that

the Keeper of the Seals would be wary of making the changes he may ask

in their members。〃

〃Bravo for the son of the Church!〃 cried Lupin; slapping Rigou on the


Madame Soudry was here struck by an idea which could come only to a

former waiting…maid of an Opera divinity。

〃If;〃 she said; 〃one could only get the Shopman to the fete at

Soulanges; and throw some fine girl in his way who would turn his

head; we could easily set his wife against him by letting her know

that the son of an upholsterer has gone back to the style of his early


〃Ah; my beauty!〃 said Soudry; 〃you have more sense in your head than

the Prefecture of police in Paris。〃

〃That's an idea which proves that Madame reigns by mind as well as by

beauty;〃 said Lupin; who was rewarded by a grimace which the leading

society of Soulanges were in the habit of accepting without protest

for a smile。

〃One might do better still;〃 said Rigou; after some thought; 〃if we

could only turn it into a downright scandal。〃

〃Complaint and indictment! affair in the police court!〃 cried Lupin。

〃Oh! that would be grand!〃

〃Glorious!〃 said Soudry; candidly。 〃What happiness to see the Comte de

Montcornet; grand cross of the Legion of honor; commander of the Order

of Saint Louis; and lieutenant…general; accused of having attempted;

in a public resort; the virtuejust think of it!〃

〃He loves his wife too well;〃 said Lupin; reflectively。 〃He couldn't

be got to that。〃

〃That's no obstacle;〃 remarked Rigou; 〃but I don't know a single girl

in the whole arrondissement who is capable of making a sinner of a

saint。 I have been looking out for one for the abbe。〃

〃What do you say to that handsome Gatienne Giboulard; of Auxerre; whom

Sarcus; junior; is mad after?〃 asked Lupin。

〃That's the only one;〃 answered Rigou; 〃but she is not suitable; she

thinks she has only to be seen to be admired; she's not complying

enough; we want a witch and a sly…boots; too。 Never mind; the right

one will turn up sooner or later。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Lupin; 〃the more pretty girls he sees the greater the

chances are。〃

〃But perhaps you can't get the Shopman to the fair;〃 said the ex…

gendarme。 〃And if he does come; will he go to the Tivoli ball?〃

〃The reason that has always kept him away from the fair doesn't exist

this year; my love;〃 said Madame Soudry。

〃What reason; dearest?〃 asked Soudry。

〃The Shopman wanted to marry Mademoiselle de Soulanges;〃 said the

notary。 〃The family replied that she was too young; and that mortified

him。 That is why Monsieur de Soulanges and Monsieur de Montcornet; two

old friends who both served in the Imperial Guard; are so cool to each

other that they never speak。 The Shopman doesn't want to meet the

Soulanges at the fair; but this year the family are not coming。〃

Usually the Soulanges party stayed at the chateau from July to

October; but the general was then in command of the artillery in

Spain; under the Duc d'Angouleme; and the countess had accompanied

him。 At the siege of Cadiz the Comte de Soulanges obtained; as every

one knows; the marshal's baton; which he kept till 1826。

〃Very true;〃 cried Lupin。 〃Well; it is for you; papa;〃 he added;

addressing Rigou; 〃to manoeuvre the matter so that we can get him to

the fair; once there; we ought to be able to entrap him。〃

The fair of Soulanges; which takes place on the 15th of August; is one

of the features of the town; and c

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