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sons of the soil-第61章

小说: sons of the soil 字数: 每页4000字

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slain as an 〃accapareur;〃 a monopolist; by the populace; instigated by

a mason; the uncle of Godain; with whom he had had some quarrel about

the building of his ambitious house。 The settlement of his estate;

sharply contested by collateral heirs; dragged slowly along until; in

1798; Soudry; who had then returned to Soulanges; was able to buy the

wine…merchant's palace for three thousand francs in specie。 He then

let it; in the first instance; to the government for the headquarters

of the gendarmerie。 In 1811 Mademoiselle Cochet; whom Soudry consulted

about all his affairs; strongly objected to the renewal of the lease;

making the house uninhabitable; she declared; with barracks。 The town

of Soulanges; assisted by the department; then erected a building for

the gendarmerie in a street running at right angles from the town…

hall。 Thereupon Soudry cleaned up his house and restored its primitive

lustre; not a little dimmed by the stabling of horses and the

occupancy of gendarmes。

The house; only one story high; with projecting windows in the roof;

has a view on three sides; one to the square; another to a lake; the

third to a garden。 The fourth side looks on a courtyard which

separates the Soudrys from the adjoining house occupied by a grocer

named Wattebled; a man of the SECOND…CLASS society of Soulanges;

father of the beautiful Madame Plissoud; of whom we shall presently

have occasion to speak。

All little towns have a renowned beauty; just as they have a Socquard

and a Cafe de la Paix。

It will be apparent to every one that the frontage of the Soudry

mansion on the lake must have a terraced garden confined by a stone

balustrade which overlooks both the lake and the main road。 A flight

of steps leads down from the terrace to the road; and on it an orange…

tree; a pomegranate; a myrtle; and other ornamental shrubs are placed;

necessitating a greenhouse。 On the side toward the square the house is

entered from a portico raised several steps above the level of the

street。 According to the custom of small towns the gate of the

courtyard; used only for the service of the house or for any unusual

arrival; was seldom opened。 Visitors; who mostly came on foot; entered

by the portico。

The style of the Hotel Soudry is plain。 The courses are indicated by

projecting lines; the windows are framed by mouldings alternately

broad and slender; like those of the Gabriel and Perronnet pavilion in

the place Louis XV。 These ornaments in so small a town give a certain

solid and monumental air to the building which has become celebrated。

Opposite to this house; in another angle of the square stands the

famous Cafe de la Paix; the characteristics of which; together with

the fascinations of its Tivoli; will require; somewhat later; a less

succinct description than that we have given of the Soudry mansion。

Rigou very seldom came to Soulanges; everybody was in the habit of

going to him;Lupin and Gaubertin; Soudry and Gendrin;so much were

they afraid of him。 But we shall presently understand why any educated

man; such as the ex…Benedictine; would have done as Rigou did; and

kept away from the little town; after reading the following sketch of

the personages who composed what was called in those parts 〃the

leading society of Soulanges。〃

Of its principal figures; the most original; as you have already

suspected; was that of Madame Soudry; whose personality; to be duly

rendered; needs a minute and careful brush。

Madame Soudry; respectfully imitating Mademoiselle Laguerre; began by

allowing herself a 〃mere touch of rouge〃; but this delicate tint had

changed through force of habit to those vermilion patches

picturesquely described by our ancestors as 〃carriage…wheels。〃 The

wrinkles growing deeper and deeper; it occurred to the ex…lady's…maid

to fill them up with paint。 Her forehead becoming unduly yellow; and

the temples too shiny; she 〃laid on〃 a little white; and renewed the

veins of her youth with a tracery of blue。 All this color gave an

exaggerated liveliness to her eyes which were already tricksy enough;

so that the mask of her face would seem to a stranger even more than

fantastic; though her friends and acquaintances; accustomed to this

fictitious brilliancy; actually declared her handsome。

This ungainly creature; always decolletee; showed a bosom and a pair

of shoulders that were whitened and polished by the same process

employed upon her face; happily; for the sake of exhibiting her

magnificent laces; she partially veiled the charms of these chemical

products。 She always wore the body of her dress stiffened with

whalebone and made in a long point and garnished with knots of ribbon;

even on the point! Her petticoats gave forth a creaking noise;so

much did the silk and the furbelows abound。

This attire; which deserves the name of apparel (a word that before

long will be inexplicable); was; on the evening in question; of costly

brocade;for Madame Soudry possessed over a hundred dresses; each

richer than the others; the remains of Mademoiselle Laguerre's

enormous and splendid wardrobe; made over to fit Madame Soudry in the

last fashion of the year 1808。 Her blond wig; frizzed and powdered;

sustained a superb cap with knots of cherry satin ribbon matching

those on her dress。 If you will kindly imagine beneath this ultra…

coquettish cap the face of a monkey of extreme ugliness; on which a

flat nose; fleshless as that of Death; is separated by a strong hairy

line from a mouth filled with false teeth; whence issue sounds like

the confused clacking of hunting…horns; you will have some difficulty

in understanding why the leading society of Soulanges (all the town;

in fact) thought this quasi…queen a beauty;unless; indeed; you

remember the succinct statement recently made 〃ex professo;〃 by one of

the cleverest women of our time; on the art of making her sex

beautiful by surrounding accessories。

As to accessories; in the first place; Madame Soudry was surrounded by

the magnificent gifts accumulated by her late mistress; which the ex…

Benedictine called 〃fructus belli。〃 Then she made the most of her

ugliness by exaggerating it; and by assuming that indescribable air

and manner which belongs only to Parisian women; the secret of which

is known even to the most vulgar among them;who are always more or

less mimics。 She laced tight; wore an enormous bustle; also diamond

earrings; and her fingers were covered with rings。 At the top of her

corsage; between two mounds of flesh well plastered with pearl…white;

shone a beetle made of topaz with a diamond head; the gift of dear

mistress;a jewel renowned throughout the department。 Like the late

dear mistress; she wore short sleeves and bare arms; and flirted an

ivory fan; painted by Boucher with two little rose…diamonds in the


When she went out Madame Soudry carried a parasol of the true

eighteenth…century style; that is to say; a tall cane at the end of

which opened a green sun…shade with a green fringe。 When she walked

about the terrace a stranger on the high…road; seeing her from afar;

might have thought her one of Watteau's dames。

In her salon; hung with red damask; with curtains of the same lined

with silk; a fire on the hearth; a mantel…shelf adorned with bibelots

of the good time of Louis XV。; and bearing candelabra in the form of

lilies upheld by Cupidsin this salon; filled with furniture in

gilded wood of the 〃pied de biche〃 pattern; it is not impossible to

understand why the people of Soulanges called the mistress of the

house; 〃The beautiful Madame Soulanges。〃 The mansion had actually

become the civic pride of this capital of a canton。

If the leading society of the little town believed in its queen; the

queen as surely believed in herself。 By a phenomenon not in the least

rare; which the vanity of mothers and authors carries on at all

moments under our very eyes in behalf of their literary works or their

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