贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > sons of the soil >


sons of the soil-第47章

小说: sons of the soil 字数: 每页4000字

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masses of hair twisted in coils around her head; her masculine

forehead and her red lips curling with that same ferocious smile which

Eugene Delacroix and David (of Angers) caught and represented so

admirably。 True image of the People; this fiery and swarthy creature

seemed to emit revolt through her piercing yellow eyes; blazing with

the insolence of a soldier。 She inherited from her father so violent a

nature that the whole family; except Tonsard; and all who frequented

the tavern feared her。

〃Well; how are you now?〃 she said to La Pechina as the latter

recovered consciousness。

Catherine had placed her victim on a little mound beside the brook and

was bringing her to her senses with dashes of cold water。 〃Where am

I?〃 said the child; opening her beautiful black eyes through which a

sun…ray seemed to glide。

〃Ah!〃 said Catherine; 〃if it hadn't been for me you'd have been


〃Thank you;〃 said the girl; still bewildered; 〃what happened to me?〃

〃You stumbled over a root and fell flat in the road over there; as if

shot。 Ha! how you did run!〃

〃It was your brother who made me;〃 said La Pechina; remembering


〃My brother? I did not see him;〃 said Catherine。 〃What did he do to

you; poor fellow; that should make you fly as if he were a wolf? Isn't

he handsomer than your Monsieur Michaud?〃

〃Oh!〃 said the girl; contemptuously。

〃See here; little one; you are laying up a crop of evils for yourself

by loving those who persecute us。 Why don't you keep to our side?〃

〃Why don't you come to church; and why do you steal things night and

day?〃 asked the child。

〃So you let those people talk you over!〃 sneered Catherine。 〃They love

us; don't they?just as they love their food which they get out of

us; and they want new dishes every day。 Did you ever know one of them

to marry a peasant…girl? Not they! Does Sarcus the rich let his son

marry that handsome Gatienne Giboulard? Not he; though she is the

daughter of a rich upholsterer。 You have never been at the Tivoli ball

at Soulanges in Socquard's tavern; you had better come。 You'll see 'em

all there; these bourgeois fellows; and you'll find they are not worth

the money we shall get out of them when we've pulled them down。 Come

to the fair this year!〃

〃They say it's fine; that Soulanges fair!〃 cried La Pechina;


〃I'll tell you what it is in two words;〃 said Catherine。 〃If you are

handsome; you are well ogled。 What is the good of being as pretty as

you are if you are not admired by the men? Ha! when I heard one of

them say for the first time; 'What a fine sprig of a girl!' all my

blood was on fire。 It was at Socquard's; in the middle of a dance; my

grandfather; Fourchon; who was playing the clarionet; heard it and

laughed。 Tivoli seemed to me as grand and fine as heaven itself。 It's

lighted up; my dear; with glass lamps; and you'll think you are in

paradise。 All the gentlemen of Soulanges and Auxerre and Ville…aux…

Fayes will be there。 Ever since that first night I've loved the place

where those words rang in my ears like military music。 It's worthy

giving your eternity to hear such words said of you by a man you


〃Yes; perhaps;〃 replied La Pechina; thoughtfully。

〃Then come; and get the praise of men; you're sure of it!〃 cried

Catherine。 〃Ha! you'll have a fine chance; handsome as you are; to

pick up good luck。 There's the son of Monsieur Lupin; Amaury; he might

marry you。 But that's not all; if you only knew what comforts you can

find there against vexation and worry。 Why; Socquard's boiled wine

will make you forget every trouble you ever had。 Fancy! it can make

you dream; and feel as light as a bird。 Didn't you ever drink boiled

wine? Then you don't know what life is。〃

The privilege enjoyed by older persons to wet their throats with

boiled wine excites the curiosity of the children of the peasantry

over twelve years of age to such a degree that Genevieve had once put

her lips to a glass of boiled wine ordered by the doctor for her

grandfather when ill。 The taste had left a sort of magic influence in

the memory of the poor child; which may explain the interest with

which she listened; and on which the evil…minded Catherine counted to

carry out a plan already half…successful。 No doubt she was trying to

bring her victim; giddy from the fall; to the moral intoxication so

dangerous to young women living in the wilds of nature; whose

imagination; deprived of other nourishment; is all the more ardent

when the occasion comes to exercise it。 Boiled wine; which Catherine

had held in reserve; was to end the matter by intoxicating the victim。

〃What do they put into it?〃 asked La Pechina。

〃All sorts of things;〃 replied Catherine; glancing back to see if her

brother were coming; 〃in the first place; those what d' ye call 'ems

that come from India; cinnamon; and herbs that change you by magic;

you fancy you have everything you wish for; boiled wine makes you

happy! you can snap your fingers at all your troubles!〃

〃I should be afraid to drink boiled wine at a dance;〃 said La Pechina。

〃Afraid of what?〃 asked Catherine。 〃There's not the slightest danger。

Think what lots of people there will be。 All the bourgeois will be

looking at us! Ah! it is one of those days that make up for all our

misery。 See it and die;for it's enough to satisfy any one。〃

〃If Monsieur and Madame Michaud would only take me!〃 cried La Pechina;

her eyes blazing。

〃Ask your grandfather Niseron; you have not given him up; poor dear

man; and he'd be pleased to see you admired like a little queen。 Why

do you like those Arminacs the Michauds better than your grandfather

and the Burgundians。 It's bad to neglect your own people。 Besides; why

should the Michauds object if your grandfather takes you to the fair?

Oh! if you knew what it is to reign over a man and put him beside

himself; and say to him; as I say to Godain; 'Go there!' and he goes;

'Do that!' and he does it! You've got it in you; little one; to turn

the head of a bourgeois like that son of Monsieur Lupin。 Monsieur

Amaury took a fancy to my sister Marie because she is fair and because

he is half…afraid of me; but he'd adore you; for ever since those

people at the pavilion have spruced you up a bit you've got the airs

of an empress。〃

Adroitly leading the innocent heart to forget Nicolas and so put it

off its guard; Catherine distilled into the girl the insidious nectar

of compliments。 Unawares; she touched a secret wound。 La Pechina;

without being other than a poor peasant girl; was a specimen of

alarming precocity; like many another creature doomed to die as

prematurely as it blooms。 Strange product of Burgundian and

Montenegrin blood; conceived and born amid the toils of war; the girl

was doubtless in many ways the result of her congenital circumstances。

Thin; slender; brown as a tobacco leaf; and short in stature; she

nevertheless possessed extraordinary strength;a strength unseen by

the eyes of peasants; to whom the mysteries of the nervous system are

unknown。 Nerves are not admitted into the medical rural mind。

At thirteen years of age Genevieve had completed her growth; though

she was hardly as tall as an ordinary girl of her age。 Did her face

owe its topaz skin; so dark and yet so brilliant; dark in tone and

brilliant in the quality of its tissue; giving a look of age to the

childish face; to her Montenegrin origin; or to the ardent sun of

Burgundy? Medical science may dismiss the inquiry。 The premature old

age on the surface of the face was counterbalanced by the glow; the

fire; the wealth of light which made the eyes two stars。 Like all eyes

which fill with sunlight and need; perhaps; some sheltering screen;

the eyelids were fringed with lashes of extraordinary length。 The

hair; of a bluish black; long and fine and abundant; crowned a brow

moulded like that of the Farnese Juno。 That magnificent diadem of

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