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sons of the soil-第30章

小说: sons of the soil 字数: 每页4000字

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said the keeper。

Ever since the quarrels of the fifteenth century the word 'Arminac'

(Armagnacs; Parisians; enemies of the Dukes of Burgundy) has continued

to be an insulting term along the borders of Upper Burgundy; where it

is differently corrupted according to locality。

〃He'll go back to it when beaten;〃 said Gaubertin; 〃and we'll plough

up the park; for it is robbing the people to allow a man to keep nine

hundred acres of the best land in the valley for his own pleasure。〃

〃Four hundred families could get their living from it;〃 said


〃If you want two acres for yourself you must help us to drive that cur

out;〃 remarked Gaubertin。

At the very moment that Gaubertin was fulminating this sentence of

excommunication; the worthy Sarcus was presenting his son…in…law

Sibilet to the Comte de Montcornet。 They had come with Adeline and the

children in a wicker carryall; lent by Sarcus's clerk; a Monsieur

Gourdon; brother of the Soulanges doctor; who was richer than the

magistrate himself。 The general; pleased with the candor and dignity

of the justice of the peace; and with the graceful bearing of Adeline

(both giving pledges in good faith; for they were totally ignorant of

the plans of Gaubertin); at once granted all requests and gave such

advantages to the family of the new land…steward as to make the

position equal to that of a sub…prefect of the first class。

A lodge; built by Bouret as an object in the landscape and also as a

home for the steward; an elegant little building; the architecture of

which was sufficiently shown in the description of the gate of Blangy;

was promised to the Sibilets for their residence。 The general also

conceded the horse which Mademoiselle Laguerre had provided for

Gaubertin; in consideration of the size of the estate and the distance

he had to go to the markets where the business of the property was

transacted。 He allowed two hundred bushels of wheat; three hogsheads

of wine; wood in sufficient quantity; oats and barley in abundance;

and three per cent on all receipts of income。 Where the latter in

Mademoiselle Laguerre's time had amounted to forty thousand francs;

the general now; in 1818; in view of the purchases of land which

Gaubertin had made for her; expected to receive at least sixty

thousand。 The new land…steward might therefore receive before long

some two thousand francs in money。 Lodged; fed; warmed; relieved of

taxes; the costs of a horse and a poultry…yard defrayed for him; and

allowed to plant a kitchen…garden; with no questions asked as to the

day's work of the gardener; certainly such advantages represented much

more than another two thousand francs; for a man who was earning a

miserable salary of twelve hundred francs in a government office to

step into the stewardship of Les Aigues was a change from poverty to


〃Be faithful to my interests;〃 said the general; 〃and I shall have

more to say to you。 Doubtless I could get the collection of the rents

of Conches; Blangy; and Cerneux taken away from the collection of

those of Soulanges and given to you。 In short; when you bring me in a

clear sixty thousand a year from Les Aigues you shall be still further


Unfortunately; the worthy justice and his daughter; in the flush of

their joy; told Madame Soudry the promise the general had made about

these collections; without reflecting that the present collector of

Soulanges; a man named Guerbet; brother of the postmaster of Conches;

was closely allied; as we shall see later; with Gaubertin and the


〃It won't be so easy to do it; my dear;〃 said Madame Soudry; 〃but

don't prevent the general from making the attempt; it is wonderful how

easily difficult things are done in Paris。 I have seen the Chevalier

Gluck at dear Madame's feet to get her to sing his music; and she did;

she who so adored Piccini; one of the finest men of his day; never

did HE come into Madame's room without catching me round the waist and

calling me a dear rogue。〃

〃Ha!〃 cried Soudry; when his wife reported this news; 〃does he think

he is going to lead the notary by the nose; and upset everything to

please himself and make the whole valley march in line; as he did his

cuirassiers? These military fellows have a habit of command!but

let's have patience; Monsieur de Soulanges and Monsieur de

Ronquerolles will be on our side。 Poor Guerbet! he little suspects who

is trying to pluck the best roses out of his garland!〃

Pere Guerbet; the collector of Soulanges; was the wit; that is to say;

the jovial companion of the little town; and a hero in Madame Soudry's

salon。 Soudry's speech gives a fair idea of the opinion which now grew

up against the master of Les Aigues from Conches to Ville…aux…Fayes;

and wherever else the public mind could be reached and poisoned by


The installation of Sibilet took place in the autumn of 1817。 The year

1818 went by without the general being able to set foot at Les Aigues;

for his approaching marriage with Mademoiselle de Troisville; which

was celebrated in January; 1819; kept him the greater part of the

summer near Alencon; in the country…house of his prospective father…

in…law。 General Montcornet possessed; besides Les Aigues and a

magnificent house in Paris; some sixty thousand francs a year in the

Funds and the salary of a retired lieutenant…general。 Though Napoleon

had made him a count of the Empire and given him the following arms; a

field quarterly; the first; azure; bordure or; three pyramids argent;

the second; vert; three hunting horns argent; the third; gules; a

cannon or on a gun…carriage sable; and; in chief; a crescent or; the

fourth; or; a crown vert; with the motto (eminently of the middle

ages!); 〃Sound the charge;〃Montcornet knew very well that he was the

son of a cabinet…maker in the faubourg Saint…Antoine; though he was

quite ready to forget it。 He was eaten up with the desire to be a peer

of France; and dreamed of his grand cordon of the Legion of honor; his

Saint…Louis cross; and his income of one hundred and forty thousand

francs。 Bitten by the demon of aristocracy; the sight of the blue

ribbon put him beside himself。 The gallant cuirassier of Essling would

have licked up the mud on the Pont…Royal to be invited to the house of

a Navarreins; a Lenoncourt; a Grandlieu; a Maufrigneuse; a d'Espard; a

Vandenesse; a Verneuil; a Herouville; or a Chaulieu。

From 1818; when the impossibility of a change in favor of the

Bonaparte family was made clear to him; Montcornet had himself

trumpeted in the faubourg Saint…Germain by the wives of some of his

friends; who offered his hand and heart; his mansion and his fortune

in return for an alliance with some great family。

After several attempts; the Duchesse de Carigliano found a match for

the general in one of the three branches of the Troisville family;

that of the viscount in the service of Russia ever since 1789; who had

returned to France in 1815。 The viscount; poor as a younger son; had

married a Princess Scherbellof; worth about a million; but the arrival

of two sons and three daughters kept him poor。 His family; ancient and

formerly powerful; now consisted of the Marquis de Troisville; peer of

France; head of the house and scutcheon; and two deputies; with

numerous offspring; who were busy; for their part; with the budget and

the ministries and the court; like fishes round bits of bread。

Therefore; when Montcornet was presented by Madame de Carigliano;the

Napoleonic duchess; who was now a most devoted adherent of the

Bourbons; he was favorably received。 The general asked; in return for

his fortune and tender indulgence to his wife; to be appointed to the

Royal Guard; with the rank of marquis and peer of France; but the

branches of the Troisville family would do no more than promise him

their support。

〃You know what that means;〃 said the duchess to her old friend; who

complained of the

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