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the golden sayings-第3章

小说: the golden sayings 字数: 每页4000字

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I left!〃 he cried。 〃That;〃 I said; 〃you will not do; but the

moment the scent of Rome is in your nostrils; you will forget it

all; and if you can but gain admission to Court; you will be glad

enough to elbow your way in; and thank God for it。〃 〃Epictetus;〃

he replied; 〃if ever you find me setting as much as one foot

within the Court; think what you will of me。〃

Well; as it was; what did he do? Ere ever he entered the

city; he was met by a despatch from the Emperor。 He took it; and

forgot the whole of his resolutions。 From that moment; he has

been piling one thing upon another。 I should like to be beside

him to remind him of what he said when passing this way; and to

add; How much better a prophet I am than you!

What then? do I say man is not made for an active life? Far

from it! 。 。 。 But there is a great difference between other

men's occupations and ours。 。 。 。 A glance at theirs will make it

clear to you。 All day long they do nothing but calculate;

contrive; consult how to wring their profit out of food…stuffs;

farm…plots and the like。 。 。 。 Whereas; I entreat you to learn

what the administration of the World is; and what place a Being

endowed with reason holds therein: to consider what you are

yourself; and wherein your Good and Evil consists。


A man asked me to write to Rome on his behalf who; as most

people thought; had met with misfortune; for having been before

wealthy and distinguished; he had afterwards lost all and was

living here。 So I wrote about him in a humble style。 He however

on reading the letter returned it to me; with the words: 〃I asked

for your help; not for your pity。 No evil has happened unto me。〃


True instruction is this: to learn to wish that each thing

should come to pass as it does。 And how does it come to pass? As

the Disposer has disposed it。 Now He has disposed that there

should be summer and winter; and plenty and dearth; and vice and

virtue; and all such opposites; for the harmony of the whole。


Have this thought ever present with thee; when thou losest

any outward thing; what thou gainest in its stead; and if this be

the more precious; say not; I have suffered loss。


Concerning the Gods; there are who deny the very existence

of the Godhead; others say that it exists; but neither bestirs

nor concerns itself norhas forethought for anything。 A third

party attribute to it existence and forethought; but only for

great and heavenly matters; not for anything that is on earth。 A

fourth party admit things on earth as well as in heaven; but only

in general; and not with respect to each individual。 A fifth; of

whom were Ulysses and Socrates are those that cry:

I move not without Thy knowledge!


Considering all these things; the good and true man submits

his judgement to Him that administers the Universe; even as good

citizens to the law of the State。 And he that is being instructed

should come thus minded:How may I in all things follow the

Gods; and; How may I rest satisfied with the Divine

Administration; and; How may I become free? For he is free for

whom all things come to pass according to his will; and whom none

can hinder。 What then; is freedom madness? God forbid。 For

madness and freedom exist not together。

〃But I wish all that I desire to come to pass and in the

manner that I desire。〃

You are mad; you are beside yourself。 Know you not that

Freedom is a glorious thing and of great worth? But that what I

desired at random I should wish at random to come to pass; so far

from being noble; may well be exceeding base。


You must know that it is no easy thing for a principle to

become a man's own; unless each day he maintain it and hear it

maintained; as well as work it out in life。


You must know that it is no easy thing for a principle to

become a man's own; unless each day he maintain it and hear it

maintained; as well as work it out in life。


What then is the chastisement of those who accept it not? To

be as they are。 Is any discontented with being alone? let him be

in solitude。 Is any discontented with his parents? let him be a

bad son; and lament。 Is any discontented with his children? let

him be a bad father。〃Throw him into prision!〃What prision?

Where he is already: for he is there against his will; and

wherever a man is against his will; that to him is a prision。

Thus Socrates was not in prision; since he was there with his own



Knowest thou what a speck thou art in comparison with the

Universe?…That is; with respect to the body; since with respect

to Reason; thou art not inferior to the Gods; nor less than they。

For the greatness of Reason is not measured by length or height;

but by the resolves of the mind。 Place then thy happiness in that

wherein thou art equal to the Gods。


Asked how a man might eat acceptably to the Gods; Epictetus

replied:If when he eats; he can be just; cheerful; equable;

temperate; and orderly; can he not thus eat acceptably to the

Gods? But when you call for warm water; and your slave does not

answer; or when he answers brings it lukewarm; or is not even

found to be in the house at all; then not to be vexed nor burst

with anger; is not that acceptable to the Gods?

〃But how can one endure such people?〃

Slave; will you not endure your own brother; that has God to

his forefather; even as a son sprung from the same stock; and of

the same high descent as yourself? And if you are stationed in a

high position; are you therefor forthwith set up for a tyrant?

Remember who you are; and whom you rule; that they are by nature

your kinsmen; your brothers; the offspring of God。

〃But I paid a price for them; not they for me。〃

Do you see whither you are lookingdown to the earth; to

the pit; to those despicable laws of the dead? But to the laws of

the Gods you do not look。


When we are invited to a banquet; we take what is set before

us; and were one to call upon his host to set fish upon the table

or sweet things; he would be deemed absurd。 Yet in a word; we ask

the Gods for what they do not give; and that; although they have

given us so many things!


Asked how a man might convince himself that every single act

of his was under the eye of God; Epictetus answered:

〃Do you not hold that things on earth and things in heaven

are continuous and in unison with each other?〃

〃I do;〃 was the reply。

〃Else how should the trees so regularly; as though by God's

command; at His bidding flower; at His bidding send forth shoots;

bear fruit and ripen it; at His bidding let it fall and shed

their leaves; and folded up upon themselves lie in quietness and

rest? How else; as the Moon waxes and wanes; as the Sun

approaches and recedes; can it be that such vicissitude and

alternation is seen in earthly things?

〃If then all things that grow; nay; our own bodies; are thus

bound up with the whole; is not this still truer of our souls?

And if our souls are bound up and in contact with God; as being

very parts and fragments plucked from Himself; shall He not feel

every movement of theirs as though it were His own; and belonging

to His own nature?〃


〃But;〃 you say; 〃I cannot comprehend all this at once。〃

〃Why; who told you that your powers were equal to God's?〃

Yet God hath placed by the side of each a man's own Guardian

Spirit; who is charged to watch over hima Guardian who sleeps

not nor is deceived。 For to what better or more watchful Guardian

could He have committed wach of us? So when you have shut the

doors and made a darkness within; remember never to say that you

are alone; for you are not alone; but God is wi

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