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the golden sayings-第12章

小说: the golden sayings 字数: 每页4000字

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One has a shoulder out of joint; another an abscess: a third

suffers from an issue; a fourth from pains in the head。 And am I

then to sit down and treat you to pretty sentiments and empty

flourishes; so that you may applaud me and depart; with neither

shoulder; nor head; nor issue; nor abscess a whit the better for

your visit? Is it then for this that young men are to quit their

homes; and leave parents; friends; kinsmen and substance to mouth

out Bravo to your empty phrases!


If any be unhappy; let him remember that he is unhappy by

reason of himself alone。 For God hath made all men to enjoy

felicity and constancy of good。


Shall we never wean ourselvesshall we never heed the

teachings of Philosophy (unless perchance they have been sounding

in our ears like and enchanter's drone):

This World is one great City; and one if the substance

whereof it is fashioned: a certain period indeed there needs must

be; while these give place to those; some must perish for others

to succeed; some move and some abide: yet all is full of friends

first God; then Men; whom Nature hath bound by ties of kindred

each to each。


Nor did the hero weep and lament at leaving his children

orphans。 For he knew that no man is an orphan; but it is the

Father that careth for all continually and for evermore。 Not by

mere report had he heard that the Supreme God is the Father of

men: seeing that he called Him Father believing Him so to be; and

in all that he did had ever his eyes fixed upon Him。 Wherefore in

whatsoever place he was; there is was given him to live happily。


Know you not that the thing is a warfare? one man's duty is

to mount guard; another must go out to reconnoitre; a third to

battle; all cannot be in one place; nor would it even be

expedient。 But you; instead of executing you Commander's orders;

complain if aught harsher than usual is enjoined; not

understanding to what condition you are bringing the army; so far

as in you lies。 If all were to follow your example; none would

dig a trench; none would cast a rampart around the camp; none

would keep watch; or expose himself to danger; but all turn out

useless for the service of war。 。 。 。 Thus it is here also。 Every

life is a warfare; and that long and various。 You must fulfil a

solider's duty; and obey each order at your commander's nod: aye;

if it be possible; divine what he would have done; for between

that Command and this; there is no comparison; either in might or

in excellence。


Have you again forgotten? Know you not that a good man does

nothing for appearance' sake; but for the sake of having done

right? 。 。 。

〃Is there no reward then?〃

Reward! do you seek any greater reward for a good man than

doing what is right and just? Yet at the Great Games you look for

nothing else; there the victor's crown you deem enough。 Seems it

to you so small a thing and worthless; to be a good man; and

happy therein?


It befits thee not to be unhappy by reason of any; but

rather to be happy by reason of all men; and especially by reason

of God; who formed us to this end。


What; did Diogenes love no man; he that was so gentle; so

true a friend to men as cheerfully to endure such bodily

hardships for the common weal of all mankind? But how loved he

them? As behoved a minister of the Supreme God; alike caring for

men and subject unto God。


I am by Nature made for my own good; not for my own evil。


Remind thyself that he whom thou lovest is mortalthat what

thou lovest is not thine own; it is given thee for the present;

not irrevocably nor for ever; but even as a fig or a bunch of

grapes at the appointed season of the year。 。 。 。

〃But these are words of evil omen。〃。 。 。

What; callest thou aught of evil omen save that which

signifies some evil thing? Cowardice is a word of evil omen; if

thou wilt; and meanness of spirit; and lamentation and mourning;

and shamelessness。 。 。 。

But do not; I pray thee; call of evil omen a word that is

significant of any natural thing:as well call of evil omen the

reaping of the corn; for that means the destruction of the ears;

though not of the World!as well say that the fall of the leaf

is of evil omen; that the dried fig should take the place of the

green; that raisins should be made from grapes。 All these are

changes from a former state into another; not destruction; but an

ordered economy; a fixed administration。 Such is leaving home; a

change of small account; such is Death; a greater change; from

what now is; not to what is not; but to ehat is not now。

〃Shall I then no longer be?〃

Not so; thou wilt be; but something different; of which the

World now hath need。 For thou too wert born not when thou

chosest; but when the World had need of thee。


Wherefore a good man and true; bearing in mind who he is and

whence he came and from whom he sprang; cares only how he may

fill his post with due discipline and obedience to God。

Wilt thou that I continue to live? Then will I live; as one

that is free and noble; as Thou wouldst have me。 For Thow hast

made me free from hindrance in what appertaineth unto me。 But

hast Thou no further need of me? I thank Thee! Up to this hour

have I stayed for Thy sake and none other's: and now in obedience

to Thee I depart。

〃How dost thou depart?〃

Again I say; as Thoun wouldst have me; as one that is free;

as Thy servant; as one whose ear is open unto what Thou dost

enjoin; what Thou dost forbid。


Whatsoever place or post Thou assignest me; sooner will I

die a thousand deaths; as Socrates said; then depart it。 And

where wilt Thou have be me? At Rome of Athens? At Thebes or on a

desert island? Only remember me there! Shouldst Thou send me

where man cannot live as Nature would have him; I will depart;

not in disobedience to Thee; but as though Thou wert sounding the

signal for my retreat: I am not deserting Theefar be that from

me! I only perceive that thou needest me no longer。


If you are in Gyaros; do not let your mind dwell upon life

at Rome; and all the pleasures it offered to you when living

there; and all that would attend your return。 Rather be intent on

thishow he that lives in Gyaros may live in Gyaros like a man

of spirit。 And if you are at Rome; do not let your mind dwell

upon the life at Athens; but study only how to live at Rome。

Finally; in the room of all other pleasures put thisthe

pleasure which springs from concious obedience to God。


To a good man there is no evil; either in life or death。 And

if God supply not food; has He not; as a wise Commander; sounded

the signal for retreat and nothing more? I obey; I follow

speaking good of my Commander; and praising His acts。 For at His

good pleasure I came; and I depart when it pleases Him; and while

I was yet alive that was my work; to sing praises unto God!


Reflect that the chief source of all evils to Man; and of

baseness and cowardice; is not death; but the fear of death。

Against this fear then; I pray you; harden yourself; to this

let all your reasonings; your exercises; your reading tend。 Then

shall you know that thus alone are men set free。


He is free who lives as he wishes to live; to whom none can

do violence; none hinder or compel; whose impulses are unimpeded;

whose desires are attain their purpose; who falls not into what

he would avoid。 Whe then would live in error?None。 Who would

live deceived and prone to fall; unjust; intemperate; in abject

whining at his lot?None。 Then doth no wicked man live as he

would; and therefore neither is he free。


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