贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > mary stuart >


mary stuart-第7章

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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exacted that the murder should take place in her presence。

Douglas associated with himself Lord Ruthven; an idle and dissolute

sybarite; who under the circumstances promised to push his devotion

so far as to wear a cuirass; then; sure of this important accomplice;

he busied himself with finding other agents。

However; the plot was not woven with such secrecy but that something

of it transpired; and Rizzio received several warnings that he

despised。  Sir James Melville; among others; tried every means to

make him understand the perils a stranger ran who enjoyed such

absolute confidence in a wild; jealous court like that of Scotland。

Rizzio received these hints as if resolved not to apply them to

himself; and Sir James Melville; satisfied that he had done enough to

ease his conscience; did not insist further。  Then a French priest;

who had a reputation as a clever astrologer; got himself admitted to

Rizzio; and warned him that the stars predicted that he was in deadly

peril; and that he should beware of a certain bastard above all。

Rizzio replied that from the day when he had been honoured with his

sovereign's confidence; he had sacrificed in advance his life to his

position; that since that time; however; he had had occasion to

notice that in general the Scotch were ready to threaten but slow to

act; that; as to the bastard referred to; who was doubtless the Earl

of Murray; he would take care that he should never enter Scotland far

enough for his sword to reach him; were it as long as from Dumfries

to Edinburgh; which in other words was as much as to say that Murray

should remain exiled in England for life; since Dumfries was one of

the principal frontier towns。

Meanwhile the conspiracy proceeded; and Douglas and Ruthven; having

collected their accomplices and taken their measures; came to Darnley

to finish the compact。  As the price of the bloody service they

rendered the king; they exacted from him a promise to obtain the

pardon of Murray and the nobles compromised with him in the affair of

the 〃run in every sense〃。  Darnley granted all they asked of him; and

a messenger was sent to Murray to inform him of the expedition in

preparation; and to invite him to hold himself in readiness to

reenter Scotland at the first notice he should receive。  Then; this

point settled; they made Darnley sign a paper in which he

acknowledged himself the author and chief of the enterprise。  The

other assassins were the Earl of Morton; the Earl of Ruthven; ;George

Douglas the bastard of Angus; Lindley; and Andrew; Carew。  The

remainder were soldiers; simple murderers' tools; who did not even

know what was afoot。  Darnley reserved it for himself to appoint the


Two days after these conditions were agreed upon; Darnley having been

notified that the queen was alone with Rizzio; wished to make himself

sure of the degree of her favour enjoyed by the minister。  He

accordingly went to her apartment by a little door of which he always

kept the key upon him; but though the key turned in the lock; the

door did not open。  Then Darnley knocked; announcing himself; but

such was the contempt into which he had fallen with the queen; that

Mary left him outside; although; supposing she had been alone with

Rizzio; she would have had time to send him away。  Darnley; driven to

extremities by this; summoned Morton; Ruthven; Lennox; Lindley; and

Douglas's bastard; and fixed the assassination of Rizzio for two days


They had just completed all the details; and had; distributed the

parts that each must play in this bloody tragedy; when suddenly; and

at the moment when they least expected it; the door opened and; Mary

Stuart appeared on the threshold。

〃My lords;〃 said she; 〃your holding these secret counsels is useless。

I am informed of your plots; and with God's help I shall soon apply a


With these words; and before the conspirators hid had time to collect

themselves; she shut the door again; and vanished like a passing but

threatening vision。  All remained thunderstruck。  Morton was the

first to find his tongue。

〃My lords;〃 said he; 〃this is a game of life and death; and the

winner will not be the cleverest or the strongest; but the readiest。

If we do not destroy this man; we are lost。  We must strike him down;

this very evening; not the day after to…morrow。〃

Everyone applauded; even Ruthven; who; still pale and feverish from

riotous living; promised not to be behindhand。  The only point

changed; on Morton's suggestion; was that the murder should take

place next day; for; in the opinion of all; not less than a day's

interval was needed to collect the minor conspirators; who numbered

not less than five hundred。

The next day; which was Saturday; March 9th; 1566; Mary Stuart; who

had inherited from her father; James V; a dislike of ceremony and the

need of liberty; had invited to supper with her six persons; Rizzio

among the number。  Darnley; informed of this in the morning;

immediately gave notice of it to the conspirators; telling them that

he himself would let them into the palace between six and seven

o'clock in the evening。  The conspirators replied that they would be

in readiness。

The morning had been dark and stormy; as nearly all the first days of

spring are in Scotland; and towards evening the snow and wind

redoubled in depth and violence。  So Mary had remained shut up with

Rizzio; and Darnley; who had gone to the secret door several times;

could hear the sound of instruments and the voice of the favourite;

who was singing those sweet melodies which have come down to our

time; and which Edinburgh people still attribute to him。  These songs

were for Mary a reminder of her stay in France; where the artists in

the train of the Medicis had already brought echoes from Italy; but

for Darnley they were an insult; and each time he had withdrawn

strengthened in his design。

At the appointed time; the conspirators; who had been given the

password during the day; knocked at the palace gate; and were

received there so much the more easily that Darnley himself; wrapped

in a great cloak; awaited them at the postern by which they were

admitted。  The five hundred soldiers immediately stole into an inner

courtyard; where they placed themselves under some sheds; as much to

keep themselves from the cold as that they might not be seen on the

snow…covered ground。  A brightly lighted window looked into this

courtyard; it was that of the queen's study: at the first signal give

them from this window; the soldiers were to break in the door and go

to the help of the chief conspirators。

These instructions given; Darnley led Morton; Ruthven; Lennox;

Lindley; Andrew Carew; and Douglas's bastard into the room adjoining

the study; and only separated from it by a tapestry hanging before

the door。  From there one could overhear all that was being said; and

at a single bound fall upon the guests。

Darnley left them in this room; enjoining silence; then; giving them

as a signal to enter the moment when they should hear him cry; 〃To

me; Douglas!〃 he went round by the secret passage; so that seeing him

come in by his usual door the queen's suspicions might not be roused

by his unlooked…for visit。

Mary was at supper with six persons; having; say de Thou and

Melville; Rizzio seated on her right; while; on the contrary;

Carapden assures us that he was eating standing at a sideboard。  The

talk was gay and intimate; for all were giving themselves up to the

ease one feels at being safe and warm; at a hospitable board; while

the snow is beating against the windows and the wind roaring in the

chimneys。  Suddenly Mary; surprised that the most profound silence

had succeeded to the lively and animated flow of words among her

guests since the beginning of supper; and suspecting; from their

glances; that the cause of their uneasiness was behind her; turned

round and saw Darnl

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