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mary stuart-第44章

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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ill; I am afraid he will die of grief when he hears it。〃

The jest was the more atrocious in that Walsingham was known to be

the Queen of Scotland's bitterest enemy。

Towards evening of that day; Saturday the 14th; Beale; Walsingham's

brother…in…law; was summoned to the palace!  The queen gave into his

hands the death warrant; and with it an order addressed to the Earls

of Shrewsbury; Kent; Rutland; and other noblemen in the neighbourhood

of Fotheringay; to be present at the execution。  Beale took with him

the London executioner; whom Elizabeth had had dressed in black

velvet for this great occasion; and set out two hours after he had

received his warrant。


Queen Mary had known the decree of the commissioners these two

months。  The very day it had been pronounced she had learned the news

through her chaplain; whom they had allowed her to see this once

only。  Mary Stuart had taken advantage of this visit to give him

three letters she had just written…one for Pope Sixtus V; the other

to Don Bernard Mendoza; the third to the Duke of Guise。

Here is that last letter:

14th December; 1586

〃My Good Cousin; whom I hold dearest in the world; I bid you

farewell; being prepared to be put to death by an unjust judgment;

and to a death such as no one of our race; thanks to God; and never a

queen; and still less one of my rank; has ever suffered。  But; good

cousin; praise the Lord; for I was useless to the cause of God and of

His Church in this world; prisoner as I was; while; on the contrary;

I hope that my death will bear witness to my constancy in the faith

and to my willingness to suffer for the maintenance and the

restoration of the Catholic Church in this unfortunate island。  And

though never has executioner dipped his hand in our blood; have no

shame of it; my friend; for the judgment of heretics who have no

authority over me; a free queen; is profitable in the sight of God to

the children of His Church。  If I adhered; moreover; to what they

propose to me; I should not suffer this stroke。  All of our house

have been persecuted by this sect; witness your good father; through

whose intercession I hope to be received with mercy by the just

judge。  I commend to you; then; my poor servants; the discharge of my

debts; and the founding of some annual mass for my soul; not at your

expense; but that you may make the arrangements; as you will be

required when you learn my wishes through my poor and faithful

servants; who are about to witness my last tragedy。  God prosper you;

your wife; children; brothers and cousins; and above all our chief;

my good brother and cousin; and all his。  The blessing of God and

that which I shall give to my children be on yours; whom I do not

commend less to God than my own son; unfortunate and ill…treated as

he is。  You will receive some rings from me; which will remind you to

pray God for the soul of your poor cousin; deprived of all help and

counsel except that of the Lord; who gives me strength and courage to

alone to resist so many wolves howling after me。  To God be the


〃Believe particularly what will be told you by a person who will give

you a ruby ring from me; for I take it on my conscience that the

truth will be told you of what I have charged him to tell; and

especially in what concerns my poor servants and the share of any。  I

commend this person to you for his simple sincerity and honesty; that

he may be placed in some good place。  I have chosen him as the least

partial and as the one who will most simply bring you my commands。

Ignore; I beg you; that he told you anything in particular; for envy

might injure him。  I have suffered a great deal for two years and

more; and have not been able to let you know; for an important

reason。  God be praised for all; and give you grace to persevere in

the service of His Church as long as you live; and never may this

honour pass from our race; while so many men and women are ready to

shed their blood to maintain the fight for the faith; all other

worldly considerations set aside。  And as to me; I esteem myself born

on both father's and mother's sides; that I should offer up my blood

for this cause; and I have no intention of degenerating。  Jesus;

crucified for us; and all the holy martyrs; make us by their

intercession worthy of the voluntary offering we make of our bodies

to their glory!

〃From Fotheringay; this Thursday; 24th November。

〃They have; thinking to degrade me; pulled down my canopy of state;

and since then my keeper has come to offer to write to their queen;

saying this deed was not done by his order; but by the advice of some

of the Council。  I have shown them instead of my arms on the said

canopy the cross of Our Lord。  You will hear all this; they have been

more gentle since。Your affectionate cousin and perfect friend;

〃MARY; Queen of Scotland; Dowager of France〃

》From this day forward; when she learned the sentence delivered by the

commissioners; Mary Stuart no longer preserved any hope; for as she

knew Elizabeth's pardon was required to save her; she looked upon

herself thenceforward as lost; and only concerned herself with

preparing to die well。  Indeed; as it had happened to her sometimes;

from the cold and damp in her prisons; to become crippled for some

time in all her limbs; she was afraid of being so when they would

come to take her; which would prevent her going resolutely to the

scaffold; as she was counting on doing。  So; on Saturday the 14th

February; she sent for her doctor; Bourgoin; and asked him; moved by

a presentiment that her death was at hand; she said; what she must do

to prevent the return of the pains which crippled her。  He replied

that it would be good for her to medicine herself with fresh herbs。

〃Go; then;〃 said the queen;〃 and ask Sir Amyas Paulet from me

permission to seek them in the fields。〃

Bourgoin went to Sir Amyas; who; as he himself was troubled with

sciatica; should have understood better than anyone the need of the

remedies for which the queen asked。  But this request; simple as it

was; raised great difficulties。  Sir Amyas replied that he could do

nothing without referring to his companion; Drury; but that paper and

ink might be brought; and that he; Master Bourgoin; could then make a

list of the needful plants; which they would try to procure。

Bourgoin answered that he did not know English well enough; and that

the village apothecaries did not know enough Latin; for him to risk

the queen's life for some error by himself or others。  Finally; after

a thousand hesitations; Paulet allowed Bourgoin to go out; which he

did; accompanied by the apothecary Gorjon; so that the following day

the queen was able to begin to doctor herself。

Mary Stuart's presentiments had not deceived her: Tuesday; February

17th; at about two o'clock in the afternoon; the Earls of Kent and

Shrewsbury; and Beale sent word to the queen that they desired to

speak with her。  The queen answered that she was ill and in bed; but

that if notwithstanding what they had to tell her was a matter of

importance; and they would give her a little time; she would get up。

They made answer that the communication they had to make admitted of

no delay; that they begged her then to make ready; which the queen

immediately did; and rising from her bed and cloaking herself; she

went and seated herself at a little table; on the same spot where she

was wont to be great part of the day。

Then the two earls; accompanied by Beale; Arnyas Paulet; and Drue

Drury; entered。  Behind them; drawn by curiosity; full of terrible

anxiety; came her dearest ladies and most cherished servants。  These

were; of womenkind; the Misses Renee de Really; Gilles Mowbray;

Jeanne Kennedy; Elspeth Curle; Mary Paget; and Susan Kercady; and of

men…kind; Dominique Bourgoin her doctor; Pierre Gorjon her

apothecary; Jacques Gervais her surgeon; Annibal Stewart her

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