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mary stuart-第28章

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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embarking with a pack of hounds and some huntsmen。  In fact; making a

truce; for a day; with his gaoler's duties; to enjoy a pleasure more

in harmony with his rank and birth; he was going to hunt in the woods

which cover the last ridge of Ben Lomond; and which; ever sinking;

die down on the banks of the lake。

The queen trembled with delight; for she hoped that Lady Lochleven

would maintain her ill…will; and that then George would replace his

brother: this hope was not disappointed。  At the usual time the queen

heard the footsteps of those who were bringing her her breakfast; the

door opened; and she saw George Douglas enter; preceded by the

servants who were carrying the dishes。  George barely bowed; but the

queen; warned by him not to be surprised at anything; returned him

his greeting with a disdainful air; then the servants performed their

task and went out; as they were accustomed。

〃At last;〃 said the queen; 〃you are back again; then。〃

George motioned with his finger; went to the door to listen if all

the servants had really gone away; and if no one had remained to spy。

Then; returning more at ease; and bowing respectfully

〃Yes; madam;〃 returned he; 〃and; Heaven be thanked; I bring good


〃Oh; tell me quickly!〃 cried the queen; 〃for staying in this castle

is hell。  You knew that they came; did you not; and that they made me

sign an abdication?〃

〃Yes; madam;〃 replied Douglas; 〃but we also knew that your signature

had been obtained from you by violence alone; and our devotion to

your Majesty is increased thereby; if possible。〃

〃But; after all; what have you done?〃

〃The Seytons and the Hamiltons; who are; as your Majesty knows; your

most faithful servants;〃Mary turned round; smiling; and put out her

hand to Mary Seyton;〃 have already;〃 continued George; 〃assembled

their troops; who keep themselves in readiness for the first signal;

but as they alone would not be sufficiently numerous to hold the

country; we shall make our way directly to Dumbarton; whose governor

is ours; and which by its position and its strength can hold out long

enough against all the regent's troops to give to the faithful hearts

remaining to you time to come and join us。〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 said the queen; 〃I see clearly what we shall do once we

get out of this; but how are we to get out?〃

〃That is the occasion; madam;〃 replied Douglas; 〃for which your

Majesty must call to your aid that courage of which you have given

such great proofs。〃

〃If I have need only of courage and coolness;〃 replied the queen; 〃be

easy; neither the one nor the other will fail me。〃

〃Here is a file;〃 said George; giving Mary Seyton that instrument

which he judged unworthy to touch the queen's hands; 〃and this

evening I shall bring your Majesty cords to construct a ladder。  You

will cut through one of the bars of this window; it is only at a

height of twenty feet; I shall come up to you; as much to try it as

to support you; one of the garrison is in my pay; he will give us

passage by the door it is his duty to guard; and you will be free。〃

〃And when will that be?〃 cried the queen。

〃We must wait for two things; madam;〃 replied Douglas: 〃the first; to

collect at Kinross an escort sufficient for your Majesty's safety;

the second; that the turn for night watch of Thomas Warden should

happen to be at an isolated door that we can reach without being


〃And how will you know that?  Do you stay at the castle; then?〃

〃Alas! no; madam;〃 replied George; 〃at the castle I am a useless and

even a dangerous fried for you; while once beyond the lake I can

serve you in an effectual manner。〃

〃And how will you know when Warden's turn to mount guard has come?〃

〃The weathercock in the north tower; instead of turning in the wind

with the others; will remain fixed against it。〃

〃But I; how shall I be warned?〃

〃Everything is already provided for on that side: the light which

shines each night in the little house in Kinross incessantly tells

you that your friends keep watch for you; but when you would like to

know if the hour of your deliverance approaches or recedes; in your

turn place a light in this window。  The other will immediately

disappear; then; placing your hand on your breast; count your

heartbeats: if you reach the number twenty without the light

reappearing; nothing is yet settled; if you only reach ten; the

moment approaches; if the light does not leave you time to count

beyond five; your escape is fixed for the following night; if it

reappears no more; it is fixed for the same evening; then the owl's

cry; repeated thrice in the courtyard; will be the signal; let down

the ladder when you hear it〃。

〃Oh; Douglas;〃 cried the queen; 〃you alone could foresee and

calculate everything thus。  Thank you; thank you a hundred times!〃

And she gave him her hand to kiss。

A vivid red flushed the young man's cheeks; but almost directly

mastering his emotion; he kneeled down; and; restraining the

expression of that love of which he had once spoken to the queen;

while promising her never more to speak of it; he took the hand that

Mary extended; and kissed it with such respect that no one could have

seen in this action anything but the homage of devotion and fidelity。

Then; having bowed to the queen; he went out; that a longer stay with

her should not give rise to any suspicions。

At the dinner…hour Douglas brought; as he had said; a parcel of cord。

It was not enough; but when evening came Mary Seyton was to unroll it

and let fall the end from the window; and George would fasten the

remainder to it: the thing was done as arranged; and without any

mishap; an hour after the hunters had returned。

The following day George left the castle。

The queen and Mary Seyton lost no time in setting about the rope

ladder; and it was finished on the third day。  The same evening; the

queen in her impatience; and rather to assure herself of her

partisans' vigilance than in the hope that the time of her

deliverance was so near; brought her lamp to the window: immediately;

and as George Douglas had told her; the light in the little house at

Kinross disappeared: the queen then laid her hand on her heart and

counted up to twenty…two; then the light reappeared; they were ready

for everything; but nothing was yet settled。  For a week the queen

thus questioned the light and her heart…beats without their number

changing; at last; on the eighth day; she counted only as far as ten;

at the eleventh the light reappeared。

The queen believed herself mistaken: she did not dare to hope what

this announced。  She withdrew the lamp; then; at the end of a quarter

of an hour; showed it again: her unknown correspondent understood。

with his usual intelligence that a fresh trial was required of him;

and the light in the little house disappeared in its turn。  Mary

again questioned the pulsations of her heart; and; fast as it leaped;

before the twelfth beat the propitious star was shining on the

horizon: there was no longer any doubt; everything was settled。

Mary could not sleep all night: this persistency of her partisans

inspired her with gratitude to the point of tears。  The day came; and

the queen several times questioned her companion to assure herself

that it was not all a dream; at every sound it seemed to her that the

scheme on which her liberty hung was discovered; and when; at

breakfast and at dinner time; William Douglas entered as usual; she

hardly dared look at him; for fear of reading on his face the

announcement that all was lost。

In the evening the queen again questioned the light: it made the same

answer; nothing had altered; the beacon was always one of hope。

For four days it thus continued to indicate that the moment of escape

was at hand; on the evening of the fifth; before the queen had

counted five beats; the light reappeared: the queen leaned upon M

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