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mary stuart-第23章

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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respect; to obtain from my mother the confidence which gives me the

good fortune of seeing you to…day: if this confidence on my mother's

or my brother's part ever extends to giving up to me the castle keys;

then you are saved!  Let your Majesty not be surprised at anything;

then: in the presence of others; I shall ever be always a Douglas;

that is an enemy; and except your life be in danger; madam; I shall

not utter a word; I shall not make a gesture which might betray the

faith that I have sworn you; but; on your side; let your grace know

well; that present or absent; whether I am silent or speak; whether I

act or remain inert; all will be in appearance only; save my

devotion。  Only;〃 continued Douglas; approaching the window and

showing to the queen a little house on Kinross hill;〃only; look

every evening in that direction; madam; and so long as you see a

light shine there; your friends will be keeping watch for you; and

you need not lose hope。〃

〃Thanks; Douglas; thanks;〃 said the queen; 〃it does one good to meet

with a heart like yours from time to timeoh! thanks。〃

〃And now; madam;〃 replied the young man; 〃I must leave your Majesty;

to remain longer with you would be to raise suspicions; and a single

doubt of me; think of it well; madam; and that light which is your

sole beacon is extinguished; and all returns into night。〃

With these words; Douglas bowed more respectfully than he had yet

done; and withdrew; leaving Mary full of hope; and still more full of

pride; for this time the homage that she had just received was

certainly for the woman and not for the queen。

As the queen had told him; Mary Seyton was informed of everything;

even the love of Douglas; and; the two women impatiently awaited the

evening to see if the promised star would shine on the horizon。

Their hope was not in vain: at the appointed time the beacon was lit。

The queen trembled with joy; for it was the confirmation of her

hopes; and her companion could not tear her from the window; where

she remained with her gaze fastened on the little house in Kinross。

At last she yielded to Mary Seyton's prayers; and consented to go to

bed; but twice in the night she rose noiselessly to go to the window:

the light was always shining; and was not extinguished till dawn;

with its sisters the stars。

Next day; at breakfast; George announced to the queen the return of

his brother; William Douglas: he arrived the same evening; as to

himself; George; he had to leave Lochleven next morning; to confer

with the nobles who had signed the declaration; and who had

immediately separated to raise troops in their several counties。  The

queen could not attempt to good purpose any escape but at a time when

she would be sure of gathering round her an army strong enough to

hold the country; as to him; Douglas; one was so used to his silent

disappearances and to his unexpected returns; that there was no

reason to fear that his departure would inspire any suspicion。

All passed as George had said: in the evening the sound of a bugle

announced the arrival of William Douglas; he had with him Lord

Ruthven; the son of him who had assassinated Rizzio; and who; exiled

with Morton after the murder; died in England of the sickness with

which he was already attacked the day of the terrible catastrophe in

which we have seen him take such a large share。  He preceded by one

day Lord Lindsay of Byres and Sir Robert Melville; brother of Mary's

former ambassador to Elizabeth: all three were charged with a mission

from the regent to the queen。

On the following day everything fell back into the usual routine; and

William Douglas reassumed his duties as carver。  Breakfast passed

without Mary's having learned anything of George's departure or

Ruthven's arrival。  On rising from the table she went to her window:

scarcely was she there than she heard the sound of a horn echoing on

the shores of the lake; and saw a little troop of horsemen halt;

while waiting for the boat to came and take those who were going to

the castle。

The distance was too great for Mary to recognise any of the visitors;

but it was clear; from the signs of intelligence exchanged between

the little troop and the inhabitants of the fortress; that the

newcomers were her enemies。  This was a reason why the queen; in her

uneasiness; should not lose sight for a moment of the boat which was

going to fetch them。  She saw only two men get into it; and

immediately it put off again for the castle。

As the boat drew nearer; Mary's presentiments changed to real fears;

for in one of the men coming towards her she thought she made out

Lord Lindsay of Byres; the same who; a week before; had brought her

to her prison。  It was indeed he himself; as usual in a steel helmet

without a visor; which allowed one to see his coarse face designed to

express strong passions; and his long black beard with grey hairs

here and there; which covered his chest: his person was protected; as

if it were in time of war; with his faithful suit of armour; formerly

polished and well gilded; but which; exposed without ceasing to rain

and mist; was now eaten up with rust; he had slung on his back; much

as one slings a quiver; a broadsword; so heavy that it took two hands

to manage it; and so long that while the hilt reached the left

shoulder the point reached the right spur: in a word; he was still

the same soldier; brave to rashness but brutal to insolence;

recognising nothing but right and force; and always ready to use

force when he believed himself in the right。

The queen was so much taken up with the sight of Lord Lindsay of

Byres; that it was only just as the boat reached the shore that she

glanced at his companion and recognised Robert Melville;: this was

some consolation; for; whatever might happen; she knew that she

should find in him if not ostensible at least secret sympathy。

Besides; his dress; by which one could have judged him equally with

Lord Lindsay; was a perfect contrast to his companion's。  It

consisted of a black velvet doublet; with a cap and a feather of the

same hue fastened to it with a gold clasp; his only weapon; offensive

or defensive; was a little sword; which he seemed to wear rather as a

sign of his rank than for attack or defence。  As to his features and

his manners; they were in harmony with this peaceful appearance: his

pale countenance expressed both acuteness and intelligence; his quick

eye was mild; and his voice insinuating; his figure slight and a

little bent by habit rather than by years; since he was but forty…

five at this time; indicated an easy and conciliatory character。

However; the presence of this man of peace; who seemed entrusted with

watching over the demon of war; could not reassure the queen; and as

to get to the landing…place; in front of the great door of the

castle; the boat had just disappeared behind the corner of a tower;

she told Mary Seyton to go down that she might try to learn what

cause brought Lord Lindsay to Lochleven; well knowing that with the

force of character with which she was endowed; she need know this

cause but a few minutes beforehand; whatever it might be; to give her

countenance that calm and that majesty which she had always found to

influence her enemies。

Left alone; Mary let her glance stray back to the little house in

Kinross; her sole hope; but the distance was too great to distinguish

anything; besides; its shutters remained closed all day; and seemed

to open only in the evening; like the clouds; which; having covered

the sky for a whole morning; scatter at last to reveal to the lost

sailor a solitary star。  She had remained no less motionless; her

gaze always fixed on the same object; when she was drawn from this

mute contemplation by the step of Mary Seyton。

〃Well; darling?〃 asked the queen; turning round。

〃Your Majesty is not mistaken;〃 replied the messenger: 〃it really was

Sir Robert Melvil

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