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mary stuart-第22章

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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this time it was not Lady Lochleven who came to fulfil the duties

enjoined on a member of the family to make the queen easy; but George

Douglas; whom his mother in her displeasure at the morning scene sent

to replace her。  Thus; when Mary Seyton told the queen that she saw

the young man with dark hair cross the courtyard on his way to her;

Mary still further congratulated herself on her decision; for this

young man's insolence had wounded her more deeply than all his

mother's haughty insults。  The queen was not a little astonished;

then; when in a few minutes Mary Seyton returned and informed her

that George Douglas; having sent away the servants; desired the

honour of speaking to her on a matter of importance。  At first the

queen refused; but Mary Seyton told her that the young man's air and

manner this time were so different from what she had seen two days

before; that she thought her mistress would be wrong to refuse his


The queen rose then; and with the pride and majesty habitual to her;

entered the adjoining room; and; having taken three steps; stopped

with a disdainful air; waiting for George to address her。

Mary Seyton had spoken truly: George Douglas was now another man。

To…day he seemed to be as respectful and timid as the preceding day

he had seemed haughty and proud。  He; in his turn; made a step

towards the queen; but seeing Mary Seyton standing behind her

〃Madam;〃 said he; 〃I wished to speak with your Majesty alone: shall I

not obtain this favour?〃

〃Mary Seyton is not a stranger to me; Sir: she is my sister; my

friend; she is more than all that; she is my companion in captivity。〃

〃And by all these claims; madam; I have the utmost veneration for

her; but what I have to tell you cannot be heard by other ears than

yours。  Thus; madam; as the opportunity furnished now may perhaps

never present itself again; in the name of what is dearest to you;

grant me what I ask。〃

There was such a tone of respectful prayer in George's voice that

Mary turned to the young girl; and; making her a friendly sign with

her hand

〃Go; then; darling;〃 said she; 〃but be easy; you will lose nothing by

not hearing。  Go。〃

Mary Seyton withdrew; the queen smilingly looked after her; till the

door was shut; then; turning to George

〃Now; sir;〃 said she; 〃we are alone; speak。〃

But George; instead of replying; advanced to the queen; and; kneeling

on one knee; drew from his breast a paper which he presented to her。

Mary took it with amazement; unfolded it; glancing at Douglas; who

remained in the same posture; and read as follows:

We; earls; lords; and barons; in consideration that our queen is

detained at Lochleven; and that her faithful subjects cannot have

access to her person; seeing; on the other hand; that our duty

pledges us to provide for her safety; promise and swear to employ all

reasonable means which will depend on us to set her at liberty again

on conditions compatible with the honour of her Majesty; the welfare

of the kingdom; and even with the safety of those who keep her in

prison; provided that they consent to give her up; that if they

refuse; we declare that we are prepared to make use of ourselves; our

children; our friends; our servants; our vassals; our goods; our

persons; and our lives; to restore her to liberty; to procure the

safety of the prince; and to co…operate in punishing the late king's

murderers。  If we are assailed for this intent; whether as a body or

in private; we promise to defend ourselves; and to aid one another;

under pain of infamy and perjury。  So may God help us。

〃Given with our own hands at Dumbarton;

〃St。  Andrews; Argyll; Huntly; Arbroath; Galloway; Ross; Fleming;

Herries; Stirling; Kilwinning; Hamilton; and Saint…Clair; Knight。〃

〃And Seyton!〃 cried Mary; 〃among all these signatures; I do not see

that of my faithful Seyton。〃

Douglas; still kneeling; drew from his breast a second paper; and

presented it to the queen with the same marks of respect。  It

contained only these few words:

〃Trust George Douglas; for your Majesty has no more devoted friend in

the entire kingdom。


Mary lowered her eyes to Douglas with an expression which was hers

only; then; giving him her hand to raise him

〃Ah!〃 said she; with a sigh more of joy than of sadness; 〃now I see

that God; in spite of my faults; has not yet abandoned me。  But how

is it; in this castle; that you; a Douglas。。。。 oh! it is incredible!〃

〃Madam;〃 replied George; 〃seven years have passed since I saw you in

France for the first time; and for seven years I have loved you〃。

Mary moved; but Douglas put forth his hand and shook his head with an

air of such profound sadness; that she understood that she might hear

what the young man had to say。  He continued: 〃Reassure yourself;

madam; I should never have made this confession if; while explaining

my conduct to you; this confession would not have given you greater

confidence in me。  Yes; for seven years I have loved you; but as one

loves a star that one can never reach; a madonna to whom one can only

pray; for seven years I have followed you everywhere without you ever

having paid attention to me; without my saying a word or making a

gesture to attract your notice。  I was on the knight of Mevillon's

galley when you crossed to Scotland; I was among the regent's

soldiers when you beat Huntly; I was in the escort which accompanied

you when you went to see the sick king at Glasgow; I reached

Edinburgh an hour after you had left it for Lochleven; and then it

seemed to me that my mission was revealed to me for the first time;

and that this love for which till then; I had reproached myself as a

crime; was on the contrary a favour from God。  I learned that the

lords were assembled at Dumbarton: I flew thither。  I pledged my

name; I pledged my honour; I pledged my life; and I obtained from

them; thanks to the facility I had for coming into this fortress; the

happiness of bringing you the paper they have just signed。  Now;

madam; forget all I have told you; except the assurance of my

devotion and respect: forget that I am near you; I am used to not

being seen: only; if you have need of my life; make a sign; for seven

years my life has been yours。〃

〃Alas!〃 replied Mary; 〃I was complaining this morning of no longer

being loved; and I ought to complain; on the contrary; that I am

still loved; for the love that I inspire is fatal and mortal。  Look

back; Douglas; and count the tombs that; young as I am; I have

already left on my pathFrancis II; Chatelard; Rizzio; Darnley。。。。

Oh to attach one's self to my fortunes more than love is needed now

heroism and devotion are requisite so much the more that; as you have

said; Douglas; it is love without any possible reward。  Do you


〃Oh; madam; madam;〃 answered Douglas; 〃is it not reward beyond my

deserts to see you daily; to cherish the hope that liberty will be

restored to you through me; and to have at least; if I do not give it

you; the certainty of dying in your sight?〃

〃Poor young man!〃 murmured Mary; her eyes raised to heaven; as if she

were reading there beforehand the fate awaiting her new defender。

〃Happy Douglas; on the contrary;〃 cried George; seizing the queen's

hand and kissing it with perhaps still more respect than love; 〃happy

Douglas! for in obtaining a sigh from your Majesty he has already

obtained more than he hoped。〃

〃And upon what have you decided with my friends?〃 said the queen;

raising Douglas; who till then had remained on his knees before her。

〃Nothing yet;〃 George replied; 〃for we scarcely had time to see one

another。  Your escape; impossible without me; is difficult even with

me;  and your Majesty has seen that I was obliged publicly to fail in

respect; to obtain from my mother the confidence which gives me the

good fortune of seeing you to…day: if this confidenc

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