贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > to him that hath >


to him that hath-第24章

小说: to him that hath 字数: 每页4000字

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and lewd speech。  On reaching his home that night Maitland went
straight to the attic and dug up his hockey kit。  Before he slept
he had laid his plans for a league among the working lads in the
various industries in the town。

It was no easy task to force these men into training habits; to
hold them to the grind; to discipline them into self…control in
temper and in desire。  It was of vast assistance to him that three
of his seven were overseas men; while some dozen or so of the
twenty in the club were returned soldiers。  It was part of his
discipline that his team should never shirk a day's work for the
game except on the rare occasions when they went on tour。  Hence
the management in the various mills and factories; at first hostile
and suspicious; came to regard these athletic activities on the
part of their employees with approval and finally came to give
encouragement and support to the games。

To…day was a half holiday for the Maitland Mills and the streets
were noticeably full of the men and their sweethearts and wives in
their Sunday clothes。  Not the team; however。  Maitland knew better
than that。  He took his men for a run in the country before noon;
bringing them home in rich warm glow。  Then after a bath and a hard
rubdown they dined together at the mill and then their Captain
ordered them home to sleep; forbidding them the streets till they
were on their way to the game。

On his way home Captain Jack was waylaid by his admirer and
champion; Patricia。  She; standing in front of his car; brought
him to a halt。

〃I have not even seen you for a whole week;〃 she complained;
getting in beside him; 〃and your phone is always busy in the
evening。  Of course no one can get you during the day。  And I do
want to know how the team is。  Oh! do tell me they are fit for the
game of their lives!  Are they every one fit?〃

〃Fit and fine。〃

〃And will they win?〃

〃Sure thing;〃 said Captain Jack quietly。

〃Oh; I hope you are right。  But you are so sure;〃 exclaimed his
companion。  〃The Cornwalls are wonderful; Rupert says。〃

〃He would。〃

〃Oh!  I forgot you don't think much of Rupert;〃 sighed Patricia。

〃I haven't time; you see;〃 answered Captain Jack gravely。

〃Oh; you know what I mean。  It is a pity; too; for he is really
very nice。  I mean he is so good to me;〃 sighed Patricia again。

〃Don't sigh; Patsy; old girl。  It really isn't worth it; you know。
How is the supply of choc's keeping up?〃

〃Now you are thinking me a pig。  But tell me about your men。  Are
they really in form?〃

〃Absolutely at the peak。〃

〃And that darling Fatty Findlay。  I do hope he will not lose his
head and let a goal in。  He is perfectly adorable with that
everlasting smile of his。  I do hope Fatty is at the peak; too。  Is
he; really?〃  The anxiety in Patricia's tone was more than painful。

〃Dear Patsy; he is right at the pinnacle。〃

〃Captain Jack; if you don't win to…night I shallwell; I shall
just weep my eyes out。〃

〃That settles it; Pat。  We shall win。  We can'tI can't spare
those lovely eyes; you know;〃 said Captain Jack; smiling at her。

One by one Captain Jack's team were passed in reviewthe defence;
Macnamara and 〃Jack〃 Johnson; so called for his woolly white head;
〃Reddy〃 Hughes; Ross; 〃Snoopy〃 Sykes; who with Captain Jack made
the forward line; all were declared to be fit to deliver the last
ounce in their bodies; the last flicker in their souls。

〃Do you know; Captain Jack;〃 said Patricia gravely; 〃there is one
change you ought to make in your forward line。〃

〃Yes!  What is that; Pat?〃 asked Captain Jack; with never a
suggestion of a smile。

〃I would change Snoopy for Geordie Ross。  You know Geordie is a
little too careful; and he is hardly fast enough for you。  Now you
and Snoopy on left wing would be oh! perfectly wonderful。〃

〃Patsy; you are a wizard!〃 exclaimed Captain Jack。  〃That very
change has been made and the improvement is unbelievable。  We are
both left…handers and we pull off our little specialties far more
smoothly than Geordie and I could。  You have exactly hit the bull。
You watch for that back of the goal play to…night。  Well; here we
are。  You have good seats; I understand。〃

〃Oh; yes。  Rupert; you see; as patron of the Eagles was able to get
the very best。  But won't you come in and see mother?  She is
really quite worked up over it; though of course she couldn't bear
to go。〃

Captain Jack checked the refusal on his lips。

〃Yes; I will go in for a few minutes;〃 he said gravely。  〃No!  Your
mother would notcould not come; of course。〃

There flashed before his mind a picture from pre…war days。  The
rink packed with wildly excited throngs and in a certain reserved
section midway down the side the Templeton…Maitland party with its
distinguished looking men and beautiful women following with eager
faces and shining eyes the fortunes of their sons in the fight
before them。  The flash of that picture was like a hand of ice upon
his heart as Captain Jack entered the cosy living room。

〃Here he is; Mamma!〃 cried Patricia as she ushered her hero into
the room with a sweeping gesture。  〃And he brings the most cheering
news。  They are going to win!〃

〃But how delightful!〃 exclaimed Adrien coming from the piano where
she had been playing; with Rupert Stillwell turning her music for

〃I suppose upon the best authority;〃 said Stillwell; grinning at

〃We are so glad you found time to run in;〃 said Mrs。 Templeton。
〃You must have a great deal to say to your team on the last

〃I'm glad I came too; now;〃 said Captain Jack; holding the fragile
hand in his and patting it gently。  〃I am afraid Patricia is
responsible for my coming in。  I don't really believe I could have
ventured on my own。〃

A silence fell on the company which none of them seemed able to
break。  Other days were hard upon them。  In this very room it was
that that other seven were wont to meet for their afternoon tea
before their great matches。

Mrs。 Templeton; looking up at Jack; found his eyes fixed upon her
and full of tears。  With a swift upward reach of her arms she
caught him and drew his head to her breast。

〃I know; Jack dear;〃 she said; with lips that quivered piteously。
For a moment or two he knelt before her while she held him in a
close embrace。  Then he gently kissed her cheek and rose to his

〃Give him some tea; Adrien;〃 she said; making a gallant struggle to
steady her voice; 〃a cup of teaand no cake。  I remember; you
see;〃 she added with a tremulous smile。

Adrien came back quickly from the window。

〃Yes! a fresh cup!〃 she cried eagerly; 〃and a sandwich。  You; Pat;
get the sandwiches。  No cake。  We must do nothing to imperil the
coming victory。〃

〃You have a wonderful team; Jack; I hear;〃 said her mother。  〃Come
and sit here beside me and tell me about them。  Patricia has been
keeping me informed; but she is not very coherent at times。  Of
course; I know about your wonderful goal keeper Findlay; is it
not?〃  And the gentle little lady kept a stream of conversation
going; for she saw how deeply moved Maitland was。  It was his first
visit to the Rectory since he had taken up the game again; and the
rush of emotion released by the vivid memory of those old happy
days when that jolly group of boys had filled this familiar room
with their noisy clatter wellnigh overcame him。

For a minute or two he fussed with the tea things till he could
master his voice; then he said very quietly:

〃They are very decent chapsreally very good fellows and they have
taken their training extraordinarily well。  Of course; Macnamara
and Johnson were in my old company; and that helps a lot。〃

〃Yes; I remember Macnamara quite well。  He is a fine big Irishman。〃

〃Fancy you remembering him; Mrs。 Templeton;〃 said Captain Jack。

〃Of course; I remember him。  He is one of our boys。〃

〃Let's see; he is one of your defence; isn't he?〃 said Stillwell;
who had felt himself rather out of the conversation。  Maitland
nodded。  The presence of Stillwell in that room introduced a
painful element。  Once he had been one of the seven and though
never so intimately associated with the Rectory life as the others;

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