贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poems of william blake >


poems of william blake-第2章

小说: poems of william blake 字数: 每页4000字

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 To sing the sweet chorus of 〃Ha; ha; he!〃





 Sweet dreams; form a shade

 O'er my lovely infant's head!

 Sweet dreams of pleasant streams

 By happy; silent; moony beams!


 Sweet Sleep; with soft down

 Weave thy brows an infant crown

 Sweet Sleep; angel mild;

 Hover o'er my happy child!


 Sweet smiles; in the night

 Hover over my delight!

 Sweet smiles; mother's smile;

 All the livelong night beguile。


 Sweet moans; dovelike sighs;

 Chase not slumber from thine eyes!

 Sweet moan; sweeter smile;

 All the dovelike moans beguile。


 Sleep; sleep; happy child!

 All creation slept and smiled。

 Sleep; sleep; happy sleep;

 While o'er thee doth mother weep。


 Sweet babe; in thy face

 Holy image I can trace;

 Sweet babe; once like thee

 Thy Maker lay; and wept for me:


 Wept for me; for thee; for all;

 When He was an infant small。

 Thou His image ever see;

 Heavenly face that smiles on thee!


 Smiles on thee; on me; on all;

 Who became an infant small;

 Infant smiles are his own smiles;

 Heaven and earth to peace beguiles。





 To Mercy; Pity; Peace; and Love;

   All pray in their distress;

 And to these virtues of delight

   Return their thankfulness。


 For Mercy; Pity; Peace; and Love;

   Is God our Father dear;

 And Mercy; Pity; Peace; and Love;

   Is man; his child and care。


 For Mercy has a human heart

   Pity; a human face;

 And Love; the human form divine;

   And Peace; the human dress。


 Then every man; of every clime;

   That prays in his distress;

 Prays to the human form divine:

   Love; Mercy; Pity; Peace。


 And all must love the human form;

   In heathen; Turk; or Jew。

 Where Mercy; Love; and Pity dwell;

   There God is dwelling too。





 'Twas on a Holy Thursday; their innocent faces clean;

 Came children walking two and two; in read; and blue; and green:

 Grey…headed beadles walked before; with wands as white as snow;

 Till into the high dome of Paul's they like Thames waters flow。


 Oh what a multitude they seemed; these flowers of London town!

 Seated in companies they sit; with radiance all their own。

 The hum of multitudes was there; but multitudes of lambs;

 Thousands of little boys and girls raising their innocent hands。


 Now like a mighty wild they raise to heaven the voice of song;

 Or like harmonious thunderings the seats of heaven among:

 Beneath them sit the aged man; wise guardians of the poor。

 Then cherish pity; lest you drive an angel from your door。





 The sun descending in the west;

 The evening star does shine;

 The birds are silent in their nest;

 And I must seek for mine。

   The moon; like a flower

   In heaven's high bower;

   With silent delight;

   Sits and smiles on the night。


 Farewell; green fields and happy grove;

 Where flocks have ta'en delight。

 Where lambs have nibbled; silent move

 The feet of angels bright;

   Unseen they pour blessing;

   And joy without ceasing;

   On each bud and blossom;

   And each sleeping bosom。


 They look in every thoughtless nest

 Where birds are covered warm;

 They visit caves of every beast;

 To keep them all from harm:

   If they see any weeping

   That should have been sleeping;

   They pour sleep on their head;

   And sit down by their bed。


 When wolves and tigers howl for prey;

 They pitying stand and weep;

 Seeking to drive their thirst away;

 And keep them from the sheep。

   But; if they rush dreadful;

   The angels; most heedful;

   Receive each mild spirit;

   New worlds to inherit。



 And there the lion's ruddy eyes

 Shall flow with tears of gold:

 And pitying the tender cries;

 And walking round the fold:

   Saying: 〃Wrath by His meekness;

   And; by His health; sickness;

   Are driven away

   From our immortal day。


 〃And now beside thee; bleating lamb;

 I can lie down and sleep;

 Or think on Him who bore thy name;

 Graze after thee; and weep。

   For; washed in life's river;

   My bright mane for ever

   Shall shine like the gold;

   As I guard o'er the fold。〃





      Sound the flute!

      Now it's mute!

      Bird's delight;

      Day and night;


      In the dale;

      Lark in sky;


 Merrily merrily; to welcome in the year。


      Little boy;

      Full of joy;

      Little girl;

      Sweet and small;

      Cock does crow;

      So do you;

      Merry voice;

      Infant noise;

 Merrily; merrily; to welcome in the year。


      Little lamb;

      Here I am;

      Come and lick

      My white neck;

      Let me pull

      Your soft wool;

      Let me kiss

      Your soft face;

 Merrily; merrily; to welcome in the year。





 When the voices of children are heard on the green;

   And laughing is heard on the hill;

 My heart is at rest within my breast;

   And everything else is still。

 〃Then come home; my children; the sun is gone down;

   And the dews of night arise;

 Come; come; leave off play; and let us away;

   Till the morning appears in the skies。〃


 〃No; no; let us play; for it is yet day;

   And we cannot go to sleep;

 Besides; in the sky the little birds fly;

   And the hills are all covered with sheep。〃

 〃Well; well; go and play till the light fades away;

   And then go home to bed。〃

 The little ones leaped; and shouted; and laughed;

   And all the hills echoed。





 〃I have no name;

 I am but two days old。〃

 What shall I call thee?

 〃I happy am;

 Joy is my name。〃

 Sweet joy befall thee!


 Pretty joy!

 Sweet joy; but two days old。

 Sweet Joy I call thee:

 Thou dost smile;

 I sing the while;

 Sweet joy befall thee!





 Once a dream did weave a shade

 O'er my angel…guarded bed;

 That an emmet lost its way

 Where on grass methought I lay。


 Troubled; wildered; and forlorn;

 Dark; benighted; travel…worn;

 Over many a tangle spray;

 All heart…broke; I heard her say:


 〃Oh my children! do they cry;

 Do they hear their father sigh?

 Now they look abroad to see;

 Now return and weep for me。〃


 Pitying; I dropped a tear:

 But I saw a glow…worm near;

 Who replied; 〃What wailing wight

 Calls the watchman of the night?


 〃I am set to light the ground;

 While the beetle goes his round:

 Follow now the beetle's hum;

 Little wanderer; hie thee home!〃





 Can I see another's woe;

 And not be in sorrow too?

 Can I see another's grief;

 And not seek for kind relief?


 Can I see a falling tear;

 And not feel my sorrow's share?

 Can a father see his child

 Weep; nor be with sorrow filled?

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