贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > love-songs of childhood >


love-songs of childhood-第7章

小说: love-songs of childhood 字数: 每页4000字

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In through the lattice the moonlight crept;

Bringing a tide of dreams that swept

Over the low; red trundle…bed;

Bathing the tangled curly head;

While moonbeams played at hide…and…seek

With the dimples on the sun…browned cheek …

When I was a boy; a little boy!

And; oh! the dreams … the dreams I dreamed!

When I was a boy; a little boy!

For the grace that through the lattice streamed

Over my folded eyelids seemed

To have the gift of prophecy;

And to bring me glimpses of times to be

When manhood's clarion seemed to call …

Ah! that was the sweetest dream of all;

When I was a boy; a little boy!

I'd like to sleep where I used to sleep

When I was a boy; a little boy!

For in at the lattice the moon would peep;

Bringing her tide of dreams to sweep

The crosses and griefs of the years away

From the heart that is weary and faint to…day;

And those dreams should give me back again

A peace I have never known since then …

When I was a boy; a little boy!


Play that you are mother dear;

And play that papa is your beau;

Play that we sit in the corner here;

Just as we used to; long ago。

Playing so; we lovers two

Are just as happy as we can be;

And I'll say 〃I love you〃 to you;

And you say 〃I love you〃 to me!

〃I love you〃 we both shall say;

All in earnest and all in play。

Or; play that you are that other one

That some time came; and went away;

And play that the light of years agone

Stole into my heart again to…day!

Playing that you are the one I knew

In the days that never again may be;

I'll say 〃I love you〃 to you;

And you say 〃I love you〃 to me!

I love you!〃 my heart shall say

To the ghost of the past come back to…day!

Or; play that you sought this nestling…place

For your own sweet self; with that dual guise

Of your pretty mother in your face

And the look of that other in your eyes!

So the dear old loves shall live anew

As I hold my darling on my knee;

And I'll say 〃I love you〃 to you;

And you say 〃I love you〃 to me!

Oh; many a strange; true thing we say

And do when we pretend to play!


Go; Cupid; and my sweetheart tell

I love her well。

Yes; though she tramples on my heart

And rends that bleeding thing apart;

And though she rolls a scornful eye

On doting me when I go by;

And though she scouts at everything

As tribute unto her I bring …

Apple; banana; caramel …

Haste; Cupid; to my love and tell;

In spite of all; I love her well!

And further say I have a sled

Cushioned in blue and painted red!

The groceryman has promised I

Can 〃hitch〃 whenever he goes by …

Go; tell her that; and; furthermore;

Apprise my sweetheart that a score

Of other little girls implore

The boon of riding on that sled

Painted and hitched; as aforesaid; …

And tell her; Cupid; only she

Shall ride upon that sled with me!

Tell her this all; and further tell

I love her well。


Little All…Aloney's feet

Pitter…patter in the hall;

And his mother runs to meet

And to kiss her toddling sweet;

Ere perchance he fall。

He is; oh; so weak and small!

Yet what danger shall he fear

When his mother hovereth near;

And he hears her cheering call:


Little All…Aloney's face

It is all aglow with glee;

As around that romping…place

At a terrifying pace

Lungeth; plungeth he!

And that hero seems to be

All unconscious of our cheers …

Only one dear voice he hears

Calling reassuringly:


Though his legs bend with their load;

Though his feet they seem so small

That you cannot help forebode

Some disastrous episode

In that noisy hall;

Neither threatening bump nor fall

Little All…Aloney fears;

But with sweet bravado steers

Whither comes that cheery call:


Ah; that in the years to come;

When he shares of Sorrow's store; …

When his feet are chill and numb;

When his cross is burdensome;

And his heart is sore:

Would that he could hear once more

The gentle voice he used to hear …

Divine with mother love and cheer …

Calling from yonder spirit shore:

〃All; all alone!〃


I ain't afeard uv snakes; or toads; or bugs; or worms; or mice;

An' things 'at girls are skeered uv I think are awful nice!

I'm pretty brave; I guess; an' yet I hate to go to bed;

For; when I'm tucked up warm an' snug an' when my prayers are said;

Mother tells me 〃Happy dreams!〃 and takes away the light;

An' leaves me lyin' all alone an' seein' things at night!

Sometimes they're in the corner; sometimes they're by the door;

Sometimes they're all a…standin' in the middle uv the floor;

Sometimes they are a…sittin' down; sometimes they're walkin' round

So softly an' so creepylike they never make a sound!

Sometimes they are as black as ink; an' other times they're white …

But the color ain't no difference when you see things at night!

Once; when I licked a feller 'at had just moved on our street;

An' father sent me up to bed without a bite to eat;

I woke up in the dark an' saw things standin' in a row;

A…lookin' at me cross…eyed an' p'intin' at me … so!

Oh; my! I wuz so skeered that time I never slep' a mite …

It's almost alluz when I'm bad I see things at night!

Lucky thing I ain't a girl; or I'd be skeered to death!

Bein' I'm a boy; I duck my head an' hold my breath;

An' I am; oh! so sorry I'm a naughty boy; an' then

I promise to be better an' I say my prayers again!

Gran'ma tells me that's the only way to make it right

When a feller has been wicked an' sees things at night!

An' so; when other naughty boys would coax me into sin;

I try to skwush the Tempter's voice 'at urges me within;

An' when they's pie for supper; or cakes 'at 's big an' nice;

I want to … but I do not pass my plate f'r them things twice!

No; ruther let Starvation wipe me slowly out o' sight

Than I should keep a…livin' on an' seein' things at night!


When baby wakes of mornings;

Then it's wake; ye people all!

For another day

Of song and play

Has come at our darling's call!

And; till she gets her dinner;

She makes the welkin ring;

And she won't keep still till she's had her fill …

The cunnin' little thing!

When baby goes a…walking;

Oh; how her paddies fly!

For that's the way

The babies say

To other folk 〃by…by〃;

The trees bend down to kiss her;

And the birds in rapture sing;

As there she stands and waves her hands …

The cunnin' little thing!

When baby goes a…rocking

In her bed at close of day;

At hide…and…seek

On her dainty cheek

The dreams and the dimples play;

Then it's sleep in the tender kisses

The guardian angels bring

From the Far Above to my sweetest love …

You cunnin' little thing!


The little French doll was a dear little doll

Tricked out in the sweetest of dresses;

Her eyes were of hue

A most delicate blue

And dark as the night were her tresses;

Her dear little mouth was fluted and red;

And this little French doll was so very well bred

That whenever accosted her little mouth said

〃Mamma! mamma!〃

The stockinet doll; with one arm and one leg;

Had once been a handsome young fellow;

But now he appeared

Rather frowzy and bleared

In his torn regimentals of yellow;

Yet his heart gave a curious thump as he lay

In the little toy cart near the window one day

And heard the sweet voice of that French dolly say:

〃Mamma! mamma!〃

He listened so long and he listened so hard

That anon he grew ever so tender;

For it's everywhere known

That the feminine tone

Gets away with all masculine gender!

He up and he wooed her with soldierly zest

But all she'd reply to the love he professed

Were these plaintive words (which perhaps you have guessed):

〃Mamma! mamma!〃

Her mother … a sweet little lady of five …


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