贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > tales of the fish patrol >


tales of the fish patrol-第23章

小说: tales of the fish patrol 字数: 每页4000字

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leaving her side; and the cabin stove roaring red…hot; myself

swathed all over with blankets; except on the chest and shoulders;

which Charley was pounding and mauling unmercifully; and my mouth

and throat burning with the coffee which Neil Partington was

pouring down a trifle too hot。

But burn or no burn; I tell you it felt good。  By the time we

arrived in Oakland I was as limber and strong as ever; … though

Charlie and Neil Partington were afraid I was going to have

pneumonia; and Mrs。 Partington; for my first six months of school;

kept an anxious eye upon me to discover the first symptoms of


Time flies。  It seems but yesterday that I was a lad of sixteen on

the fish patrol。  Yet I know that I arrived this very morning from

China; with a quick passage to my credit; and master of the

barkentine Harvester。  And I know that to…morrow morning I shall

run over to Oakland to see Neil Partington and his wife and family;

and later on up to Benicia to see Charley Le Grant and talk over

old times。  No; I shall not go to Benicia; now that I think about

it。  I expect to be a highly interested party to a wedding; shortly

to take place。  Her name is Alice Partington; and; since Charley

has promised to be best man; he will have to come down to Oakland



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