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gushed back upon her nature; dark and savage as it was。  She

pressed the arm on which she leaned convulsively; and exclaimed;

〃No; no! not him! denounce her;let her perish; but I have slept

on HIS bosom;not HIM!〃

〃It shall be as thou wilt;〃 said Nicot; with a devil's sneer;

〃but he must be arrested for the moment。  No harm shall happen to

him; for no accuser shall appear。  But her;thou wilt not relent

for her?〃

Fillide turned upon him her eyes; and their dark glance was

sufficient answer。


In poppa quella

Che guidar gli dovea; fatal Donsella。

〃Ger。 Lib。〃 cant。 xv。 3。

(By the prow was the fatal lady ordained to be the guide。)

The Italian did not overrate that craft of simulation proverbial

with her country and her sex。  Not a word; not a look; that day

revealed to Glyndon the deadly change that had converted devotion

into hate。  He himself; indeed; absorbed in his own schemes; and

in reflections on his own strange destiny; was no nice observer。

But her manner; milder and more subdued than usual; produced a

softening effect upon his meditations towards the evening; and he

then began to converse with her on the certain hope of escape;

and on the future that would await them in less unhallowed lands。

〃And thy fair friend;〃 said Fillide; with an averted eye and a

false smile; 〃who was to be our companion?thou hast resigned

her; Nicot tells me; in favour of one in whom he is interested。

Is it so?〃

〃He told thee this!〃 returned Glyndon; evasively。  〃Well! does

the change content thee?〃

〃Traitor!〃 muttered Fillide; and she rose suddenly; approached

him; parted the long hair from his forehead caressingly; and

pressed her lips convulsively on his brow。

〃This were too fair a head for the doomsman;〃 said she; with a

slight laugh; and; turning away; appeared occupied in

preparations for their departure。

The next morning; when he rose; Glyndon did not see the Italian;

she was absent from the house when he left it。  It was necessary

that he should once more visit C before his final Departure;

not only to arrange for Nicot's participation in the flight; but

lest any suspicion should have arisen to thwart or endanger the

plan he had adopted。  C; though not one of the immediate

coterie of Robespierre; and indeed secretly hostile to him; had

possessed the art of keeping well with each faction as it rose to

power。  Sprung from the dregs of the populace; he had;

nevertheless; the grace and vivacity so often found impartially

amongst every class in France。  He had contrived to enrich

himselfnone knew howin the course of his rapid career。  He

became; indeed; ultimately one of the wealthiest proprietors of

Paris; and at that time kept a splendid and hospitable mansion。

He was one of those whom; from various reasons; Robespierre

deigned to favour; and he had often saved the proscribed and

suspected; by procuring them passports under disguised names; and

advising their method of escape。  But C was a man who took this

trouble only for the rich。  〃The incorruptible Maximilien;〃 who

did not want the tyrant's faculty of penetration; probably saw

through all his manoeuvres; and the avarice which he cloaked

beneath his charity。  But it was noticeable that Robespierre

frequently seemed to wink atnay; partially to encouragesuch

vice in men whom he meant hereafter to destroy; as would tend to

lower them in the public estimation; and to contrast with his own

austere and unassailable integrity and PURISM。  And; doubtless;

he often grimly smiled in his sleeve at the sumptuous mansion and

the griping covetousness of the worthy Citizen C。

To this personage; then; Glyndon musingly bent his way。  It was

true; as he had darkly said to Viola; that in proportion as he

had resisted the spectre; its terrors had lost their influence。

The time had come at last; when; seeing crime and vice in all

their hideousness; and in so vast a theatre; he had found that in

vice and crime there are deadlier horrors than in the eyes of a

phantom…fear。  His native nobleness began to return to him。  As

he passed the streets; he revolved in his mind projects of future

repentance and reformation。  He even meditated; as a just return

for Fillide's devotion; the sacrifice of all the reasonings of

his birth and education。  He would repair whatever errors he had

committed against her; by the self…immolation of marriage with

one little congenial with himself。  He who had once revolted from

marriage with the noble and gentle Viola!he had learned in that

world of wrong to know that right is right; and that Heaven did

not make the one sex to be the victim of the other。  The young

visions of the Beautiful and the Good rose once more before him;

and along the dark ocean of his mind lay the smile of reawakening

virtue; as a path of moonlight。  Never; perhaps; had the

condition of his soul been so elevated and unselfish。

In the meanwhile Jean Nicot; equally absorbed in dreams of the

future; and already in his own mind laying out to the best

advantage the gold of the friend he was about to betray; took his

way to the house honoured by the residence of Robespierre。  He

had no intention to comply with the relenting prayer of Fillide;

that the life of Glyndon should be spared。  He thought with

Barrere; 〃Il n'y a que les morts qui ne revient pas。〃  In all men

who have devoted themselves to any study; or any art; with

sufficient pains to attain a certain degree of excellence; there

must be a fund of energy immeasurably above that of the ordinary

herd。  Usually this energy is concentrated on the objects of

their professional ambition; and leaves them; therefore;

apathetic to the other pursuits of men。  But where those objects

are denied; where the stream has not its legitimate vent; the

energy; irritated and aroused; possesses the whole being; and if

not wasted on desultory schemes; or if not purified by conscience

and principle; becomes a dangerous and destructive element in the

social system; through which it wanders in riot and disorder。

Hence; in all wise monarchies;nay; in all well…constituted

states;the peculiar care with which channels are opened for

every art and every science; hence the honour paid to their

cultivators by subtle and thoughtful statesmen; who; perhaps; for

themselves; see nothing in a picture but coloured canvas;

nothing in a problem but an ingenious puzzle。  No state is ever

more in danger than when the talent that should be consecrated to

peace has no occupation but political intrigue or personal

advancement。  Talent unhonoured is talent at war with men。  And

here it is noticeable; that the class of actors having been the

most degraded by the public opinion of the old regime; their very

dust deprived of Christian burial; no men (with certain

exceptions in the company especially favoured by the Court) were

more relentless and revengeful among the scourges of the

Revolution。  In the savage Collot d'Herbois; mauvais comedien;

were embodied the wrongs and the vengeance of a class。

Now the energy of Jean Nicot had never been sufficiently directed

to the art he professed。  Even in his earliest youth; the

political disquisitions of his master; David; had distracted him

from the more tedious labours of the easel。  The defects of his

person had embittered his mind; the atheism of his benefactor had

deadened his conscience。  For one great excellence of religion

above all; the Religion of the Crossis; that it raises PATIENCE

first into a virtue; and next into a hope。  Take away the

doctrine of another life; of requital hereafter; of the smile of

a Father upon our sufferings and trials in our ordeal here; and

what becomes of patience?  But without patience; what is man?

and what a people?  Without patience; art never can be high;

without patience; liberty never can be perfected。  By wild

throes; and impetuous; aimless struggles; Intellect seeks t

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