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小说: zanoni 字数: 每页4000字

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hast thou not come to the very lair of terror; where Danger sits

visible and incarnate?  Oh; if we could but meet; wouldst thou

not fall upon the bosom thou hast so wronged; and feel; poor

wanderer amidst the storms; as if thou hadst regained the

shelter?  Mejnour; still my researches fail me。  I mingle with

all men; even their judges and their spies; but I cannot yet gain

the clew。  I know that she is here。  I know it by an instinct;

the breath of my child seems warmer and more familiar。

They peer at me with venomous looks; as I pass through their

streets。  With a glance I disarm their malice; and fascinate the

basilisks。  Everywhere I see the track and scent the presence of

the Ghostly One that dwells on the Threshold; and whose victims

are the souls that would ASPIRE; and can only FEAR。  I see its

dim shapelessness going before the men of blood; and marshalling

their way。  Robespierre passed me with his furtive step。  Those

eyes of horror were gnawing into his heart。  I looked down upon

their senate; the grim Phantom sat cowering on its floor。  It

hath taken up its abode in the city of Dread。  And what in truth

are these would…be builders of a new world?  Like the students

who have vainly struggled after our supreme science; they have

attempted what is beyond their power; they have passed from this

solid earth of usages and forms into the land of shadow; and its

loathsome keeper has seized them as its prey。  I looked into the

tyrant's shuddering soul; as it trembled past me。  There; amidst

the ruins of a thousand systems which aimed at virtue; sat Crime;

and shivered at its desolation。  Yet this man is the only

Thinker; the only Aspirant; amongst them all。  He still looks for

a future of peace and mercy; to begin;ay! at what date?  When

he has swept away every foe。  Fool! new foes spring from every

drop of blood。  Led by the eyes of the Unutterable; he is walking

to his doom。

O Viola; thy innocence protects thee!  Thou whom the sweet

humanities of love shut out even from the dreams of aerial and

spiritual beauty; making thy heart a universe of visions fairer

than the wanderer over the rosy Hesperus can survey;shall not

the same pure affection encompass thee; even here; with a charmed

atmosphere; and terror itself fall harmless on a life too

innocent for wisdom?


Ombra piu che di notte; in cui di luce

Raggio misto non e;


Ne piu il palagio appar; ne piu le sue

Vestigia; ne dir puossiegli qui fue。

〃Ger。 Lib。; canto xvi。…lxix。

(Darkness greater than of night; in which not a ray of light is

mixed;。。。The palace appears no more:  not even a vestige;nor

can one say that it has been。)

The clubs are noisy with clamorous frenzy; the leaders are grim

with schemes。  Black Henriot flies here and there; muttering to

his armed troops; 〃Robespierre; your beloved; is in danger!〃

Robespierre stalks perturbed; his list of victims swelling every

hour。  Tallien; the Macduff to the doomed Macbeth; is whispering

courage to his pale conspirators。  Along the streets heavily roll

the tumbrils。  The shops are closed;the people are gorged with

gore; and will lap no more。  And night after night; to the eighty

theatres flock the children of the Revolution; to laugh at the

quips of comedy; and weep gentle tears over imaginary woes!

In a small chamber; in the heart of the city; sits the mother;

watching over her child。  It is quiet; happy noon; the sunlight;

broken by the tall roofs in the narrow street; comes yet through

the open casement; the impartial playfellow of the air; gleesome

alike in temple and prison; hall and hovel; as golden and as

blithe; whether it laugh over the first hour of life; or quiver

in its gay delight on the terror and agony of the last!  The

child; where it lay at the feet of Viola; stretched out its

dimpled hands as if to clasp the dancing motes that revelled in

the beam。  The mother turned her eyes from the glory; it saddened

her yet more。  She turned and sighed。

Is this the same Viola who bloomed fairer than their own Idalia

under the skies of Greece?  How changed!  How pale and worn!  She

sat listlessly; her arms dropping on her knee; the smile that was

habitual to her lips was gone。  A heavy; dull despondency; as if

the life of life were no more; seemed to weigh down her youth;

and make it weary of that happy sun!  In truth; her existence had

languished away since it had wandered; as some melancholy stream;

from the source that fed it。  The sudden enthusiasm of fear or

superstition that had almost; as if still in the unconscious

movements of a dream; led her to fly from Zanoni; had ceased from

the day which dawned upon her in a foreign land。  Thenthere

she felt that in the smile she had evermore abandoned lived her

life。  She did not repent;she would not have recalled the

impulse that winged her flight。  Though the enthusiasm was gone;

the superstition yet remained; she still believed she had saved

her child from that dark and guilty sorcery; concerning which the

traditions of all lands are prodigal; but in none do they find

such credulity; or excite such dread; as in the South of Italy。

This impression was confirmed by the mysterious conversations of

Glyndon; and by her own perception of the fearful change that had

passed over one who represented himself as the victim of the

enchanters。  She did not; therefore; repent; but her very

volition seemed gone。

On their arrival at Paris; Viola saw her companionthe faithful

wifeno more。  Ere three weeks were passed; husband and wife had

ceased to live。

And now; for the first time; the drudgeries of this hard earth

claimed the beautiful Neapolitan。  In that profession; giving

voice and shape to poetry and song; in which her first years were

passed; there is; while it lasts; an excitement in the art that

lifts it from the labour of a calling。  Hovering between two

lives; the Real and Ideal; dwells the life of music and the

stage。  But that life was lost evermore to the idol of the eyes

and ears of Naples。  Lifted to the higher realm of passionate

love; it seemed as if the fictitious genius which represents the

thoughts of others was merged in the genius that grows all

thought itself。  It had been the worst infidelity to the Lost; to

have descended again to live on the applause of others。  And so

for she would not accept alms from Glyndonso; by the commonest

arts; the humblest industry which the sex knows; alone and

unseen; she who had slept on the breast of Zanoni found a shelter

for their child。  As when; in the noble verse prefixed to this

chapter; Armida herself has destroyed her enchanted palace;not

a vestige of that bower; raised of old by Poetry and Love;

remained to say; 〃It had been!〃

And the child avenged the father; it bloomed; it thrived;it

waxed strong in the light of life。  But still it seemed haunted

and preserved by some other being than her own。  In its sleep

there was that slumber; so deep and rigid; which a thunderbolt

could not have disturbed; and in such sleep often it moved its

arms; as to embrace the air:  often its lips stirred with

murmured sounds of indistinct affection;NOT FOR HER; and all

the while upon its cheeks a hue of such celestial bloom; upon its

lips a smile of such mysterious joy!  Then; when it waked; its

eyes did not turn first to HER;wistful; earnest; wandering;

they roved around; to fix on her pale face; at last; in mute

sorrow and reproach。

Never had Viola felt before how mighty was her love for Zanoni;

how thought; feeling; heart; soul; life;all lay crushed and

dormant in the icy absence to which she had doomed herself!  She

heard not the roar without; she felt not one amidst those stormy

millions;worlds of excitement labouring through every hour。

Only when Glyndon; haggard; wan; and spectre…like; glided in; day

after day; to visit her; did the fair daughter of the careless

South kn

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